It’s a beautiful Sunday here in the mountains. As my Aryan family and I head out to a family reunion I’ll be recording Zionist targets along the way. 14/88 all.
If there’s ever a pro-White insurrection in this country, I’m sure the Jews will know all about it a week before it happens and will have their secret militias at the ready. The B’nai Brith, SPLC and Hillel organizations will see to that.
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28 September, 2008 at 12:44 am
Oh well I guess we have to pick up where Hitler left off and finish the job. The only good Kike isn’t.
28 September, 2008 at 12:09 pm
It’s a beautiful Sunday here in the mountains. As my Aryan family and I head out to a family reunion I’ll be recording Zionist targets along the way. 14/88 all.
29 September, 2008 at 6:42 am
If there’s ever a pro-White insurrection in this country, I’m sure the Jews will know all about it a week before it happens and will have their secret militias at the ready. The B’nai Brith, SPLC and Hillel organizations will see to that.