5 March, 2009

The Persecution of Trooper Henderson

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, Franz Boas, jewed culture, jewed law, Socrates at 4:37 pm | Permanent Link

Yes, you can have free speech – as long as it doesn’t run against Jewish “equality” bullshit [1]. Significantly, America was not founded on egalitarian principles, e.g., only White males could vote or hold public office in the founders’ era. The Nebraska Supreme Court has more-or-less said that Whites don’t have racial interests (but of course Blacks and Mexicans do):


[1] “human equality” was pioneered and installed into our society by Jews, e.g., Franz Boas, Ashley Montagu, Gene Weltfish, Isidor Chein, Otto Klineberg, Melville Herskovits and Stephen J. Gould. Egalitarianism is now the state religion in every Western country

  • 15 Responses to “The Persecution of Trooper Henderson”

    1. Howdy Doody Says:

      The regime has made White police AFRAID to read the net, if its pro WHITE.

      Suppression, oppression of ANY White Resistance is the REGIME order of the day.

      Try and find out if any can what the numbers of Straight White males are now/today in the NKVD outfits.

      Let me know.

    2. Howdy Doody Says:

      I want Slim to yell out:
      “WHAT in the WIDE WIDE world of SPORT is goin’ on here?? I’m payin’ you people to LAY TRACK, not dance around like a buncha KANSAS CITY FAGGOTS!!”

    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      I want Slim to yell out:
      “WHAT in the WIDE WIDE world of SPORT is goin’ on here?? I’m payin’ you people to LAY TRACK, not dance around like a buncha KANSAS CITY FAGGOTS!!” to the

    4. Mack Bartlow Says:

      The forum is still censoring TOR access. Many read and post to the forum safely using TOR.

      I guess even VNN supports “Jew” censorship.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Just keep in mind that the State Supreme Court Judges who voted against the trooper in this case, along with the State Attorney General, ARE NOT JEWS. THEY ARE WHITE MEN. The Jews are a small, external enemy, but the most deadly foes of our Race come from within. Let’s not be afraid to blame our own kind when we need to. Those White traitors know exactly what they’re doing, so let them take the responsiblity for their actions instead of simply blaming Shylock for everything.

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      Those views were implanted VIA social, economic and you name on those collaborators.

      Where/who is the root of why they made a decision like this against a decent White cop. Media, colleges, and etc., have put immense Pressure to make insane decrees like this. So where do they originate from and what orgainized group has allowed/created those types that make genocidal orders against Whites.

    7. Krystian Kazimierzowicz Kowalczyk Says:

      Just keep in mind that the State Supreme Court Judges who voted against the trooper in this case, along with the State Attorney General, ARE NOT JEWS. THEY ARE WHITE MEN. The Jews are a small, external enemy, but the most deadly foes of our Race come from within. Let’s not be afraid to blame our own kind when we need to. Those White traitors know exactly what they’re doing, so let them take the responsiblity for their actions instead of simply blaming Shylock for everything.

      Yes, most of the problems we’ve had in America since the sixties were the result of the alliance between the White bourgeois ruling caste and the Jews – of course since the eighties the Jews have become dominant and the WASPs have taken second seat. There is a certain shameless breed of Euro man (i.e., Henry Paulson), commonly upper-class but also often middle-class, that desires only his own enrichment, damn the torpedoes – we can call him Homo albus monetarus – and this type is not to be trusted and must be destroyed because he will always betray us to the Jew.

      For this reason, don’t let so-called “right-wingers” off the hook; they are some of the worst. The Buckley conservatives were the most philosemitic bunch of traitors that this country has ever seen. Their White racialism was always the effete, easy-money type – always leaving their less fortunate racial kin to the mercy of the barbarian hordes.

    8. Socrates Says:

      Mack Bartlow Says: “The forum is still censoring TOR access. Many read and post to the forum safely using TOR. I guess even VNN supports “Jew” censorship.”

      Not so fast, there, “Mack.” The security settings may be set a certain way. Try another route – I’m sure there are many available.

    9. Mack Bartlow Says:

      Tor is now able to access the forum. Thanks.

    10. Mack Bartlow Says:

      I did access the forum for a moment but it went back to the DOS mode.

      Here’s the detail if anyone can make sense out of it. It might be a V Bulletin thing. Or the new laws in Europe in effect. Do a search for VNN forum out of a European exit node on TOR does not come up.


      Many Europeans cannot view the forum without TOR or other anon proxy methods. Tor is the most reliable and popular. Some will risk jail time if they use the forum via their regular ISP assuming it is not already blocked.

      This is a serious issue and should be investigated. I cannot get to a public library today to post it on the forum. I do so on Monday.

    11. Z.O.G. Says:


      Henry Paulson is a crypto.

    12. gw Says:

      Krystian said: “Yes, most of the problems we’ve had in America since the sixties were the result of the alliance between the White bourgeois ruling caste and the Jews – of course since the eighties the Jews have become dominant and the WASPs have taken second seat.”

      That “alliance between the White bourgeois ruling caste and the Jews” is interesting. Those foolish wealthy whites thought they were hanging onto power and staving off displacement (while selling out the rest of us) by making an alliance with the Jews. But it turned out to be no better than an alliance between the sheep and the wolves. Serves them right!

    13. Zarathustra Says:

      Paulson is a Hebe, no doubt about it. He’s got the fast-talking, NY accented, Mel Brooks-sounding voice, the somewhat dark, near-eastern complexion, the Howard Stern/Babs Streisand-style blue eyes, a shaved skull like a Turko-Mongolian……Plus he made a fortune on Wall Street with his insider trading and wheeling and dealing at Goldman Sachs.

      If it quacks like a Hebe and walks like a Hebe, then it’s a Hebe.

    14. Ein Says:

      We covered this question of Paulson here several months ago. I’m not about to go back and research him again, but as best I remember, we concluded that he is evidently at least of Jewish ORIGIN, regardless of whatever religion he may or may not be professing at present.

      We’re talking here about racial Jews, of course, a concept that many naive gentiles just can’t seem to manage to grasp. They will continue to argue, “But he’s not a Jew anymore; he’s a Mormon now!”

      As for those penetrating blue eyes (surely an Aryan acquisition somewhere along the way), here are a couple of outstanding examples: Two new-money billionaires. One, the billionaire Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich; the other, the new American hotel king, Barry Sternlicht.

    15. Zarathustra Says:

      Sometimes, the “Jew look” doesn’t set in until later in life, as in the cases of actresses Alicia Silverstone and Gwenneth Paltrow. Some Siberian huskies also have blue eyes, but that doesn’t make them White people (athough I’m a lot more fond of huskies than Hebes).