18 July, 2009

Ten Lessons on Empire

Posted by Socrates in Britain, empire, England, jewed foreign policy, Socrates at 4:17 pm | Permanent Link

by Stephen M. Walt.

“As I mentioned awhile back, I devoted a good chunk of my vacation out west reading Piers Brendon’s The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1781-1997. As you might imagine, I spent a lot of time thinking about possible parallels and lessons for America’s current global position, just as English imperialists spent a lot of time pondering the Roman experience (ably documented by Edward Gibbon).”


  • 6 Responses to “Ten Lessons on Empire”

    1. Adam Says:

      7. It takes a lot of incompetent people to run an empire.

      A recurring theme in Brendon’s account is the remarkable level of ignorance and incompetence with which the British empire was administered. Although there were obviously some very able individuals involved, Britain’s colonial endeavors seem to have attracted an equal or greater number of arrogant, corrupt, and racist buffoons.

      This is a good example of Ellul’s remark that “The political Left is respectable; the Right has to justify itself before the ideology of the Left (in which even Rightists participate).” Racist buffoons? Walt, having been attacked by the Jews as though set upon by a pack of rabid vampire bats after his publication, with Mearshimer, of his paper on the Israel lobby, must now constantly try to prove he is not a racist. After what happened to him, he should understand the primary importance of race, and yet he seems to have learned nothing from the experience. But wait, could he actually mean that there are racists who are not buffoons? No, it’s clear he doesn’t mean that at all. In the cant of the left, all racists are buffoons. They are “ignorant”. And yet who, Mr. Walt, is really the ignorant one here? Who has refused to learn from experience? But then, as Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

      Defenders of the Empire foresaw doom-and-gloom if it ever dissolved — and sent many men to their deaths to prevent that from happening — but its eventual demise did not produce the disasters back home that many had feared. Great Britain remains in influential force in world affairs, if anything batting slightly above its weight, and is more secure now than at any time in its modern history. For those of us who think the United States should stay out of the empire business, that’s a reassuring thought.

      Oh no, it hasn’t produced any disasters at all, unless you call the impending genetic racial destruction of Great Britain and the European homeland a disaster. But how could someone who thinks that racism is “ignorant” possibly reach that conclusion? Why, he’d be kicked off the prawn and cocktail circuit quicker than you can say “racist buffoon”! This is also a good example of how the technological system coopts the best minds of a generation and enlists them in its support. In a profound sense, this is the whole point of the great emphasis on getting a college education. Anyone who comes out of such a system is guaranteed to be an apparatchik, a system hack.

      And whence comes this truly nutty idea, which Walt appears to accept without even questioning, that empire is a choice? Has there ever, in the whole history of the world, been a nation which, capable of establishing an empire, refrained? No, there has not. And there’s a good reason for that. Empire isn’t a choice. Empire is the inevitable result of the growth of the technological system, following the usual model:

      Economic relationships between nations/races -> Political relationships between nations/races -> Social integration of the respective nations/races -> Genetic integration of the respective nations/races.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      “In a profound sense, this is the whole point of the great emphasis on getting a college education. Anyone who comes out of such a system is guaranteed to be an apparatchik, a system hack.”

      Well, almost everyone, sir. Going through college, I gradually developed a strong dislike for the White and Jewish bourgeois liberals who ran the show. I found them to be even more arrogant, close-minded and intolerant than the reactionaries are credited with being. I guess you could say that college helped radicalize me, but not in the way the liberal educational establishment might have wished.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      But in all fairness, at least the liberal Jewish professors had a (warped) sense of humor and were critical of the Zionist Entity, something that always annoyed the Jewish students in class.

    4. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      “In a profound sense, this is the whole point of the great emphasis on getting a college education. Anyone who comes out of such a system is guaranteed to be an apparatchik, a system hack.”

      Well, almost everyone, sir. Going through college, I gradually developed a strong dislike for the White and Jewish bourgeois liberals who ran the show. I found them to be even more arrogant, close-minded and intolerant than the reactionaries are credited with being. I guess you could say that college helped radicalize me, but not in the way the liberal educational establishment might have wished.

      Yes, you have a degree, I have a degree, Linder has a degree, and we are not system hacks.

      But the point of college is to turn you into one. That an exceptional few people are freakishly resistant to their brainwashing only makes the operation of the rule more noticeable. Those who don’t conform are spit out by the system; those who submit may rise in its hierarchy.

    5. Crassus Says:

      In otherwords, the exceptions, not the rule, thus, at the end of the day, losing rather than winning unfortunately.

      The good news: the system is destroying itself with these very same hacks and liberal useful idiots at the helm.

    6. Parsifal Says:

      The Jews continue to maintain a stranglehold on anthropological studies in Academia. That’s why no significant research into human evolution has been done in decades. According to the Boas crowd, us Whites are all descended from small, dark, naked, wooly-headed anthropoids who shuffled out of Africa 50,00 years ago and that’s all there is to it, case closed, next question and it better not be the same question again………