14 April, 2009

John Demjanjuk and the True Haters

Posted by Socrates in Demjanjuk, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Jewish politicians, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, Soviet Union at 1:16 pm | Permanent Link

Note the mention of Yuri Andropov, who was a crypto-Jew:


  • 15 Responses to “John Demjanjuk and the True Haters”

    1. old_dutch Says:

      The persecution of poor old Demjanjuk is sad. Demjanjuk is a typical eastern European “dp”—dumber than a box of rocks. So dumb that he and his family can’t even defend themselves.


      (A “dp” is a displaced person.)

      Btw, does Bradley Smith’s cash offer apply to Sobior???

    2. Mike in NYC Says:

      CNN is reporting that he just won a stay, after being picked up.

    3. old_dutch Says:

      It isn’t known if Demjanjuk will be allowed to return home, or will be held in federal custody.

      Just more torture of this dumb old hunkie by the jews…

    4. Stronza Says:

      Well, if the uky dee pees are too dumb to “defend themselves”, maybe old dutch can lend them a hand. What are you waiting for, OD?

    5. old_dutch Says:

      I doubt if Demjanjuk knows what planet he is on.

      Do you think the jews would pick on someone who would fight back?

    6. old_dutch Says:

      PD says Feds release Demjanjuk:

    7. Parsifal Says:

      This shows just how cruel and evil the Jews and liberals really are. Imagine tormenting a gravely ill 89 year-old man like this? Will Amnesty International or the ACLU or anyone at LL come to his rescue? any

    8. Parsifal Says:

      This shows just how cruel and evil the Jews and liberals really are. Imagine tormenting a gravely ill 89 year-old man like this? Will Amnesty International or the ACLU or anyone at LL come to his rescue? any

    9. Parsifal Says:

      This shows just how cruel and evil the Jews and liberals really are. Imagine tormenting a gravely ill 89 year-old man like this? Will Amnesty International or the ACLU or anyone at LL come to his rescue? any

    10. Parsifal Says:

      Sorry about the mess above being posted three times in a row, but I’m pretty upset about this story. Isn’t Dennis Kucinich Demanjuk’s congressman? Kucinich is supposed to be a decent guy, can’t he do something about this?

    11. White Observer Says:

      Demjanjuk is being kicked again because of the daily exposures of the Jews’ role in causing and then profiting from the “financial crisis”. Hate Demjanjuk articles in the Jew media fill the holes caused by suppression of real news about Jewish control of the US government and the stock market for their own gain. After 8 years of communist Jew appointments to the federal courts by the cabal of Hebes who write the scripts and make all the decisions for dumb niggerboy Obama, the Demjanjuk case will be used as precedent to deport native born Americans who question the Holohoax or denigrate upstanding Hebrews like Jonathan Pollard and Bernie Madoff.

    12. Stronza Says:


      Pay special attention to the last line, a rhetorical question posed by an old man. Not dumber than a box of rocks, Old Dutch. Much, much smarter than any nordic, western European.

      Why, indeed.

    13. One of 55 Million Says:

      “What I don’t understand,” asks Grigorivich, “is how can it be right that the Germans are trying a Ukrainian for murdering Jews, and not the other way round?”

      Say that ten times fast enough and the correct sequence would no doubt work it’s way out.

      Good catch

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      The Moscow Times » Issue 4130 » Top Stories

      Medvedev Wary on Obama Call
      21 April 2009
      HELSINKI — President Dmitry Medvedev responded cautiously Monday to U.S. President Barack Obama’s plans for a nuclear-free world, saying a number of conditions would need to be met for the vision to become reality.

      Obama pledged earlier this month in the Czech Republic to cut the U.S. nuclear arsenal, bring the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty into force and seek tough penalties for those that broke rules on nonproliferation.

      On the first day of a two-day official visit to Finland, Medvedev said in a speech at Helsinki University that the topic of nuclear disarmament had become one of “high hopes.”

      “We noted what was said by the U.S. president in Prague that [disarmament] can be reached under a number of conditions,” Medvedev said. “These conditions are fair, but I would want to cite more conditions needed to achieve such a treaty.”

      Both Moscow and Washington see a chance to “press the reset button” on thorny relations driven to post-Cold War lows during the administration of Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush.

      Medvedev and Obama agreed at their first meeting in London this month to start joint work on a successor to the START-1 nuclear arms reduction treaty, which expires in December.

      The first talks on the new pact will begin in Rome later this month.

      Medvedev said Moscow’s conditions include:

      •A ban on deploying nuclear arms in space — making it impossible to compensate for a cut in nuclear arms by building up of conventional forces.

      •Making sure that nuclear weapons are destroyed and not just stockpiled.

      He repeated Russia’s longstanding concern about U.S. plans for a missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, a plan promoted under the Bush administration and condemned by Moscow as an act of aggression. Medvedev also repeated Russia’s call for a new security pact to replace NATO, an idea that initially got a cool response when first broached at the OSCE’s meeting in Helsinki in December.


      Distractions for US, for others they smell something awful perhaps.

    15. Howdy Doody Says:

      Oh, by the way who has been the Number 1 supporter of the PRC since MAO with Stalin’s help and others took over in 1948.

      What regime supplied Mao with a personal doctor f from 1948 till 1959 ?