14 January, 2009

America’s Shame

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes, Obama, Palestine, Paul Craig Roberts, Socrates, Zionism at 3:30 pm | Permanent Link

by Paul Craig Roberts. (Look at the timing of Israel’s assault on Gaza, which began a few days after Christmas. It’s happening just before Bush is to hand over the reins of power to Obama. Israel knew that it could get away with major brutality for at least 3 weeks before Obama assumes power on January 20):


  • 29 Responses to “America’s Shame”

    1. Karen Says:

      What took this so-called “libertarian” to speak up about the jews and their stupid killing. My goodness, this guy never said a word when he was with the Reagan joke way back when. I’m so tired with these so-called patriots for profit types who try to warn when this has been going on for centuries. They tell you that National Socialism is a jewish idea. Christopher jon Berknes wants yellow stars on every jew lately and severe laws that resemble Nazi Germany but will still tell you that Hitler was evil……..It’s the tower of Babel everywhere you go.

    2. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Some jew-blind relatives and I recently discussed this topic, with me mentioning that it’s really funny how the Israelis launched this operation right when multiple Holohoax films were being shown in most movie theaters. All I got back from them was blank stares, and the topic then shifted to the possibility of gas prices jumping back up. Oh well!

      And Roberts’ comparison of the Israelis to the SS is an insult to the SS, if anything. Even if we’re to go by the Official Version of history, the Nazis were still just trying to rid themselves of a people, not keeping those people in a city-sized cage to be periodically tormented for the rest of time.

    3. Wolf Says:

      I don’t know what’s up with Christopher jon Berknes lately. Is he crying for help, for attention or both?

      The Nazis were trying to rid themselves of a people, true. The difference is that the Palestinians never did anything to deserve the treatment they’re getting at the hands of these Godless yids.

    4. Z.O.G. Says:

      Paul Craig Roberts is a skilled liar. He never mentions Israel or Zionism without comparing them to “Hitler” and the “Nazis”.

      And he won’t ever mention the fact that Jews are the elite of the Western world and especially the United States. He pretends to be oblivious to this fact. I’ve been reading his articles for several years and have heard him interviewed many times on Fatboy Alex Jones patriotard radio show.

    5. Z.O.G. Says:

      Keep in mind that Bjerknes has a Jewish grandparent and is therefore one quarter Jewish.

      Bjerknes is a strange character. He’s pro Nazi, but anti Hitler. Huh? He says that Goebbels was a Dutch Jew, Eichmann was a full-blooded Jew, and that Hitler was put into power by the “Jewish bankers” and was working covertly for them the entire time he was in power.

      He says that the Nazi party/movement was well-intentioned at first and was started by true monetary and banking reformers like Feder, but was later infiltrated and taken over by Hitler, who was a Zionist plant working on behalf of the Jewish bankers. WTF?

    6. J. Booth Says:

      I don’t particularly care for jews, but to give a nanogram of bloody excrement about pals? Gimme a break. They’re all a bunch of duplicitous scum and can all go to hell.

      And if you’re not a jew, or a pal, or a mentally-retarded liberal do-gooder queer, then why the fuck would you even care if these big-nosed untermensh kill each other? Try cleaning up the quasi-human garbage right here, in your own neighborhood, before worrying about some pathetic semitic war in some sandy shithole on the other side of Earth.


    7. zardost Says:

      It is true that Hitler “took over” the Party — but as he explains in his book, the Party was nothing more than a round-table club, one among hundreds in post-War Germany. Feder, Drexler, Eckart, Rosenberg, and even before them the Sudetens, were the creators of National Socialist theory. But to idealize the original Party is conceited eccentricity, a dodge.

      Roberts is exactly like Michael Hoffman, and too many others, with the Israeli / Nazi trope.

    8. Diamed Says:

      @ J. Booth: Damn straight.

    9. CW-2 Says:

      Eichmann certainly looked jewish, so if he was indeed a jew how does this fit into the big picture??

