The Parasite
Posted by Socrates in Eustace Mullins, jewed culture, Jews-as-parasites, Socrates at 1:33 am | 
“This factor was parasitism. In the great advances which medicine had made during the past century, one of its most impressive achievements had been the rapidly developing field of parasitology. It had been found that many of man’s most serious ailments were caused by parasites. From these studies, it was only a matter of time before scholars would be able to deduce that a similar condition might occur among man’s civilizations, and that it might also cause sickness and death. It was to be expected that in their autopsies of buried empires, scholars should conclude that this condition, parasitism, was a definitive factor in the fatal diseases which befell human civilizations.”
25 February, 2009 at 3:10 am
Parasitism is inefficiency. Parasites live off the work and production of others, they do less with more. Naturally this inefficiency would drag civilizations down, whether the parasites be insect or hominid.
The motto of the parasite is Marx’s “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”.
25 February, 2009 at 3:41 am
Would I be correct to infer that this article by Mr. Mullins was written around 1968? America was a lot Whiter and brighter back then, despite all its problems. And we manufactured everything we needed right here, no exporting manufacturing jobs to slave-labor countries or importing millions of colored people to drive down domestic wages. Debt, bankruptcy, wages not keeping pace with the cost of living, long-term mass unemployment……….all were virtually unheard of back then.
Good article about Jewry and its pernicious influence on society. But naturally Mr. Mullins had to extol Xianity as the antidote to Communism, something that is totally absurd.
25 February, 2009 at 9:36 am
It would seem that Mullins never made the connection with so-called xinaity as a the original Marx doctrine. It still amazes me that so many still don’t get this. The jesus thing is strong among White Americans. I have mentioned this before, the original Protocols of Zion live in the hate books of the “Old Testament and the New Testaments. The Europeans did make this xinaity their own eventually. When you pay attention, Paganism lives with them. The simple worship of life is all that is needed………. Not the masonic kind but simply to live and reproduce your own kind as in race with respect to both men and women as nature intended, of the Aryan’s honour……….
25 February, 2009 at 3:08 pm
1. an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
2. a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.
Let’s be honest, taking advantage of others, exploiting people for your benefit, is the norm. Corporations exploit workers, some less some more. I have a friend who was just fired from his job because they didn’t want to pay his hospital bills (and it’s white owned and operated). We want the most we can get from people for the cheapest pay, to make the most profit.
In our current situation, the main points are, from the first definition, an organism which feeds on the host of another species or race, and from the second, one who takes but doesn’t give anything back, or takes more and gives less. And then thirdly, and most importantly, a parasite which is detrimental to the host.
Arguably, we do get something from non-whites, cheap labor, however in total they are more of a drain on the system which cannot sustain itself. In addition they are detrimental to our way of life with much higher crime and degeneracy, and to our prosperity and survival as a race, with displacement and miscegenation. Simply put, Africans, Jews and Mexicans cannot create a Europe or a white America.
25 February, 2009 at 3:12 pm
Well said, Karen! Christianity comes from a mystical, near-eastern form of Judaism that was embellished with Greek and Roman mythology. It only replaced “paganism” because the last Roman Emperors were Catholic and they, along with the Popes who replaced them, had amassed so much authority over the people.
The Christians would like everyone to believe that everyone back then adopted Christianity of their own free will because it was “better” than paganism. Not true. But even to this day, there are some tribal clans in the Caucuses that never allowed themselves to be fully Christianized and still practice the pagan religions of their ancestors. White people should venerate Nature, Race, Family and Life, not invisible Jewish spooks.
25 February, 2009 at 3:30 pm
I knew of Eustace Mullins before but this is the best essay that I have seen on Jewish Parasitism. Mr Linder should preserve this file in case the original is pulled off line. This is an excellent article for newbies.
25 February, 2009 at 4:05 pm
I personally do not believe the hallucinations of the Juus, and their involvements in the histories of great civilisations including the Babylonians and Pharaohs. I believe they were all boastings by their past historians just as the 6 million figure and should be ignored.
