6 September, 2008

Home Rule Redux

Posted by Socrates in black leaders, black pols, black rule, equalocracy, General Decline, History for newbies, home rule, Socrates at 12:10 am | Permanent Link

Newbies, as sort of a supplement to the posts below about Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Clayton County, Georgia schools, let’s look back at Washington, D.C.’s disastrous “home rule,” in which Black mismanagement of that city led to the federal government taking over the management of D.C. in 1995. The home rule charter for D.C. was approved by Congress in 1973:

[Article] and [Article].

  • 2 Responses to “Home Rule Redux”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      Blacks have shown over and over again that they are INCAPABLE of governing themselves. Has anyone ever heard of a great Negro statesman? I certainly haven’t………….Washington, DC (District of Coons), the most crime-infested, nigger-infested national capital this side of Nairobi.

    2. David Says:

      “Home Rule” reminds me of the independence drives of African countries during the waning days of colonialism. Look at any sub-Saharan black run country and you’ll see just how well they’ve mismanaged their resources and white-built industries. Now of course the only thing they are good at is whining for more foreign aid and blaming all their problems on the same white people who they ethnically cleansed from their rightful homes!