    10. Zarathustra Says:

      Excellent article. This country is under Zionist occupation and most White Americans are either too scared or ignorant or indifferent to do anything about it. Most Palestinians are not White (some are, though), but they are still people and they do not deserve this cruel, inhumane abuse, especially when you consider that most of the Gaza Strip Ghetto victims are little kids. Any White person who is not outraged by these US-approved atrocities is not fit to be called White.

    11. Marwinsing Says:

      Step off the bus in Coventry central, England, and you’ll be greeted by dozens of gargantuan-sized street banners of the ghost of Anne Frank, staring down upon you with typical sad, forlorn jew eyes.

      “It’s Holohoax time again folks! Stop the hate! Remember this, don’t forget that UGH…”

      What a pathetically cunning way to start the New Year with these intrusive eyesores, meantime Gaza gets jew-toasted. Bloody jew hypocrites.

    12. zoomcopter Says:

      Paul Craig Roberts states the obvious, but I give him credit for doing only that. It takes courage to name the Jew and he is doing it. Jews can make life quite uncomfortable for him, but he sees the benefits of outing the Jew, outweigh the risks. Give credit where credit is due, he supports women and children being murdered in Gaza, because it is the right thing to do. A White concept, not shared by our semitic ememies.

    13. zoomcopter Says:

      Wasn’t Anne Frank’s diary written in ball point pen?

    14. zoomcopter Says:

      Nice post Zarathustra! Any guess on the percentage of scared vs. ignorant Americans? Surely more folks are aware of the threat, but one can never underestimate the American intelligence level. Ignorance by nature is one thing, but to choose ignorance, is quite another.

    15. Zarathustra Says:

      Thank you, zoomcopter. It seems many Americans who pride themselves on being freedom-loving or politically incorrect do not want to talk about America’s alien-controlled Middle East foreign policy, alien control of the Congress and White House, the financial system, Hollywood, Academia or even the damn Kosher Tax that is extorted from Goy consumers every time they buy a box of Cocoa Puffs or a can of grape soda. The Jews want us to be afraid of them or at least to live in constant awe of them.

    16. ein Says:

      Zoomcopter says: “he supports women and children being murdered in Gaza, because it is the right thing to do.”

      Are you sure you meant to say that?

      Otherwise, I strongly agree with Zoom’s and Zara’s comments that are supportive of Roberts. I like his articles (although not in every detail, eg. references to Nazis.) I see that some others here ruthlessly criticize him for not saying enough. Maybe so. Nonetheless, he’s been saying more than 99% of other Americans dare to say in the public arena. In fact, more than 99% of most Americans even dare to know. I give credit where credit is due. We should not attack our friends.

    17. zoomcopter Says:

      Thanks ein, for your correction!

    18. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Roberts used to say “Jacobins” rather than jew. Several months ago he finally used the j-word. I sent him a congratulatory telegram, and encouraged him to continue.

    19. Junghans Says:

      That’s right Shabbos, Zoom & Zara, when he writes a cogent critique of Jewish misanthropy, and refrains from his ignorant anti-German “brown shirt” canards, he deserves congratulations. He has at least overcome the worst of the F.O.J. Syndrome, compared to the rest of the brain-dead Amerikinder.

    20. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      Jewish Casino chief and wife honored by Jerusalem Jewish hospital

      Times Correspondent – Sunday, January 11, 2009

      HAMMOND — For the past five years, Horseshoe Casino’s regional president and general manager Rick Mamzer, a Jew, and his wife Aria, a Jewess, have supported the work of the Sheeny Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.
      Medical center representatives honored the Mamzers on Saturday during a gala celebration at the casino’s Stars of David Lounge. The all White town of St. John Ashkenazi-Khazar residents received the Raoul Wallenberg “Humanitarian” Award, presented by the Midwest Region of the American Committee for Sheeny Zedek Medical Center. The Mamzers also will be feted at a fund raising dinner for the medical center March 19 at Horseshoe Casino.