We need to empower our kind rather than dwelling upon these insignificant time wasting savages. I must also tell you that I left Christianity for traditional faiths since they welcome land and nature with open hands.
Christians along with Juus are on a mission to commit mass suicide and shall be avoided. Just ask them where their “saviour” is since Jewishtan is now a “reality”?
25 February, 2009 at 4:19 pm
I read a book by Hitler’s personal secretary who stated that Hitler had told her during the last days of the Third Reich that National Socialism would someday return to the world, but as a religious rather than a poltical movement. What the White Race needs more than anything is a National Socialist religious movement, based on “blood and soil” rather than the effiminate religion of christianity that was deliberately foisted on us by the jews in order to weaken and destroy the virility of our Race. This new religion can be based partiallly on the writings of Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, and Matt Koehl, but ultimately a new “Aryan Avatar” must arise from our ranks.
25 February, 2009 at 6:25 pm
Some of you wannabe pagans must be fun at parties. LOL.
25 February, 2009 at 8:57 pm
The people who post on this site are a genuine credit to the White Race, like Jim above.
A new, life-affirming Aryan religion…………..The arrival of the Overman…………The Triumph of the Will…………… In this age of moral and intellectual pipsqueaks, are such things even still possible?
Also Sprach Zarathustra.
25 February, 2009 at 9:13 pm
I recently re-read Mullins’ entire book ‘The Biological Jew’, and have to say that despite the intriguing title, the book itself is poorly researched and written. It is almost an embarrassment, as it is very unscholarly and comes across as a ‘crackpot’ work. The last I heard, Mullins himself has distanced himself for years from the work.
The subject of biological parasitism is one that needs to be investigated by a first class scholar like KMac, as it is a topic of vital importance. The zoological research studies are plentiful, and help greatly when making comparisons or citing analogies. Racial, ethnic and economic parasitism are, of course, all aspects of the subject, ergo problem. The parasites at the top and bottom of the racial and wealth spectrums are what most affects Euros, but the ‘mind altering’ aspect of parasitism is what is most devious and destructive. Mind control not only leads to economic exploitation, but far more egregiously, to white racial defilement and genocide.
MacDonald’s works implicitly cover much of this territory, but a clear cut explicit work is needed. Mullins tried, but failed miserably.
25 February, 2009 at 10:12 pm
The premise of Mullins’ polemic may be a bit shaky, but it is difficult to find fault with his descriptions of nefarious Jewish activity through the centuries.
25 February, 2009 at 11:02 pm
How could God die for Old Fudge’ sins?
26 February, 2009 at 7:42 am
“Let’s be honest, taking advantage of others, exploiting people for your benefit, is the norm. Corporations exploit workers, some less some more. I have a friend who was just fired from his job because they didn’t want to pay his hospital bills (and it’s white owned and operated). We want the most we can get from people for the cheapest pay, to make the most profit.”
The bourgeois is a mental Jew.
Joseph Arthur de Gobineau
26 February, 2009 at 11:10 am
Blightblingdouche, it’s all about you isn’t it. LOL.
27 February, 2009 at 5:01 pm
Junghans Says:
“I recently re-read ‘The Biological Jew’, and have to say that despite the intriguing title, the book itself is poorly researched and written. It is almost an embarrassment, as it is very unscholarly and comes across as a ‘crackpot’ work”
Some years ago, I read one of his books, not sure if it was this one, but I do remember that (tho’ interesting) it was a bit of an embarassment as well.
I certainly do agree that the subject of parasitism is an intriguing one, worthy of investigation by first class scholarship. Animals, fish , insects – all living creatures – devise, with time and evolution, all sorts of ingenious and cunning ways to survive — parasitism being one of them. Like the cukoo bird, they discover that it is much easier to let others (or trick others) into doing the heavy work for them. Why not the same phenomenon among humans? Jews being the perfect examples.
27 February, 2009 at 8:12 pm
“The bourgeois is a mental Jew.
Joseph Arthur de Gobineau”
This is the best quote I’ve read in a long time. I’m going to write it on the wall of every store I shoplift from.