13 September, 2009

America’s Funny UN Resolution

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', America, AmeriKwa, Egypt, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish paranoia, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, nukes, Socrates, UN at 5:47 pm | Permanent Link

A “world without nuclear weapons”? Ha-ha-ha. As long as inbred paranoids with nukes – i.e., Israel – remain armed to the teeth and aren’t even required to submit to weapons inspections, that’s a vivid fantasy. Until the Jews disarm, the world isn’t safe. Trivia: Israel came dangerously close to using nukes against Egypt in 1973 – odd, since Egypt didn’t have any nukes [1]:


[1] during the 1973 war – called the Yom Kippur war – Israel loaded nuclear missiles onto F-4 Phantom combat jets

  • 13 Responses to “America’s Funny UN Resolution”

    1. Tom McReen Says:

      And why won’t jews disarm?


      It was probably the Zionists who passed US nuclear knowledge and technology to the communist Chinese under Clinton. Or allowed Chinese ‘scientists’ in the US to do so.

      Developing technology to destroy the world is kosher business.

    2. Ein Says:

      “Developing technology to destroy the world is kosher business.”

      Developing technology to control the world is kosher business.
      And if they can’t control it, they’ll destroy it.

      It’s like the spoiled little brat who, if he can’t have the toy all to himself, will smash it so no other kid can have it either.

    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      It was probably the Zionists who passed US nuclear knowledge and technology to the communist Chinese under Clinton. Or allowed Chinese ’scientists’ in the US to do so.

      Developing technology to destroy the world is kosher business.


      That and more.

      We have been lost along time, there final Victory over US was 1945, with 1965 as the cherry on the Whipped cream. US.

    4. Ein Says:

      We have been lost a long time. Their final Victory over US was 1945, with 1965 as the cherry on the whipped cream. “

      Exactly! Well said.

    5. Ein Says:

      Now, they’re mopping up.

    6. Tim McGren Says:

      The AP writer says that Israel is “believed” to have a nuclear arsenal and leaves it at that, as if The Zionist Entity’s 400 nuclear bombs were no big deal.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      The AP writer says that Israel is “believed” to have a nuclear arsenal and leaves it at that, as if The Zionist Entity’s 400 nuclear bombs were no big deal.

    8. Wondering Says:

      I’m wondering what you guys think of Mordechai Vanunu, who spent over a decade in solitary confinement by the jews sneaking intelligence of the Jew nuke program to Britain.

      Or David Cole?

      Is it possible that there are some low level jews who aren’t pieces of shit like their leaders?

      I mean, if you’re an arab looking at today’s white leaders, what would you conclude abou the whites who voted for them?

    9. Obvious Says:

      The stupid fucking kikes who run this new magazine, “National Affairs,” ask ‘Who Killed California?’ – http://nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/who-killed-california

      Yet they never even state the obvious…non-Whites killed California!

    10. Ein Says:

      “Yet they never even state the obvious…non-Whites killed California!”

      They should pose the question to California’s two Senators: Feinstein and Boxer…. BOTH of them female, feminist Jews! Jews own and run California. It’s the most totally Jewed state. And it’s a basket case.

      My God! Are California’s voters blind? They deserve what they’ve voted for.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Wherever the Jew shows up in large numbers, be it in Florida, California or New York, Black and Brown ghettoes, crime, poverty, violence, White Flight and economic ruin ALWAYS follow.

    12. Chris Says:

      What severely pisses me off is the fact that when “minorities” rob a liquor store, or assault somebody, or anything along those lines, its called a “poisoned youth” or some BS conclusion made by the highly Liberal media, but when it is a white male, a simple “hey man, no gang colors” its 10 years in the slammer and a hate crime sentence against him for the rest of his life for doing his job. Its all Rodney King over again

    13. Ein Says:

      “its called a “poisoned youth” or some BS conclusion made by the Liberal media”

      These poor, patheric “youfs” are called “at risk”.

      But no — anyone who’s anywhere near them is at risk!