Dr. Toben Begins Jail Term for Thought-Crime
Posted by Socrates in holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Jewish genetics, revisionism, Socrates, Toben at 2:20 pm | 
Toben is “…to serve a three-month jail term over publishing offensive material on the internet.” Offensive to whom? Jews, of course. Toben’s appeal of his jail sentence failed, so now he is going to the clink because a group of non-Whites doesn’t like his sensible views about history:
16 August, 2009 at 8:54 pm
Ah, so both Blackshirt and Parsifal believe the Jew-media bullshit version of the 9/11 attacks and also believe the Jew-media bullshit myth of the Hollow Hoax.
Gee, what a surprise. :-)
16 August, 2009 at 8:56 pm
Let me guess, “Mega Therion” also agrees with “Parsifal” and “Blackshirt” about the 9/11 attacks and the Hollow Hoax.
Come on now, we have to have all three of you in agreement. Otherwise it would be out of character. :-)
16 August, 2009 at 9:08 pm
ZOG says:
“Ah, so both Blackshirt and Parsifal believe the Jew-media bullshit version of the 9/11 attacks and also believe the Jew-media bullshit myth of the Hollow Hoax.
Gee, what a surprise. :-)”
My position on 9/11 and the Holocaust is the same as Tom Metzger’s. What say you and McWeenie to that? Go ahead and talk some smack about Tom Metzger. Go ahead. I bet you punks won’t, you’ll just attack little ‘ol me, when my positions are held by people who are far more important and respected than me.
16 August, 2009 at 9:10 pm
I stand behind everything I have said, McWeenie. Unlike you, who never admits that you are a Jewsus loving, capitalist, right winger. I have always been up front about who I am and what I believe.
16 August, 2009 at 10:59 pm
My opinion on 9/11…Planned-funded by the Crapitalist Jews that run the world,carried out by their shitskinned slaves.
The Holocaust…I HOPE IT’S TRUE!!!!! That 6 million Kikes could be killed gives me hope for the future.
16 August, 2009 at 11:16 pm
For the record (not that I’m trying to justify myself to the likes of stupid ZOG and his online alchoholic habitual-liar boyfriend McReen), I do NOT believe in Satan. He is a Semitic myth, like YWHWH, Allah, Jeebus, Moses and all the rest of those bums. I only worship the Truth, wherever it may lead.
And the Manson story intrigues me, as it does millions of others. But I know full well that one cannot be friends with Manson and his cohorts. Nevertheless, Charlie, Bobby Beausoleil and Leslie Van Houten should all have been released from prison decades ago.
Herr Blackshirt, those losers ZOG and McReen are simply trying to exasperate you to the point that you will give up and stop posting here. Their evil plan is to have this forum all to themselves, so that McReen can brag about how great he is all the time and have ZOG eagerly agree with him. Do not walk into their trap! I know people like them in real life. They’ll suck the life-blood out of you, like vampires.
And Blackshirt is right, why waste any more time fixating on 9/11? I believe the attacks were because the US had a large military presence in Saudi Arabia, not far from Mecca and Medina, the two holiest places in Islam. There were also other Al Qaeda attacks on the US in the years leading up to the 9/11 attacks, events that do not fit in with the foil-hat crowd’s nutty 9/11 theories, so they are ignored. Konspiracy kooks can’t be reasoned with. But even if I’m wrong, SO WHAT????
Get a life, you homos.
17 August, 2009 at 7:50 am
He tries backtracking (too late):
“I do NOT believe in Satan. He is a Semitic myth, like YWHWH, Allah, Jeebus, Moses and all the rest of those bums. I only worship the Truth, wherever it may lead.
And the Manson story intrigues me, as it does millions of others. But I know full well that one cannot be friends with Manson and his cohorts. Nevertheless, Charlie, Bobby Beausoleil and Leslie Van Houten should all have been released from prison decades ago.”