      Organized more than a century ago, Sheeny Zedek, which translates to “Gates of self righteousness,” cares for Jerusalem’s diverse population of Ashkenazi Jews and Saphardic Jews with the exception of Falasha Black Jews or better known as Nigga Ethiopian Jews, whom by Israel’s “Nuremberg laws” cannot be treated.
      The medical center receives no financial support from the Israeli government. It relies on donations from around the world in order to fund and carry out research, upgrade equipment, and maintain and expand its facilities, said Alison Slovin-Pure, director of the committee’s Midwest region branch. 66% of contributions to the Sheeny Zedek Medical Center comes from Christian Zionists in the United States of North America.

      The well known boyish-looking matinee idol of the 1950’s, none other then Pat Boone, has been the most generous contributor to the Jewish medical center in 2007. Mr Boone has stated “When the our lord comes back (part 2), one of the first places he will visit will be the Sheeny Zedek Medical Center”.

      “What we admire about the place is that it takes care of everybody, no matter what their branch of Jewish religion is,” Rick Mamzer said. “Whether it be Orthodox, Reform, Chabad-Lubavitch, Cripto, Morano, atheist, it does not matter, as long as they are radical Jews and not them Sammy Davis Jr. types!” stated the St John resident Mamzer.
      The Mamzers and Horseshoe Casino have been major sponsors for the Tay-Sachs Research Center and the Gaucher’s Research Center at the Sheeny Zedek Medical Center, he said. This is a special project because of family-tribe history, Aria Mamzer said.

      The benefit dinner in March will “recognize what wonderful things the Mamzers do for all the real and i mean real Jewish people here and in Israel,” Slovin-Pure said.
      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from “on the spot & in the parking garage” of the Horseshoe Casino, 777 Casino Ctr Dr, Hammond, IN 46320 (219) 473-7000 http://www.horseshoehammond.com

      Copywrong © 2009 nwi.com

    21. N.B. Forrest Says:

      A pretty solid piece from Roberts, but it really is time for him to shitcan the idiotic Nazi comparisons. He should be calling the kikes “mass-murdering jewish commissars, like those who butchered over 100 million in the Soviet Union”: such a comparison would not only be historically accurate, it would also educate the “Proud Americans” he bitch-slaps. As maddeningly ignorant as they undeniably are, the fucking jew-whores in the District o’ Corruption are the ones deserving the lion’s share of hate – after all, they’re supposedly “our leaders”.

    22. zoomcopter Says:

      Good for you, Shabbos S. Shabazz!

    23. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Here, a vdare column by Dr. Roberts from ’03:

      “Professor Ryn shows that Jacobins have not a drop of conservative blood in their veins. For example, the Jacobins’ concept of morality is abstract and ahistorical. It is a morality that is divorced from the character of individuals and the traditions of a people.

      Jacobins are seduced by power. The foundation of their abstract morality is their fantastic claim to a monopoly on virtue. Secure in their belief in their monopoly on virtue, Jacobins are prepared to use force to impose virtue on other societies and to reconstruct other societies in the Jacobin image.

      Jacobin society is a centralized one that subordinates individuals and their liberties to abstract virtues. In short, it is an ideological society imbued with assurance of moral superiority that justifies its dominance over others, including its own citizens.

      Virtue gives Jacobins a mandate to rule the world in order to improve it. Opposed to the American Republic that is based in traditional morality and limits on power, the Jacobin agenda is to remake America into an empire capable of imposing virtue on the world.”


    24. Coup d'Etat Says:

      “Israel knew that it could get away with major brutality for at least 3 weeks before Obama assumes power on January 20):”

      This invasion and murder was planned six months in advance and organized between the time Bush leaving and before Obama taking over. Ahhh, and the jews even say so. My, isn’t this a blatant form of admission of guilt or is this to try to save whatever character they think they have left of their tribe?

      Barak used a false justification that Hamas would attack. Why would that be the case? Could it be that the agreement stated Israel will take over Gaza and the jews knew there would be a conflict so the jews went ahead and attacked anyway? Just like what the yids would do because they know they won’t be punished since the traitors in the U.S. is on their side supplying them with weapons.

