13 January, 2009

You Can Help the Heretical Two

Posted by Socrates in 'Heretical Two', Britain, England, Socrates, White martyrs, White media, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 12:29 pm | Permanent Link

Simon Sheppard and Steve Whittle are British nationalists who need your support.

All Cheques, Postal Orders / Money Orders, etc. for the appeal fund to be made payable to the Croydon Preservation Society – details as follows:

Lloyds-TSB – Sort code 77: 3003 – Account No 86187860

All donations can be posted to the address below.

P.O. Box 301

For further details of the campaign contact [email protected] or [email protected].

More details are [Here].

  • 6 Responses to “You Can Help the Heretical Two”

    1. -jc Says:

      Full text of Aldous Huxley’s prophetic novel, Brave New World here: http://www.huxley.net/bnw/index.html

    2. -jc Says:

      Full text of George Orwell’s prophetic novel, 1984 here: http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021.txt

    3. Charles K. Says:

      I’ve had two letters to Steven Whittle returned to me stamped “UNAUTHORIZED.” I don’t have any idea why. The letters were just letters. The first had some
      graphics on the envelope which could have set of some alarms only if the censor was a Serbian cyrillic reader. I resent the letter in a plain envelope which doesn’t appear to have been opened and inspected. This was rejected too. I’ll try a picture postcard next.

    4. ein Says:

      Are postcards returned? I don’t think so. Hence, you’ll never know if he got it. (And hence, he won’t!)

      What about registered/certified mail?

    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      Charles: I too had a letter returned as “Unauthorized.” Mine had been opened and inside was a green slip of paper that stated the reason it has been returned. In my case, it was that I had enclosed an S.A.S.E. and a sheet of stamps. Apparently, that isn’t authorized. I never bothered sending the letter again.

      I sent Steve and Simon Christmas cards. Don’t know if they got them or not, since I didn’t bother with a return address this time.

    6. Charles K. Says:

      I see now that the first letter was opened and returned because there was paper glued to paper (a digital photo). I just now found the green slip inside. I guess paper on paper (it was a card that I’d made) isn’t acceptable there. Also no hardback books. Only paperbacks.