But again he can’t help himself:
“And Blackshirt is right, why waste any more time fixating on 9/11? I believe the attacks were because the US had a large military presence in Saudi Arabia, not far from Mecca and Medina, the two holiest places in Islam. There were also other Al Qaeda attacks on the US in the years leading up to the 9/11 attacks, events that do not fit in with the foil-hat crowd’s nutty 9/11 theories, so they are ignored. Konspiracy kooks can’t be reasoned with. But even if I’m wrong, SO WHAT????
Get a life, you homos.”
So according to this troll we must not ‘fixate’ on the holohoax OR 9/11. Are there any jewish big lies that you would give us all permission to ‘fixate’ on?
His ‘Saudis did 9/11’ crock is similar to that peddled by the left-wing movie hack Michael Moore. Note the jewish smears ‘tinfoil hat’, ‘nutty’ and ‘kook’.
You’re a joke and a time-waster, Parsifal/Blackshirt/Mega Therion/Zarastrutha/Mike Jahn…
17 August, 2009 at 8:11 am
Tom, you forgot about “Zoroastro” and “Heinrich Himmler, Jr.”. And there’s probably a half-dozen other handles that he uses also.
17 August, 2009 at 10:46 am
Reinstate the ban on “McReen”. And the dirty dildo sucker “O Brian” as well. And the ridiculously named ZOG…
3 turds with one flush….they all come from the same IP anyhow.
17 August, 2009 at 12:10 pm
Shutup, Mega Therion/Parsifal/Zarathustra/Zoroastro/Heinrich Himmler, Jr.
17 August, 2009 at 1:06 pm
McReen never talks about his positions on anything… it’s just constant attack, attack, attack. Nothing to add to any conversation, ever.
17 August, 2009 at 1:08 pm
“Reinstate the ban on “McReen”.”
I second that. PLEASE someone squish this pest.
17 August, 2009 at 1:53 pm
How many sock puppets do you have, Parsifal, you old queer?
17 August, 2009 at 1:58 pm
res ipsa loquitur. Honestly, your handle gives yo away.
There’s 2 options. You’re either a bumbling Jew inflitrator(likely) or a REALLY STUPID, WN wannabe, who gets his ideas from JEW media.
In either case…DIE.
17 August, 2009 at 7:29 pm
The more you rant and rave, the more you expose yourself, Parsifal/Mega Therion.
Keep it up. :-)
17 August, 2009 at 7:31 pm
Hey, Parsifal, tell us again about how your mother “dated a lot of Jewish men” when she was younger. Did one of these “Jewish men” end up getting your mother pregnant with you? Is that what happened?
17 August, 2009 at 9:13 pm
ZOG= Zoophiliac Orgy Goofball
Let your freak flag fly you fuckin troll..
17 August, 2009 at 10:27 pm
You’re projecting again, Mega Therion.
17 August, 2009 at 11:19 pm
“projecting” wow, you sure is educated!
Go back to Brandeis,you fuckin JEW
18 August, 2009 at 8:54 am
It looks like Mega Therion/Parsifal is having a nervous breakdown. Good.
18 August, 2009 at 10:08 am
Drop Dead Murray.
18 August, 2009 at 2:59 pm
Another brilliant insult from “Mega Therion”. Don’t quit your day job, moron. :-)
18 August, 2009 at 3:21 pm
Go away you troll…the wrong guy was banned,it should be YOU
18 August, 2009 at 3:28 pm
Yeah, I noticed that Parsifal’s posts have disappeared. But old McWeenie remains. I guess that means Socrates is OK with Christian conservatives like McReen/Curt O’brian. I still don’t understand why McReen was allowed back in the first place. He must have made a donation to Linder like Old Dutch says he does. Money talks I guess… ;-) LOL
18 August, 2009 at 4:29 pm
I don’t know why you cry babies are complaining. Socrates still allows left-wing Marxist Commie nut jobs like you to post here. What are you crying about?
18 August, 2009 at 4:58 pm
“ZOG” you are just as bad as McWeenie. I have yet to see you post anything of substance. All you have to give are childish and sarcastic insults.
