19 August, 2008

Editor Faces Prison Term for Criticizing the Talmud

Posted by Socrates in judaism, Michael Hoffman, Socrates, Talmud at 8:55 pm | Permanent Link

Michael Hoffman comments at his blog: [Here].

  • 5 Responses to “Editor Faces Prison Term for Criticizing the Talmud”

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Is the former Soviet Union slipping back under jew control??

    2. Heinrich Himmler Jr. Says:

      I doubt this guy will see any serious prison time, if any at all. He’s probably a Jew and only Jews are permitted to speak out against other Jews. But any Goy who publicly criticized or condemned the Tal-MUD would see his livelihood destroyed and his life ruined.

    3. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Judaism, a ‘religion’ based on murder, thieving, perjury, child molestation, necromancy…. Yes, folks it’s all in their ‘holy’ book the Talmud.

    4. Bill Wentworth Says:

      Michael Hoffman is a Catholic, a Christian
      He is not , nor was he ever, a Jew

      He is a brillian writer and has done more to expose the Sick, vile, Supremeist Talmud, than any other writer/journalist in the USA

      Kudos to him for his work and best of luck.
      His latest book was banned by Amazon..a sign that he is doing something right.

    5. Bill White Says:

      To further my point & to counter yours of Hoffman ‘probably a jew,’ let me state this:
      Mr. Hoffman’s work is generating extreme fear in the hearts of the Deicides. Always has.

      Hoffman, like myself, is a Traditionalist Catholic, (think Mel Gibson & his father) who condems the Vatican II crowd, modernism, relativism, false ecuminism, and Vaticans ‘Ashkenazi-friendly’ popes of the last two incarnations.

      But, of course, for many Romanists, that will be brushed under the rug (if they agree with him) or Hoffman will be utterly dismissed (being one of those Sedevacantists-‘there is no valid pope’ or translated- vacant seat).

      Either way, his work still condemns the Deicides, and their ’seed’ [John 8:44]- whether Novus Ordo, or merely just Multicultist.