21 September, 2008

South Africa: Mbeki Steps Down

Posted by Socrates in ANC, Socrates, South Africa at 1:09 am | Permanent Link

That paves the way for the ANC’s Jacob Zuma to assume power. Zuma’s an uneducated champion of the poor who has aligned himself with some radical ANC members, so White South Africans can probably look forward to lots of “wealth redistribution” in the future:


  • 12 Responses to “South Africa: Mbeki Steps Down”

    1. Rob Says:

      Is “Socrates” Linder? I have to say that you have a great writing style, direct, reasoned, persuasive and with just the right amount of sarcasm. Perfect for winning over fence sitters.

      This is the kind of rhetoric we need.

    2. TBX Says:

      A bit unexpected this.

      Should hasten the demise of South Africa.

      Who want’s to bet on the 2010 World Cup being moved to another country?

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      Plot the escape route: in three months I have ‘fled’/relocated (in this case for linguistic/practical/ideological but not aesthetic, reasons)/and moved… from here to here to here… but no worries… Brits are waking up – sorry; afraid to say… South Africa’s fucked…. well and truly FUCKED (’til we re-invade the place, take it over AND this time for GOOD – again).

    4. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Does anyone know anything about “ALI” the bald headed Asian mystery meat financial commentator on CNN? Who the hell is this micegenation that CNN has commenting on buisness & financial matters? Is he a jew???

    5. Whitepride Says:

      I believe Ali is a subcontinental Indian.

    6. Socrates Says:

      Rob Says: Is “Socrates” Linder? I have to say that you have a great writing style, direct, reasoned, persuasive and with just the right amount of sarcasm. Perfect for winning over fence sitters.

      This is the kind of rhetoric we need.

      No, Linder is not Socrates.

      Thanks, but Alex is a real writer. I just peck away at a keyboard hoping that someone will understand it when I’m finished pecking.

    7. Zarathustra Says:

      What the Jews and liberals have done to SA and Rhodesia is exactly what they are in the process of doing in most other White countries. It won’t be long before the Niggers in SA start governing the country using voodoo spells and cannibalism. But if I’m not mistaken, the Niggers were imported into SA by Jewish mine-owners for the purpose of cheap labor; White mine workers naively expected to be paid a decent wage by their Jew bosses.

      Funny how the Jew liberals were howling for sanctions against the lawful and rational Apartheid system, yet Israeli tourists and businessmen spent billions of shekels in SA every year. What’s more, Israel trained and armed Aprtheid SA’s police and military, making it easier for the authorites to control rioting Blacks. After all, those Israeli Jew tourists and mine-owners didn’t want any trouble from the “schwartzes”. If the Negroes had any brains, they would be attacking the Jews, not Whites or each other.

      Olde_Dutch indirectly makes an interesting point about the recent increase in the number of mixed-breeds and hybrids suddenly appearing on Talmudvision news broadcasts. Has anyone else noticed this new phenomenon? What happened to all the bubble-headed blonde shiksas? I guess they are being phased out to make room for what the Jews consider “ideal-looking” people.

    8. TBX Says:

      Marwinsing wrote:
      “South Africa’s fucked…. well and truly FUCKED (’til we re-invade the place, take it over AND this time for GOOD – again).”

      Sorry dude. I don’t think that will be possible.

      The Jews are in league with the communist Chinese and want them to run SA.


      The human rights abuses the chinks will heap upon the blacks will not be covered in any meaningful way by the jew controlled media. Left-wing types in general will not go near the subject because won’t want to be labeled “waysist” by attacking non-whites.

    9. Dr Coon Says:

      Is Socrates the former VNN moderator AE?

    10. Socrates Says:

      Dr Coon Says: Is Socrates the former VNN moderator AE?

      What are ya, some kinda cop?


    11. Celtic Warrior Says:

      I think it was Ivor Benson, (historian and colleague of Douglas Reed), who said 30 years ago that southern africa would be ‘given’ to China to use as a resource base.

      You can bet the chinks won’t waste any time in starting to ‘thin-out’ the nigger population. After that is accomplished they will probably start on what remains of the White race.

      Of course it is possible that Russia, India, and Japan may succeed in applying the brakes to China’s global ambitions.

    12. Coup d'Etat Says:

      South Africa, Germany, U.S., and every other country that is not a Republic against sycophants will not heal, will not overcome, if noone can be adult enough and talk about it in public on who or what group is the real problem.

      “ Radical ANC members” are not just only made up of Negroes running around begging for food and squatting on once plowed farms, but its members are also made of jews financing the democratic ANC party. I have read many websites about the problems Mbeki is causing, etc., but not one talks about the menacing jews who have and are still financing the ANC, the ones who are always behind the scenes or working in the shadows. If you people in SA cannot get the gumption to speak out about who is the REAL problem, not one of you will be able to reclaim your country. The only thing to do is to destroy/kill the jews. Period! The rest will take care of itself. This is the only solution to put an end to their destructive games against humanity.

      Over 100,000 jews populate Germany and are growing and many should wonder why there is such high unemployment rate there and the financial markets are crappy? But yet, the children in high places can’t speak about who the REAL problem is. No, their main objective is to keep the Holocaust alive. Ironically, the holocaust is upon the White Germans. Jews are flooding Germany by the thousands, arriving from Russia mostly. Germany is gone. The true bloodline, culture, and nationalism are dying.

      Same with the USA, its once White nationalism is being trampled on by the niggers, mexicans, jews, and every other non-white invading this country with their Title VII and hand outs from every financial institution, encouraged by the jewish central banking and jewish investment companies. But no, noone will talk about who the REAL problem is. Instead, the little cowards will blame it on the ones who have credit scores above 700 and were the ones who were easily given loans to, while the jewish investment companies – Lehman Brothers, Goldman & Sachs, etc., are bailed out. Lying and hiding will not solve the real issue, the real problem — jews.

      It’s time to liquidate the jews.