18 August, 2009 at 5:15 pm
Zog and McWeen are turds from the same anus. Morons or plants. That’s them….maybe you’re right about McWeen buying a gross of “The Aryan Alternative” and that allows him back.
18 August, 2009 at 5:16 pm
I love that a JEW troll calls me a “Commie”…too fuckin’ funny.
19 August, 2009 at 1:24 am
The Dark Triad of the fire starter(McReen) the animal abuser(Curt) and bed wetter(ZOG) only defend dying monoliths(America and the JEW-nited Kingdom of Israel andChristi-insanity) and attack those of us who are saying that the aforementioned monoliths are destroying the white race.
proud to be an object of their scorn….
19 August, 2009 at 1:41 am
I’m right there with you, Mega. The more these clowns call me names like “leftist” “marxist” etc. the more I hate them and their Kosher Konservative agenda and ideas. I swear these folks will have to be dealt with harshly if we ever get in power.
At least I have the comfort of knowing that their conservative, right wing Christard agenda is being eradicated more and more from the racial struggle. So they can run their mouths all they like, more and more White men and women are realizing the old right wing and it’s stale tactics aren’t going to win this war.
19 August, 2009 at 1:46 am
Absolutely, these morons on the right are a stumbling,bumbling bunch who recoil in horror at the accusation of being “racist”. They always have a David Horowitz or Michael Steele at their side to show that they’re “not a racist”
“Kosher Conservatives” is exactly what they are, total enemies of we’re after.
19 August, 2009 at 7:51 am
“Blackshirt”, “Mega Therion” quit projecting. It’s one self-indulgent post after another with you.
One reason people come to this website is the freedom to name the jew. If you want to bash Conservatives so much then go to a Conservative forum – the very fact we are here is proof we are not ‘Conservatives’ because the motto of VNN is ‘no jews, just right’.
“The Dark Triad of the fire starter(McReen) the animal abuser(Curt) and bed wetter(ZOG) only defend dying monoliths(America and the JEW-nited Kingdom of Israel andChristi-insanity)”
That’s just an outright lie.
“and attack those of us who are saying that the aforementioned monoliths are destroying the white race.”
What about jews? You didn’t mention jews.
“proud to be an object of their scorn….”
Marxist defiance is not very Aryan.
“The more these clowns call me names like “leftist” “marxist” etc. the more I hate them”
Interesting. According to you the left/marxists havce played no absolutely no role in our demise and you get upset when they are criticised. They are off limits, according to you.
“and their Kosher Konservative agenda and ideas.”
Another lie. Your habit seems to be that when your leftist agenda is called lout you resort to projecting ‘Conservatives’ on to your critics (you have more than one critic here too, ever thought the problem might be you?)
“I swear these folks will have to be dealt with harshly if we ever get in power.”
I see you’re upset but the chances of you ever gaining power or heading a White movement are very slim. I am talking about a real White movement of course, not one of the Hal Turner Fed variety.
I take note that you fantasise about a red Stalinist purge of White people, whom you obviously despise far more than jews.
One more point: Conservatives don’t say jews carried out 9/11 and the holohoax never happened. Neither do you. You have more in common with kosher Conservatives than the rest of us.
19 August, 2009 at 9:36 am
“I take note that you fantasise about a red Stalinist purge of White people, whom you obviously despise far more than jews.”
Oh no, McReen. I would have a special “Night of the Long Knives” for you. :-) There, does the NS reference make you feel better? LOL ;-D
19 August, 2009 at 9:44 am
“What about jews? You didn’t mention jews.”
Yes, I know, McReen. If someone here isn’t going on and on about Jews they aren’t a White nationalist. I don’t need to go on and on about Jews because I already KNOW about the Jewish problem and have for 20+ years. What? Have you just recently figured out that Jews run all the governments and financial interests? I guess it is fresh news to you.
With that said, people like you are bigger enemies to White racists than the Jews are… you’re far more insidious and evil, because you look and try to talk like us, but deep down inside you are our enemy. Believe me, there are plenty of White people who need to be “handled” when we have a house cleaning.
