7 October, 2008

News from Ingrid Zundel

Posted by Socrates in Europe, Germany, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, jewed culture, jewed law, revisionism, Socrates, Zundel at 5:48 pm | Permanent Link

An arrest warrant for Mrs. Zundel for “thought crimes” has existed in Germany since 1996. Europe is a scary place:


  • 8 Responses to “News from Ingrid Zundel”

    1. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Sadly, us “fascist” Americans are always a few steps behind the Euros, since we picked up on socialism (Revilo P. Oliver’s speech on that ideology is of particular interest) a little late and will thus have to wait a little longer before Jewmerica resembles 1984’s Oceania as much as the E-Jew currently does.

    2. Marwinsing Says:

      I will screw this system

      I will screw this system
      screw this system
      screw this system
      with all I’ve got

      got Mommy Professor on the floor
      that’s not saying a lot

      I will screw this system
      screw this system
      screw this system
      screw it hard with my cock

      got Mommy Professor worked up
      she’s all steamy and hot

      I will screw this system
      screw this system
      screw this system
      I will bleed her dry

      I will screw this system
      screw her ’til she dies

      I will screw this system
      screw this system
      screw this system
      scratch her deep with my claws

      Screw this system
      screw this system
      now I got her on all fours

      * * *

      She’s now on the couch
      screaming “Ouch ouch ouch!”
      me gunning her deep
      for what she did to my sheep

      She’s now bleating at me
      crying for mercy
      relentlessly I pursue
      give her back her due

      She tried it with me
      she tried to screw me
      now I’m giving it back
      I’m back on attack

      Her name is EU
      and this is her cue
      she’s out to rape the rights
      of the common white man

      like You
      and Me.

      * * *

      Mommy Professor must die.

    3. zoomcopter Says:

      It is now a badge of honor to have paypal refuse to handle your donations. Anyone still using paypal is politically correct, it would seem.

    4. MB Says:

      Just remember, Captain, that Europe wouldn’t be going through this if it wasn’t conquered and occupied …by the United States. The Jews’ home base was never the USSR or anywhere in Europe. It is in the land of milk and honey. May it soon perish forever.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      1917 and Dec. 7 1941 was for a Fact Against the WILL OF 90% of US, the Royal family of England and other royals LET US DOWN.

      Now perhaps only a King can and will be able to save US from the Congoid/jooey Democrapcy we face.

    6. Cpt. Candor Says:

      Was I praising Jewmerica with that statement, MB? I know that it is largely thanks to US efforts (and Hitler’s false perception that he was fighting civilized people) that Europe is currently following in the footsteps of that Jewish monstrosity called the USSR, though Britain appears to be stuck in an intensified funhouse version.

    7. Howdy Doody Says:

      The way it could get worse in so called Great Britin is if all White had only non White mates, and White Males had to bend over on Command.

      The English After WW I should marched on Downing Street and hung Winnie and his Cabal like Leo Frank and save US all, but no they who lost almost THREE MILLION WHITE BOYS UNDER AGE 32, had to send more in. Jolly good show, NO.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      THREE MILLION WHITE BOYS UNDER AGE 32, had to send more in. Jolly good show, No! Were lost in from the British Isles in WW 1 and so WW 2 was the finishing touch. England should be called a Joo Land.