15 June, 2009

Still Oppressing White People Today

Posted by Socrates in communism, jewed politics, Jewish Tyranny, Marxism, Socrates, South America at 3:16 am | Permanent Link

Nazism was killed off decades ago, but the Jewish ideology of communism is still alive and still oppressing White people today – a good example being the ordeal of the American men who were held hostage for 5 1/2 years in the Colombian jungle by the ultra-violent, Marxist group called FARC.There is a new book about the men, titled “Out of Captivity.”

  • 7 Responses to “Still Oppressing White People Today”

    1. littlefieldjohn Says:

      Printed this for future reference , excellent points made

    2. Mike in NYC Says:

      Some slippage off the usual high VNN standards.

      As they were captured while working for the DOD as part of the woefully misnamed “War on Drugs,” I wouldn’t count them among the ranks of the oppressed.

    3. Stronza Says:

      And one of the captured talks to Jesus during what he thinks are his last moments alive, using a capital H on “He”. That’s all right, tho, I don’t know what the heck I would say if I were in a crashing plane! :)

    4. Mega Therion Says:

      I agree with Mike, these meddlers are hardly worthy of our sympathy.

    5. Socrates Says:

      Mike in NYC Says: “Some slippage off the usual high VNN standards. As they were captured while working for the DOD as part of the woefully misnamed “War on Drugs,” I wouldn’t count them among the ranks of the oppressed.”

      Alex once told me that WNs are a “prickly” bunch who will argue or fight at the first opportunity. He was right, as usual.

      Note that I was unaware that the men worked for DOD, or had anything to do with the “war on drugs.” I was under the impression that they worked for a private company. However, that still doesn’t change the basic circumstances. They were still held hostage by Marxists for 5 1/2 years. I don’t really see your point. The bad-guy hat is on the Marxists.

    6. Mike in NYC Says:

      I didn’t feel prickly when I posted, nor did I intend to prickle for the sake of prickling.

      I simply thought it a weak entry because, even though race may have contributed to the abuse they endured, it was not the primary reason for their captivity. That’s all.

    7. Parsifal Says:

      White foreigners have no business being in those Mestizo and Indian countries, just like those Mestizoes and Indians have no business being in any White countries.

      And Socrates/Linder are right about the need of many WN’s to argue about the smallest, dumbest thing all the time. Take some Midol, for god’s sake.