8 August, 2009

The Day Anne Frank was Arrested

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 10:48 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

  • 11 Responses to “The Day Anne Frank was Arrested”

    1. Mega Therion Says:

      An old joke…

      What’s brown and hides in the attic?

      The Diarrhea of Anne Frank.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      I read that so-called “Diary” once or twice. It reads like a work of second-rate fiction pretending to be a diary. And naturally, there is a fee to visit the Anne Frank House. But I doubt very much that a bunch of Jews could stay hidden in silence for long in some back-room or attic. They would be soon be whining about how cold it was or how there was no schvartze maid or shabbos goy around to wait on them hand and foot. And the Jew-stink coming from their hiding-place would be quite unbearable.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      I read that so-called “Diary” once or twice. It reads like a work of second-rate fiction pretending to be a diary. And naturally, there is a fee to visit the Anne Frank House. But I doubt very much that a bunch of Jews could stay hidden in silence for long in some back-room or attic. They would soon be whining about how cold it was or how there was no schvartze maid or shabbos goy around to wait on them hand and foot. And the Jew-stink coming from their hiding-place would be quite unbearable.

    4. Irma Grese Says:

      As I said before she’s down in Hell right now being buttfucked by 18″ flaming demonic cock. Oh how she loves those boiling cum enemas even when they blow the top of her head off!

    5. Topkea Says:

      Yeah, let her suck the drooling cum and gleet from the Devil’s cocktip. This dumb cuntrag needs a plumbing job done!!!

    6. Antagonistes Says:

      Pornographic mutterings aside, the Anne Frank hiding place is, according to people who have seen it, quite large–like a whole room or two.

      I don’t think even the average German soldier was deficient in spatial perception, which is, after all, a strong trait among Aryans.

      I cannot see him saying, “Lawd, dat house sho do look a lot bigger than it seem on de inside!”

      Germans are not dumb.

    7. Eric Blair Says:

      August 9th, 2009

      Links (most likely soon to be removed)
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LLNdo9gnzg (processing right now but will need mirrors ASAP)

      In advance of the Weinstein Company’s upcoming release of “Inglorious Basterds”, I have put together a ten minute documentary proving that Holocaust Survivor Irene Weisberg Zisblatt’s outrageous story (about repeatedly swallowing and defecating four diamonds during her 15 month stay in a “Death Camp”) , featured in Steven Spielberg’s 1999 Academy Award winning documentary “The Last Days”, was lifted from Christopher Walken’s character’s Vietnamese Prisoner of War “ass watch” scene in the 1994 Weinstein release “Pulp Fiction.”

      Weisberg Zisblatt claims to have kept a nearly 60 year “vow of silence”, only after being inspired by Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List” did she come out with her unbelievable story, which she kept hidden even from her own family for decades.

      In Spielberg’s documentary “The Last Days”, Irene Weisberg Zisblatt not only spins the diamond defecating tale, but puts forth the outrageous story that she heard the Jews say before they were rounded up that the Germans grabbed Jewish babies by their legs, ripped these babies in half with their bare hands and threw them into a river.

      Weisberg Zisblatt makes a great living profiting off of Jewish World War II “Holocaust” lies, despite being kept alive by the Germans for 15 months in the middle of wartorn Europe. She sells her book “The Fifth Diamond”, and especially preys on white public middle school students. She makes speeches in middle schools supporting Holocaust dogma, which encourages the disintegration of the European race while fighting perpetual wars against the Jew’s arab enemies halfway across the world. Her book is already required reading in some public schools despite there being no witnesses to coo berate her outrageous stories.

      Spielberg and the Jews’ well-known scatological obsession is also on full display here, with not only the diamond defecation story exposed, but a scene from Schindler’s List, in which Jewish kids hide in a latrine with fecal matter up to their necks.

      This is only a ten minute version, so that it can be repeatedly uploaded to the Israeli dual-citizen Google owned “Youtube” after it is taken down as “hate”. I hope someone will upload it to torrent websites as both “Inglorious Basterds” or “The Holocaust is Pulp Fiction.”

      This short film exposes Steven Spielberg, Irene Weisberg Zisblatt, and the genocidal Jewish supremacist creation known today as “The Holocaust.” Upon closer examination, the Jewish Holocaust story is as factual as the Jewish Exodus story (specifically Moses parting the Red Sea). Due to Jewish media and government control, in several European countries it is illegal to question any aspect regarding the Jewish version of events. As you can see, the “Historians” for the documentary “The Last Days” are two ultra-zionist jews, one a rabbi and the other lost his parents in World War II.

      Dear viewer, I expect you to do your part in distributing this video to as many people as possible, especially the controlled media. I expect a video distribution blitzkrieg of truth as you make copies of this short video and hand out copies in the real world. I encourage you to distribute “The Holocaust is Pulp Fiction” to patrons at your local movie theater ASAP and during the release of the Weinstein Company’s “Inglorious Basterds”, on August 21st.

      – Eric Blair

    8. Eric Blair Says:

      Yes, it’s unbelievable, the video has been pulled by Jewish owned youtube in less than 3 hours due to an alleged copyright claim by NBC Universal.

      Hopefully someone else can download the video from the megaupload link and upload it to other sites that don’t selectively target copyright claims.

    9. Eric Blair Says:

      Mirrors (most likely soon to be removed)

      http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WI555A9J – .wmv
      http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E9RO5DZW – .mp4
      http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GOJGMML0 – .mpg

    10. Parsifal Says:

      It was exactly 40 years ago this very minute that Leno and Rosemary LaBianca were murdered by Tex Watson, Leslie Van Houten and Patty Krenwinkle.

    11. Hans Schneider Says:

      a free ballpoint pen with every visit at the Anne Frank house….