25 October, 2008

Missouri: Anti-Semitism Charges at Middle School

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', ADL, Jewish arrogance, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jews-as-godlike, judaism, Socrates, Talmud at 10:02 pm | Permanent Link

Uh-oh. Hitting a Jew is like hitting God himself! [1]. Not a good idea. It might complicate things in the afterlife:


[1] the Jewish idea that striking a Jew = striking God is mentioned in Sanhedrin 58b in the Jews’ Babylonian Talmud. It translates to “if you slap the face of an Israelite, it’s like slapping the face of God”

  • 11 Responses to “Missouri: Anti-Semitism Charges at Middle School”

    1. Stephen Says:

      when will you ignorant people realize that your modern day jew is not a Hebrew of the old testement,( they are kazars from southern russia and have no Hebrew blood in them). Nor is a Hebrew of the old testement a modern rabinical jew! quoted from the 1984 jewish aluminac. Isrealites are not jews.jews are not Isrealites.
      Modern day jews are not of palestine and are not the Judahites of the old testement, but are inbreed edomite Kazars. Modern day Isrealites are the true Shemites,Ishmaels children(Arabs) and the 12 tribes of Jacob. Arabs and white Europeans. To know what becomes of the modern john 8:44 people (esau’s children) read the book of Obahdiah,I thess.2:14,15.

    2. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Those enemies of mankind deserve more than a ‘slap on the face’. It is up to us to see that they get what’s coming to them.

    3. Some guy Says:

      Every day is “Hit a Jew day”.

    4. Mark Says:

      What does a childhood prank have to do with the Holocaust? It’s utterly ridiculous. Jews create anti-Semitism with this kind of nonsense.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Jews THRIVE on “anti Semitism”. It makes them feel really special to think the whole world is persecuting them. It also justifies their pathological hatred of the GOYIM.

    6. Socrates Says:

      Stephen Says: “when will you ignorant people realize that your modern day jew is not a Hebrew of the old testement,( they are kazars from southern russia and have no Hebrew blood in them). Nor is a Hebrew of the old testement a modern rabinical jew!”

      “Ignorant”? You need to get out more. It was the Jews themselves who spread the Khazar myth in order to confuse gentiles and blame “non-Jews” for the troubles that Jews caused.

      True, an ancient Hebrew isn’t a modern Jew, due to the Ashkenazim being a hybrid, more-modern race.

    7. gw Says:

      Stephen says: A jew is not a Hebrew of the old testement, ( they are kazars from southern russia and have no Hebrew blood in them). Nor is a Hebrew of the old testement a modern rabinical jew! …Isrealites are not jews.jews are not Isrealites.

      So what? You are quibbling over irrelevancies.

      If Khazars DID have real Hebrew blood, would that somehow make any difference?

      Who cares who are the “true Shemites” or the 12 tribes of Jacob? Get over this primitive bible stuff!

    8. Zarathustra Says:

      Right again, gw!!!!! The Jews have mingled with other peoples over the past 2500 years, but they still retain their Jewishness, ie, their semitic features and semitic mentality. Besides, what group of people in the world today are really the “same” now as they were 2000 years ago? So stop trying to confuse people with your Bible Jew vs. Khazar Jew tricks, Stephen.

    9. gw Says:

      “stop trying to confuse people with your Bible Jew vs. Khazar Jew tricks, Stephen.”

      Stephen is confused indeed, and he’s going to REMAIN confused as long as he relies for his worldview on the mythology of a primitive desert tribe.

      And unless you’re a Jew yourself, Stephen, why would you be seeking guidance in the Jews’ religious book anyway? It was written for THEM, not for you. Sorry, but it was!

      Ancient religions and oracles often employed mysteries and conundrums that could be interpreted in infinite different ways. In that case, they could never be wrong. You just didn’t interpret them correctly.

      Stephen, no one is trying to make fun of you, but for goodness’ sake, stop looking for answers in that mumbo jumbo. It doesn’t make sense and it never will. You might as well take up astrology. You’ll never get it figured out, but it could drive you crazy trying.

    10. Coup d'Etat Says:

      I like the “kick a jew everyday.” The jews need a real good kick in the ass.

    11. Jimmy Smith Says:

      Stephen has it right: The modern Jew is using the destruction of the old Jew as their rallying cry….read the protocols for God sakes.