12 November, 2008

Federal Reserve Payouts: Can’t See ‘Em

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, Charles Coughlin, Federal Reserve system, Lenin, money, Socrates at 12:02 am | Permanent Link

Like trying to look through a wall [1]:


[1] Rev. Charles E. Coughlin said that the Federal Reserve adopted the “doctrine of Lenin.” Coughlin advocated abolishing the Federal Reserve system in favor of government-owned-and-run banks that could only receive and loan U.S. government money (not Federal Reserve Notes) and that could not create money. From Coughlin’s 1937 book “Money!: Questions and Answers,” p. 108

  • 15 Responses to “Federal Reserve Payouts: Can’t See ‘Em”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      About ten years ago, the late congressman Henry B. Gonzales of Texas tried to get the Federal Reserve audited. He was then threatened by mysterious forces and left Congress shortly afterwards. He died a short time after that, and has ben forgotten as if he had never existed. Yes, he was a Mestizo and a liberal Democrat, but I applaud his courage in attempting to confront evil.

    2. Zarathustra Says:

      PS………………….Fr. Coughlin’s suggestions about how to replace the Fed are excellent. I’ve heard some of his old radio speeches. Naturally, the Roosenfeld Regime didn’t like what he said and got him knocked off the air in 1942. The liberals always complain about “witch hunts” in the McCarthy era, but conveniently forget history when they are the ones doing the hunting.

    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      Joseph P. McCarthy

      Did take any ones rights away !

      No Witch Hunt Either, but a hunt for perverted Enemy Aliens, which was most all of the FDR CABAL Thank You.

      Country boy Joe, was 15 years too late, and did not know what he was up against.

      IMO he was murdered, though not as mysterially as so many other like Smedley D. Butler and many more.

    4. sgruber Says:

      It’s becoming clearer that Father Coughlin was a good man – which is why the jews hate him and why his reputation is bad in the Kwa to the extent anyone knows about him at all.

      Death to the jews.

    5. sgruber Says:

      Is “Howdy Doody” a troll? Is it really possible to make so many spelling and grammatical errors by accident? “Howdy,” you write like a Mississippi nigger with a brain tumor. I think you’re either a tard who didn’t finish grade school or an anti.

    6. Old_Dutch Says:

      A companion article to the Bloomberg story:

    7. Old_Dutch Says:

      When its down to jew vs. jew—you know a lot of innocent folks are going to be burnt.


    8. Cpt. Candor Says:

      The man is still roundly condemned for praising the policies of Hitler’s Germany and Fascist Italy, policies which are said to be evil, even though the only offered alternative is visibly leading off the edge of a 666-foot cliff.

    9. Terrorsaurus Says:

      The Old Testament tells us that G-d drowned the entire world using 40 days and nights of rain.

      I’m beginning to understand why G-d would do such a thing.

      Human beings are descended from apes. And human beings are inherently evil.

    10. jim donaldson Says:

      “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” –L. Frank Baum

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      sgruber Says:

      12 November, 2008 at 9:42 am

      Is “Howdy Doody” a troll? Is it really possible to make so many spelling and grammatical errors by accident? “Howdy,” you write like a Mississippi nigger with a brain tumor. I think you’re either a tard who didn’t finish grade school or an anti.

      Good evening sgruber

      No, I am not troll or etc., just work too many hours, we should never post when falling asleep.

      I will proof from now on before submitting.

      My post should have read “Joseph P. McCarthy Never took any ones rights away! Anything contrary is just b.s. lies.

    12. gw Says:

      IMO he was murdered, though not as mysterially as so many other like Smedley D. Butler and many more.

      WHAT are you trying to say Howdy?
      (Is your native language Chinese? I suspect it is.)

    13. Zarathustra Says:

      I believe he’s saying that Senator Tailgunner Joe McCarthy was bumped off, just like General Butler, General Patton and several other real American patriots may have been.

    14. gw Says:

      Oh. Well, I still think he’s more comfortable in Chinese.
      (He is good natured, though.)

    15. Howdy Doody Says:


      Okay, it looks like the grammar cops on my trail.

      Wonder if one you posters are really Edwin Newman, haa ?

      Just checked to see if was still alive and he is.
