2 September, 2008

Bush’s Proposed Terror Legacy: A Legal Basis for Perpetual War

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed Congress, jewed foreign policy, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish symbols, Socrates, war, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 6:00 pm | Permanent Link

The neocons want it “on the official record” that America is still engaged in an ongoing “war” against shadowy Muslims who do wicked things because they “hate our freedom” (not because of Jews/Israel/Zionism). A century from now, when this “war” is finally over, maybe the vision on Israel’s flag will be a reality [1]:


[1] the two blue stripes on Israel’s flag are said, by some, to symbolize the rivers mentioned in Genesis 15:18. In between the rivers is Israel as the Jews envisioned it, i.e., all territory between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers – in other words, a big chunk of the Middle East. The Jews explain that suggestion away by insisting that the blue stripes come from the traditional Jewish prayer shawl (a tallit), which sounds great until you realize that the flag stripes and the shawl stripes aren’t exactly the same type, with some shawls having black or even multi-color stripes

  • 5 Responses to “Bush’s Proposed Terror Legacy: A Legal Basis for Perpetual War”

    1. Graham Wellington Says:

      “I promise you, we will make it [Israel] more secure,” Biden said, drawing applause from a crowd of several hundred jews.


    2. Zarathustra Says:

      Notice how Regime Central always creates an “ist” bogeyman for us to be afraid of? The MonarchIST (1775-1815). The SecessionIST(1820-1865). The AnarchIST (1880-1920). The FascIST (1930-1945). The CommunIST (1945-1990). And now the TerrorIST (1995-?). How much longer are we going to put up with this never-ending war against the “ists”?

    3. JewTracer Says:

      Let’s not forget IslamIST (2001-?)

    4. ein Says:

      Yeah, and how about the worst of them all: The RACIST!

    5. Booger88 Says:

      Yea.and lets not forget what they call you if you want a protective economy-IsolationIST.Followed by what most of us here are regarded as-Conspiracy TheorISTS.The Jews HATE our freedom and culture more than the Arabs/muslims ever will, and have done far more harm to White America than anyone EVER.Death to ZOG.