8 November, 2008

New Zealand: Jewish Multimillionaire Becomes Prime Minister

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish politicians, New Zealand, Socrates at 3:04 pm | Permanent Link

John Key is a “former foreign currency trader”? Wonder of wonders:


  • 12 Responses to “New Zealand: Jewish Multimillionaire Becomes Prime Minister”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      I just wanted to point out that it was on this day in 1918 that Germany was forced into an Armistice with the Allies, thus ending WWI. The Jew got the USA into the War, thus ensuring Germany’s defeat and eventual quest for revenge. It was also on this date in 1923 when the NSDAP staged their Beer Hall Putsch, was it not? Therefore, this is a date that WN’s should mark down on their calendars.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      What about a Saturday morning cartoon series featuring the zany adventures of Anne Fraud and her make-believe animal friends? Something like Dora the Explorer, perhaps?

    3. Zarathustra Says:

      Oops, wrong thread. The above post was meant for the story below……………My bad.

    4. Arch Stanton Says:

      Hmmmm, I thought the Armistice treaty was signed at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month. That was armistice day then veterans day.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      The guns fell silent on November 9th, the day Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated and was replaced by a new provisional Government. This new Government signed the Armistice on November 11th.

    6. Vaultner Says:

      I thought New Zealand was filled with former White South Afrikaners, who once again should know better than to trust the other side.



    7. Terry Says:

      Happy 70th Anniversary of Kristalnagt…….post your favorite burning synagogue pics……..!

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Non Whites savages were brought in to N.Z. by the N.Z. and Whites kept out, as Manufactoring was destroyed like in all the English ex Nations, by design this is no accident.

      No Nation can be allowed to be self sufficiant

    9. Terrorsaurus Says:

      And the march to one big border-less third world populated by mud-colored zombies, with a 40 foot high wall around the master government in Tel Aviv continues.

      Thanks, Jews. Nice job you all are doing ruining the world, along with our brief and increasingly miserable lives. Thanks.

    10. The Red Skull Says:

      Herr Terrorsaurus said:”And the march to one big border-less third world populated by mud-colored zombies,with a 40 ft. wall around the master government in Tel Aviv continues”HA!Couldn’t have put the insidious kike’s plan any better!Write that down class i like that!The jews have infiltrated NZ and China,is there one country they don’t rule thru proxy or direct already?Poor New Zealand,the beautiful land in the LOTR movies,overrun by assorted wogs and subs.Pity.

    11. Marwinsing Says:

      “I thought New Zealand was filled with former White South Afrikaners, who once again should know better than to trust the other side.” – that problem’s a general whitey thing especially with those infected by the Wordism disease (love the rest hate your own, kiss the other cheek, “Stockholm Syndrome? – gimme more!” etc) but more worrisome is the inescapable fact that jews have taken over the governments of virtually every white country existent with the exception of, maybe, Russia.

    12. Marwinsing Says:

      Or, should I say, Russia appears to be building a new and Nationalistic integrity about itself, in an ‘Aryan’ sense, in that their leaders appear noble and non-budging towards the general state of things upon this beleaguered planet.