      Last update – 16:39 31/12/2008
      Disinformation, secrecy and lies: How the Gaza offensive came about
      By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent
      Tags: Hamas, Israel, Gaza

      Long-term preparation, careful gathering of information, secret discussions, operational deception and the misleading of the public – all these stood behind the Israel Defense Forces “Cast Lead” operation against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, which began Saturday morning.

      The disinformation effort, according to defense officials, took Hamas by surprise and served to significantly increase the number of its casualties in the strike.

      Sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. According to the sources, Barak maintained that although the lull would allow Hamas to prepare for a showdown with Israel, the Israeli army needed time to prepare, as well…


    25. Coup d'Etat Says:

      # Z.O.G. Says:
      14 January, 2009 at 11:19 pm

      Paul Craig Roberts is a skilled liar. He never mentions Israel or Zionism without comparing them to “Hitler” and the “Nazis”.

      And he won’t ever mention the fact that Jews are the elite of the Western world and especially the United States. He pretends to be oblivious to this fact. I’ve been reading his articles for several years and have heard him interviewed many times on Fatboy Alex Jones patriotard radio show.

      I pretty much agree with you there. Also notice his type, no matter how much we may be in agreement with their anti-jew thing, they only go so far to mention the rest of the facts about jews. Why is that? Do people like him think they can fool or satisfy only up to a point so that the lemmings or semi-lemmings won’t dig deeper?

      In addition, his article according to ADL’s standards is “Nazism.” His article is still up and running.

    26. zoomcopter Says:

      The truth is slowly being revealed from a multitude of sources. Paul Craig Roberts edges ever closer to the point of no return, where you are labeled a hateful, Neo-Nazi. I don’t blame him for flirting with the edge, rather than jumping off it. Right now, he has a comfortable lifestyle and is doing what he likes to do. Why risk it, if even, the WN’s trash him? Does he want to take on the Jews if his audience doesn’t support him? He is still fairly mainstream, therefore his articles reach far more people than other writers. Give him credit for staying in the arena, and at least circling the enemy, if not going toe to toe with them. It’s a big step going from respected writer to “evil anti-semite” but he’s moving in that direction, slowly, yet surely. The battle lines are being drawn.

    27. gw Says:

      Zoom says: “Paul Craig Roberts edges ever closer to the point of no return, where you are labeled a hateful, Neo-Nazi. I don’t blame him for flirting with the edge, rather than jumping off it. It’s a big step going from respected writer to ‘evil anti-semite’ “

      I agree (once again) with Zoomcopter. Yes, it is regrettable that Roberts doesn’t say it all, but perhaps he can’t afford to. Only he knows how far he can tread. But he’s saying enough, for those astute enough to read between the lines. To do more would mean being removed right out of the public forum and consigned to the despised ranks of those crazies, lunatics, and “evil anti-semites” that you mention. His voice would be all but silenced and he would become an instant non-person. At least he’s reaching many more people this way. Apparently, like Buchanan, he feels this is the best way to go. It’s his decision, and I can (tho’ reluctantly) respect it.

      ZOG says: “he won’t ever mention the fact that Jews are the elite of the Western world and especially the United States. He pretends to be oblivious to this fact. I’ve been reading his articles for several years and have heard him interviewed many times on Fatboy Alex Jones patriotard radio show.”

      I can’t disagree. But if he did (state the obvious), do you think he would be on that radio show? (You have often mentioned who Jones’ wife is.)

    28. nerktwins Says:

      The U.S. senate and Executive branch have been compromised by a foreign power. I feel no shame, just helpless as I watch terrible injustice occuring to white’s in the country our founders won for us. I feel deeply sorry for innocent children and old ladies in Palestine being shredded by U.S. made weaponry. I give Roberts a pass because he does have courage in standing up to these brutish, devil bit cowardly swine. Maybe there is one Jew around thinking what Admiral Yammamoto said after the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor. ” I am afraid we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.”

    29. Howdy Doody Says:

      During OUR Christmas season Whites were treated to Saddams hanging and it was broadcast on Radio and TV.