5 October, 2008

Major British Newspaper: Toben’s Arrest Was Wrong

Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, media, Socrates, Toben at 5:57 pm | Permanent Link

Taking him into custody was a “blatant attack on free speech”:


  • 7 Responses to “Major British Newspaper: Toben’s Arrest Was Wrong”

    1. Joe White Says:

      I’m kind of new to this movement but have been getting up to speed by reading the various pro-white web sites. It certainly looks like the begining of the end.
      The Jewish power structure is finally starting to wane but still strong enough to hide the holocaust lie. I’m sure the bastards will send this innocent man to jew Germany to face a show trail.
      I have decided to move my families wealth off shore. My wife and I have worked too hard to see it turn to shit so we are looking for info on how to set-up an off-shore account that is with a bank in a country that is stable.
      There is alot of web-sites claiming to be able to set up an account for you but who do you trust.
      Any advice would be very helpful. i’m sure there are other white nationalist who are thinking about moving assets off-shore.

    2. gw Says:

      Those reader’s coments at the bottom of the article were very interesting. Frankly, a lot of them were very depressing too. Many have no concept of what freedom of speech is all about. They claim they fully support freedom of speech and thought — EXCEPT when it conflicts with official opinion. (Well, what do they think freedom of speech is suppost to protect? — Only the right to agree, but not to disagree?) Such arguments are pathetic.

      Some say they KNOW what truth is because their education (and the media) have told them so. So much for freedom of speech and thought in sick, morbid, (formerly) Great Britain!

    3. Truthteller Says:

      I have decided to move my families wealth off shore. My wife and I have worked too hard to see it turn to shit so we are looking for info on how to set-up an off-shore account that is with a bank in a country that is stable.
      There is alot of web-sites claiming to be able to set up an account for you but who do you trust.
      Any advice would be very helpful. i’m sure there are other white nationalist who are thinking about moving assets off-shore.

      Contact Willis Carto he is an expert on off shore accounts.

    4. Zarathustra Says:

      The writer states that denying the Holocaust “is wrong and offensive”. Why? I guess he doesn’t want to displease his Jew bosses. And so what if something is offensive to someone else? Is the purpose of life to always avoid being offended? Assholes.

    5. gw Says:

      The writer states that denying the Holocaust “is wrong and offensive”. Why?

      They never get into discussing that, do they?

      Beyond making the blanket statement that something is “wrong” or stupid or wicked, they don’t venture to go further with any proof of WHY it’s so.

      If pressed, they self-righteously dismiss the whole topic as too obvious to require explanation, or not worthy of further discussion, or beneath them, or perfectly evident to any sane person , etc. … always something like that. Any high-sounding excuse to duck the discussion, leaving us to accept their word alone that it’s so simply because they say it’s so.

    6. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:




    7. Pagan Says:

      Joe, a Canadian friend sent me this as I was thinking the same thing. Apparently Canada has the strongest banking system.



      1. Canada

      2. Sweden

      3. Luxembourg

      4. Australia

      5. Denmark

      6. Netherlands

      7. Belgium

      8. New Zealand

      9. Ireland

      10. Malta

      11. Hong Kong

      12. Finland

      13. Singapore

      14. Norway

      15. South Africa

      16. Switzerland

      17. Namibia

      18. Chile

      19. France

      20. Spain