Brazil’s Pirahã People: Your Equals
Posted by Socrates in anthropology, Brazil, egalitarianism, equality, race, racial differences, Socrates, South America at 11:31 pm | Permanent Link
These brown people could teach physics at any Western university after a little schooling, right? There is a book about them. From July 2008:
26 January, 2009 at 3:18 am
It is interesting to note that the author went into the Amazon jungle as a missionary and lost his faith in God after being exposed to a primitive people that had no concept or need of God. They converted him.
26 January, 2009 at 4:49 am
Excellent observation, Zoomcopter! Myself, I don’t have a problem with these jungle savages. They are not trying to invade any White country or rape any White women, so let them be.
But the god damn White Christian do-gooders will not leave such people alone. They will try to force these Pirhana people to accept Christ. Then the Christians will start building hospitals and bringing in medicine and food to insure that the population of these people gets out of control.
Then the lumber and mining companies move in, cutting down the forests and tearing up the ground. Slash and burn agriculture follows, then the “converted” savages start drinking alchohol and smoking and get forcibly relocated into slums. Then street crime starts, along with Third World poverty and unemployment.
And then guess where these savages will ultimately go to find work, or more generous welfare checks, or White women????
That’s why I fervently hope these Pirhanas kill every single White who tries to invade their territory and show them a “better” way. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!
26 January, 2009 at 7:15 am
So the story goes there consists only a few hundred of these Piraha people. Well I am no professor but by my clouded observation I would say these people may be a little inbred and live the simpleton life. Hell go walkabout in the northern territory of Australia and try to hold a conversation with the black fella there. Much the same I would expect. You want the Piraha to use recursive phrases? Give them a generator (preferably with a full tank), A TV, Satalite Hookup and a months free 24/7 news broadcast.
Monkey sees monkey does.
Is this site really this short on topics?
26 January, 2009 at 7:45 am
then the “converted” savages start drinking alchohol and smoking [dope] and get forcibly relocated into slums. Then street crime starts, along with Third World poverty and unemployment. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!
– – – – – – –
I hearily agree! Every word.
Let them have their lives. Let us have ours.
Ours here and theirs there.
(And never the twain shall meet!!!)
26 January, 2009 at 8:07 am
Whoa! I think we have found our next resource pool for American presidents. While he could obviously repeat what he had heard, I am not sure if Bush actually had the ability to use recursive phrases. And judging from Obama’s economic rescue efforts I am certain he doesn’t understand simple arithmetic. I know! Let’s ask our resident jewish expert Noam Chomsky. He’ll certainly guide us to the infallible truth
And now for something completely different:
26 January, 2009 at 9:09 am
I think they could surmise the language as “Uhg sex”, “Ugh food”, “Ugh sleep”.
Professor Dan Everett has to digress himself to the point of no description to describe them.
“The Pirahã people communicate almost as much by singing, whistling, and humming as they do using consonants and vowels,” he writes.
Yes like retards.
Any chance they have big fat heads, fatter noses, spindly arms & legs, malnourished protruding bellies, sleep 18 hours out of the day, & start swinging sticks at each other anytime there’s a disagreement?
Why don’t they just take them & make them clean the sewers in Brazil till they all die out then no one has to spend any time writing or reading about them anymore.
I think I saw a show on PBS about these animals awhile back apparently they killed a couple of White missionaries & ate them back in the fifties. Of course strait out of the land of Bizarro the children & grandchildren of the murdered have made friends with their killers.
Where’s a U-Boat & a few MP-40’s when you need them? The White race is filled with some of the most uncalculating suicidal fools the world has ever known.
26 January, 2009 at 10:01 am
Go in destroy a culture go home & your honored like a gooood samaritan & a funded one at that. No its put them in rages to others riches story. Want to do good somewhere else be shure you stay there. Because the only thing right now they ( the other they being armchair funders) will show you on TV is a dizzyland studio shoot of good humanitarians. The wonderfull world of dizzyland
26 January, 2009 at 11:56 am
Perhaps they’re related to flesh-eating piranha fish.
26 January, 2009 at 11:58 am
…you know, back fins grew into legs, then they emerged out of the depths of the River Amazon like swamp-monsters…
26 January, 2009 at 1:24 pm
Listen up Pilgrim’s, the regime has invaded US with tens of thousand of saaavages from Laos, Cambodia and primative savages from South of the border too, the Asian’s get special help as they are classified as “refugges” checks in the mail, but they do Mushrooms, and wild onions along with various other wild plants to for cash per person.
They do it in teams of 12 to 25 and scour areas of every thing from N.C. CA. Tenn. OR. WA. MT. National Forest lands are for the picking enjoy your next nature hike.
Oh, do look out for the criminal drug growers while your out hiking too.
Use to be YOU could pick enough mushrooms for you and your friends in a little bit, but now areas are stripped.
Are you getting Hungry yet ?
26 January, 2009 at 1:51 pm
As Revilo Oliver once said, “we should ask against whom the do-gooders are doing good.” The Pirahãs’ inherent lack of belief in any gods
26 January, 2009 at 1:53 pm
…puts them on a higher scale than most Christians in my books.
26 January, 2009 at 7:22 pm
Zarathrusta said:
Wow. Not exactly giving White woman much credit.
26 January, 2009 at 7:37 pm
“But the g– damn White Christian do-gooders will not leave such people alone.”
Agreed. Check out Confessions of an Economic Hitman by Perkins John. He has an interview somewhere on youtube.
“…puts them on a higher scale than most Christians in my books.”
I wonder if they have that stink that most atheists have?
Collectivism…atheism…. Margaret Meade–what is the word I’m looking for? … starts with a “c” … it’s on the tip of my tongue…
26 January, 2009 at 8:40 pm
His conversion from Christianity is much like the conversion of white liberals into racists, or at least into being racially aware. They get a good dose of reality, one that contradicts their wishful thinking and egalitarian programming, and they wake up.
The Semites and their religions have been a plague upon the world.
26 January, 2009 at 9:37 pm
I had a lengthy conversation with Dan Everett in the early 1990’s. Not about the Piraha, although I did read at least one of his papers on them at the time, long before he made the news. Actually it is quite a strange topic. The Piraha don’t seem to be genetically very distinct from the other Amazonian tribes, yet their language and culture are quite different (according to Everett, at least). The only way I can make sense of what he reports is as the effect of a system of taboo against recursion (etc). Anyway, the quality of the commentariat here is slipping (if that is possible).
27 January, 2009 at 1:23 am
“Wow. Not exactly giving White woman much credit.”
No, I’m afraid I’m not. But just look at Seal and Heidi Klum. Or that Swedish c*nt who married Nigger Woods and bore his zebra children. Or that German model who was sleeping with the Jew magician who calls himself Copperfield. Or Nicole Brown Simpson. Or Sharon Tate. Or the Blonde chick who’s secretly married to Howard Stern. Lately I’m seeing more White girls dating Oriental guys, too. So don’t get annoyed at me, I’m just telling you how racially clueless most White females are.
28 January, 2009 at 4:33 pm
“No, I’m afraid I’m not. But just look at Seal and Heidi Klum.”
I can’t!
28 January, 2009 at 4:37 pm
As for that Swede who is now Mrs. Woods, her mother is Swedish Minister of Immigration, or something. Which means they’re part of the government, which means they’re part of the problem.
No, better said, they ARE the problem!
1 February, 2009 at 2:44 pm
Wow, they don’t keep records or family history. Good luck not inbreeding (as gollywog pointed out) They don’t think about where they came from, they just live in the present. I guess there aren’t too many Philosophers in that tribe.