6 June, 2009

What The Heretical 2 Case Says About The Federal “Hate Crimes” Bill

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' laws, 'Heretical Two', Britain, England, Socrates at 9:31 pm | Permanent Link

by Nicholas Stix.

“Any day now, unless the American public wakes up and contacts its Congressthings, the Englishmen who have dubbed themselves ‘The Heretical 2’— writer Stephen Whittle (pen name Luke O’Farrell), and his publisher, Simon Sheppard—will be deported back to the UK, where they will be imprisoned for up to seven years.”


  • 13 Responses to “What The Heretical 2 Case Says About The Federal “Hate Crimes” Bill”

    1. whodareswings Says:

      Send a card to Steven Whittle and Simon Sheppard here:

      Simon Sheppard
      Steven Whittle
      c/o Santa Ana Jail
      P.O.Box 22203
      Santa Ana, CA 92701

      Book can be sent, but only paperbacks. Magazines, too, if they’re no too obviously political.

    2. irish88 Says:

      What does this hate crime law, and the Heretical 2, have to do with militant negroes and homosexuals? Nothing!
      So then why does this Stix character muddy the judeo-waters? Maybe because he was most likely paid to do so! Fucking worse than worthless obfuscating judeo-media whores!

    3. Blackshirt Says:

      I understand what the Heretical 2 were trying to do when they flew to California to seek asylum. It was idealistic and somewhat naive to think that the US would live up to it’s own rhetoric when it comes to White men fleeing persecution.

      I remember when I first heard about this I was surprised that any White man would go to California of all places to seek political asylum- probably the most racially mixed state in our country (after Hawaii, but Hawaii never was the White man’s territory). Later I found out the logic of why they picked California, but it still was a naive gamble. These guys would have had a better chance of flying to Russia and getting political asylum there than expecting justice from our criminal system.

    4. old dutch Says:

      The Roman Catholic & Jew Alliance in the US Senate already has at least 40 votes for this legislation. Maybe, Vitter won’t go for it? If he does the Catholic & Jew forces have 41 votes in the Senate for this legislation.

      Meanwhile, the prosecution of Hal Turner by the State of Connecticut for something he wrote in an internet computer blog located in another state means serious trouble. The State of Connecticut has had the State of New Jersey arrest Hal Turner for something “he wrote” in a blog hosted on a computer in another State or States. Connecticut wants to extradite Turner and prosecute him in Connecticut.

      This has to be seriously chilling first Amendment news even for run of the mill shock jocks & computer blog publishers. I’ve heard shock jocks who say things that are more outrageous than Turner in regards to race, sex, etc. I’m sure you can all think of examples.

      Let’s not forget that Hal is a well known personality in his community, and he has been involved in local politics for years.

      Sure, Hal’s a blowhard, but, does he deserve to be in jail for something he wrote, or said. The shock jocks & blog keepers in the NJ-NY area need to think about this—they could be next.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      The Catholic Church is a Shell you got that ?

      Perhaps there is a very few Catholic, Lutheran, Esp, etc, that are true, but remember Millions of WHITE left, and never looked back, they do despise what happened.

    6. CW-2 Says:

      Seven years in the slammer for speaking the truth!!

    7. Parsifal Says:

      Old Dutch, I’m conflicted about Turner. You’re right, he is a blowhard and he’s also a con-man. So I really don’t feel sorry for him for those reasons. Also, he’s a right-wing Christian conservative, so fuck him for that; and he was very, very stupid for walking into the pigs’ trap. He was under NO obligation whatsoever to go to the local pig station when they called him and said they wanted to “speak” with him. Oldest trick in the book. Let him stew for awhile behind bars. Maybe that’ll straighten out his White Xian conservative ass.

    8. Tom McReen Says:

      “Also, he’s a right-wing Christian conservative, so fuck him for that”

      “Let him stew for awhile behind bars. Maybe that’ll straighten out his White Xian conservative ass.”

      Hal was at Knoxville and has done other things for White rallies. What have you done?

      Hal is either on our side or as his accusers say he is a possible detriment for more serious reasons. Only that is relevant to White activists. Whether he fits your personal anti ‘Conservative Christians right-wing’ crusade is completely irrelevent.

      There are White men imprisoned for thought crimes against the jews, not Christians. Stay on topic.

    9. Tom McReen Says:

      ‘irrelevant’ of course, lol.

    10. Parsifal Says:

      Hal Turner and his small band of followers get personally escorted to and from those demonstrations by the police. What is so brave about that? When the Brownshirts and the Reds tangled ass in the streets of Munich in the 20s, noses got broken and heads got busted. The police were too scared to intervene and that’s how it should be. The police are NOT our friends and we should always refuse their so-called help.

    11. ein Says:

      “The police were too scared to intervene and that’s how it should be. The police are NOT our friends and we should always refuse their so-called help.”

      As I recall reading, the police chief of Munich was a Jew, so no wonder the police “failed” to show up.

    12. Blackshirt Says:

      “Hal was at Knoxville and has done other things for White rallies. What have you done?”

      Going to rallies hardly a White racist revolutionary make.

    13. Blackshirt Says:

      “He was there and uses his real name unlike you.”

      Yeah well, some of us have jobs and like to fly under the radar. I don’t know what Hal did for a living, but I suspect he didn’t worry too much about getting fired. But then again there have been rumors of him being a government agent for some time, so if you are getting money from your contacts you could run your mouth off like crazy, huh?

      Using a “nom de guerre” makes perfect sense and Dr. Pierce often promoted it for folks who want to keep things underground. Only a system stooge would encourage White racists to march in parades and use real names- it makes it easy to identify and track us. Than again, perhaps that is what agent “McReen” really wants, eh?