12 October, 2008

Big, Heavily-Black Cities These Days

Posted by Socrates in 'White flight', Black Cities, black culture, black rule, blacks, Diversity, General Decline, multiculturalism, Socrates at 9:52 pm | Permanent Link

Darker cities = lower hiring standards:


  • 7 Responses to “Big, Heavily-Black Cities These Days”

    1. jim donaldson Says:

      When you’re hiring “minorities” as police officers, it’s pretty difficult to find one without an arrest record. Or an IQ over 90.

    2. Rocket Says:

      Having lived in one of those big “heavily-black” cities
      for 19 years…they use the “affirmative action” card
      to hire niggers and mexicans. They will get a job
      before a white man.

    3. Arch Stanton Says:

      Shades of the Turner Diaries! I guess that’s why they call people like Pierce “doctor.” I find it most interesting how many doctors are involved in “outing” the Jews; but I find it even more interesting how many people readily discredit such doctors and their information. The same people who are quick to discredit people like Pierce and MacDonald will hold other doctors in the highest regard, typically prefacing comments with “Doctor so and so gave me this information” as if such sources are unimpeachable. However when it is a Dr. Pierce or a Dr. MacDonald, typically it is a matter of, “well you must understand these guys are jew haters, so how can anyone possibly believe what they say or write?”

      Daily, the jew’s incredible programming efforts towards the American bovina becomes increasingly evident. As the signs of parasitical destruction becomes ever more obvious and undeniable, the sheeple cling desperately to the lies and disinformation concerning the true source of their misery. I find white American’s “rationally” discussing the matter of electing a Negro to any office quite unbelievable let alone the highest office in the land. Yet the dumb, placid, white goyim discuss the Jew’s emerging Negro presidential candidate as naturally as if it had always been this way. Of course among all the hub-bub, no one ever bothers to examine the Negroes patently obvious track record in government as evidenced by the various tribal provinces of Africa.

      Even more incredible is the emphasis placed on defaming Sarah Palin, a woman who is of no consequence in the first place. Does anyone notice that Palin is the VICE presidential candidate? Does anyone realize that she is PICKED by the presidential candidate? Does anyone realize they are not electing Sarah Palin any more than they are electing invisible Joe Biden? While innumerable media sources clamor to uncover Palin’s evils, the Obamanation quietly proceeds on course for election with a drooling idiot for vice president. A jewish lawyer brings Obama’s nationality into question but do any of the Palin pursuit dogs rip into this story? Hardly. Does anyone notice that something about the American political system smells like a overflowing jewish privy?

      America’s leadership has finally come down to aging, white-male fools, Negroes and women. Yet no one seems to find it odd that this reality mirrors the unreality they have been watching on their TV. Look at the various role models put forth by the Talmudvision, look all the character portrayals of tough broads, intelligent, sensitive Negroes and foolish floppy footed white males living in the past, is it any wonder life imitates jewish “art?”

      It seems as if white American’s have slipped into an advanced state of Alzheimer-like dementia. They cannot remember any recent history and they stubbornly resist any change from the status quo put forth by the kosher nursing home staff. I suppose it only natural that we will soon have some form of “mercy killing”; after all, the least our noble chosen masters can do for white American’s is put them out of our misery. I suppose this is the reason the Jew’s have quietly built all those death camps around the country. Then again maybe the jews simply want to make their Holocaust fantasies finally come true. No doubt the white bovina will rise to applaud each murder of their racial kin.

    4. Keenom Says:

      What will become of New York City with a Negro population that exceeds 2,000,000. Chicago comes in second with a Negro population that exceeds 970,000. LA and surrounding area has Negro population that rivals Chicago.

    5. Jon Says:

      “Shades of the Turner Diaries! I guess that’s why they call people like Pierce “doctor.”

      Yeah, now all we need is real-life Earl Turner to save us.

      “The same people who are quick to discredit people like Pierce and MacDonald will hold other doctors in the highest regard, ”

      Yeah, especially the communist, morally depraved, Jew tool, Michael King, Jr. (his real name). And to top things off, his doctorate was an illegitimate one!!



    6. gw Says:

      “In an ideal world, we would like to see every applicant with a clean record, but obviously that’s not reality,” said Lt. Elder Dancy, who runs the department’s recruitment unit. “I don’t think you’ll find any departments who hire only applicants with squeaky-clean records.” Three decades ago, a police officer with a criminal record was much less common than now, said Robert Friedmann, a criminal justice professor at Georgia State University. But times have changed …..

      They sure have changed! And (I’ll grant — always allowing for rare exceptions) if you’re hiring dregs, what you’re going to end up with is a department composed of dregs. Furthermore, you can’t promote what you don’t have, and since police departments promote from within, their promotees right up the ladder will also be dregs. Therefore, while you may be promoting the best of the dregs — yes — but they will still be dregs. This will apply all the way to the top. Your newly-hireds today will be your police “bosses” in ten years and your chiefs in twenty years.

      What does this spell for the overall quality of police services and, indeed, for everything else in the country?

      I find white American’s “rationally” in discussing the matter of electing a Negro… quite unbelievable. Yet the dumb, placid, white goyim discuss the Jew’s’ Negro presidential candidate as naturally as if it had always been this way.

      America’s leadership has finally come down to:
      *aging, white-male fools,
      Yet no one seems to find it odd that this reality mirrors the unreality they have been watching on TV. Look at the role models put forth by the Talmudvision, look all the character portrayals of tough broads; intelligent, sensitive Negroes; and foolish, white males living in the past — is it any wonder that life imitates jewish “art?” It seems as if white Americans have slipped into an advanced state of Alzheimer-like dementia….

      Splendidly put, Arch Stanton! I’d call it TV-induced dementia, an increasingly common popular malady, a form of mass psychosis I suppose (or should I say hypnosis?).

    7. Zarathustra Says:

      Arch, William Pierce was called Doctor because he had a PhD in Chemistry, a legitimate degree, not some “Doctorate of Theology” from a mail-order Bible college like King had.

      I guess Whites in big cities now have to fear not only the violent criminal Negro lurking behind the garbge can, but the Negro police officer too, who most likely will not protect a White person being robbed, raped or murdered. To hell with America’s cities. They are the anuses of our society.