17 February, 2009

VNN Free Talk Live Is Back! 02/17/09 9:30pm est

Posted by VNNB in Congress, Congressmen, economy, Free Talk Live, jew frauds, VNNB at 12:06 am | Permanent Link

Stimulus Jew

Join your host Mark Faust Tuesday February 17th at 9:30pm est for discussion and news without the Jews.

Topics will include:

The new Obama approved  stimulus package,

ADL Survey in seven European countries showing a big increase in antisemitism.

and much more……….

  • 17 Responses to “VNN Free Talk Live Is Back! 02/17/09 9:30pm est”

    1. iceslayer (tom o'brien) Says:

      Can’t wait for the show, Mark.
      I’m coming home from work early to listen.

      Now if we can just get Linder back on the air, we’ll be all set.
      You and Linder, the two of you are all I need for VNN radio (although I really miss Bud too).

      GOOD LUCK MARK!!!!

    2. old_dutch Says:

      Something is causing the VNN webpage to load & respond very slowly—could it be the new “share” button?

    3. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      They used molasses to lube the hard drive.

      Yes, noticeably slower.

    4. 2050 Says:

      Someone is actually a very good editorial/political cartoonist. That should be in the new york times.

    5. gw Says:

      old_dutch Says:
      Something is causing the VNN webpage to load & respond very slowly—could it be the new “share” button?

      Thank you! I was wondering. I thought it was just my computer. It’s grinding and wheezing like a heavy garbage truck on overdrive climbing up a steep hill in low gear; and it keeps freezing. It takes FOREVER, and it’s just on this site.

    6. gw Says:

      2050 Says:
      Someone is actually a very good editorial/political cartoonist.

      And that is a very good likeness too (including the beanie). I have known some who look just like that!

      I don’t mean to suggest that is it “typical”, necessarily, because there are many types — but this is certainly one of them.

    7. Socrates Says:

      shabbos s. shabazz Says: “They used molasses to lube the hard drive. Yes, noticeably slower.”

      VNN has a newer edition of WordPress. It was installed a couple of days ago.

    8. Varg Says:

      I upgraded the version of wordpress. I think the speed issue was due to a caching plugin I had to reinstall.. Hopefully the speed issue is somewhat resolved

    9. gw Says:

      Only “somehwat” at best. It’s still extremely slow.
      Any slower and it would be impossible to use at all.

    10. saltriver Says:

      where is the download?

    11. gw Says:

      It has gotten so agonizingly slow — and it messes up my machine! — that I don’t think I will be able to come here anymore. Serious!

      Has somebody “done” something to this site???

    12. Socrates Says:

      gw, it seems that anyone who has a dial-up connection has seen slower posting here.

    13. Varg Says:

      Not sure really why the site is going slower. All i did was upgrade to the most recent version.

      In other news..
      Archive of the show is posted

      Thanks to Mike for helping me fix a problem with the archived mp3

    14. Mark Faust Says:

      I found that cartoon online….I added the two pennies in the Jew’s hand and the text. before I doctored it up it was a Jew with all the money reaching for more….I had a vision when I saw it and changed it up a bit, I don’t know who the originator of the cartoon is but I hope they don’t mind the liberties I took with it.

    15. Truthteller Says:

      Welcome back FTL .. News without the jews!

    16. Ein Says:

      “I had a vision when I saw it and changed it up a bit ….I hope they don’t mind the liberties I took with it.”

      I think you did a GREAT JOB!

    17. Dawn Landry Says:

      Mark-Thank God you guys are back-listening to old archives wasn’t
      the same as current info-though funny as hell. You are an oasis
      in the Kwa.