19 August, 2009 at 10:57 am
Night of the Long Knives,indeed. Curt is very Ernst Rohm-like. I’m just going to try and ignore the trolls from now on,they have the depth of a puddle and are as sharp as a bowling ball.
19 August, 2009 at 1:12 pm
“With that said, people like you are bigger enemies to White racists than the Jews are… you’re far more insidious and evil, because you look and try to talk like us, but deep down inside you are our enemy. Believe me, there are plenty of White people who need to be “handled” when we have a house cleaning.”
“Us”? You were discredited long ago. Good luck keeping up the act. :)
19 August, 2009 at 1:26 pm
McReen, the Churchill admiring JEW worshipper who bows to the Queen. It’s a disgrace that his worthless opinions are allowed here, while Parsifal gets banned.
19 August, 2009 at 2:16 pm
“McReen, the Churchill admiring JEW worshipper who bows to the Queen. It’s a disgrace that his worthless opinions are allowed here, while Parsifal gets banned.”
Instead of just saying you’re a liar (again), I’ll do better by challenging you to post the proof that I admire Churchill, worship jews and bow to the Queen.
If you can’t you’re a shit-stirring lying troll who is not to be trusted.
If you claim you’re being ‘ironic’ again, you’re a disruptive troll who is not to be trusted.
19 August, 2009 at 2:21 pm
Aye Aye Aye, Guvnuh! Fly that Union Jack and eat your curry at the local Paki joint. Maybe go down to Soho with Curt and check the latest in ska homo music.
You are another reason why England must be destroyed,Tommy! Your crypto-kikes and KIKES ruined the only real chance for White Freedom in 1939.
19 August, 2009 at 2:30 pm
Thanks for proving again that you’re an anti-White troll, Crowley Jr.
19 August, 2009 at 4:44 pm
“Anti-white” No,asshole ANTI-BRITISH, you scummy cocksucker. FUCK ENGLAND. FUCK everything your JEWED country has done for 500 years. England has done nothing to help the white race,only hurt it.
19 August, 2009 at 5:13 pm
And you don’t know the difference between Britain and England.
19 August, 2009 at 5:23 pm
That’s the difference. FUCK YOU And the Queen is cunt.
19 August, 2009 at 5:33 pm
“the Queen is cunt.” :-D
Old Dutch wonders if she is secretly a Catholic?
19 August, 2009 at 5:38 pm
You know, Lord Haw Haw was one of the few “Englishmen” I ever cared for. He was even too hardcore for Moseley. The faggot Brits made sure to hang him quickly after the war, even though he wasn’t born a British subject.
William Joyce was a true National SOCIALIST. He hated the stuffy upper class Brits and he poked fun at them through the character of Haw Haw. What a great man… he would have despised McReen.
19 August, 2009 at 8:19 pm
Lord Haw Haw was great, and is a true martyr. A strange guy however, he supported the evil crown in the 1915-21 period…but grew a brain in the mid 1920’s and saw that the Jews ran England.
19 August, 2009 at 10:08 pm
“What a great man… he would have despised McReen.”
Blackshirt channeling fascists from bygone years. Funny stuff.
19 August, 2009 at 10:30 pm
“Blackshirt channeling fascists from bygone years. Funny stuff.”
Yeah dipshit (or should I say ‘wanker’ in a nod to your British heritage?), that’s because they were real National and Racial Socialists, not the pansy conservative Christians that you represent. :-)
19 August, 2009 at 10:32 pm
Unfortunately you’re right, Mega. Too bad he turned against his Irish brethren in the early years, but like you said he cleaned up his act in the later part of his life.
19 August, 2009 at 10:44 pm
Hey Blackshirt, notice the bile in phrasing of “fascists from bygone years” from McWeenie?…he clearly HATES Mr Joyce. Lord Haw Haw was fighting against Tommy’s hero Churchill.
Fuck McReen and Fuck England. The Queen blows niggers