10 June, 2008

The truth always incites violence against jews

Posted by VNNB in spies, VNNB at 8:06 am | Permanent Link


Group urges recall of Venezuela diplomat

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — A leading anti-Semitism watchdog group wants Venezuela’s ambassador to Russia recalled.

The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center says Ambassador Alexis Navarro made anti-Semitic comments.

Navarro was quoted by the daily Moscow News as saying that a failed 2002 coup that briefly ousted President Hugo Chavez involved Israeli Mossad intelligence snipers who were “Venezuelan citizens, but Jews.” The remarks appeared in an interview the newspaper published on May 15.

The group said in a statement Friday that it wrote a letter to Venezuela’s foreign minister saying the comments were “racist” and “incite violence against Jews.”

A foreign ministry spokesman reached by phone said there was no immediate government response.

  • 12 Responses to “The truth always incites violence against jews”


      True, but the TRUTH will never hold up in the JOG kangeroo courts of outlaw….The truth will set you free? Yeah, by handing down long paid for “vacations” in the gulogs & even policital executions by the Judeo-social-Marxist occupied world puppet governments set up by the Jews & their Gentile frontsters……

    2. Vaultner Says:

      Now how does the Simian Weasel center in L.A. think they have any right to decide what ambassador Venezuela sends to Russia. I think they might have got their foot stuck in the door with this one.

    3. So What Says:

      So what? Why is this posted? They are all just spics anyway right?

    4. Vaultner Says:

      The enemy of my enemy is my ally.

    5. Hans Schneider Says:

      mcr = most criminal race

    6. MHK Says:

      “A leading anti-Semitism watchdog group…”

      A watchdog group.

      That’s what white folks need.

    7. John Says:

      ‘So What Says:

      10 June, 2008 at 10:46 am

      So what? Why is this posted? They are all just spics anyway right?’

      Who cares if they are spics? Hugo Chavez is pretty cool for a mud man, standing up to ZOG and all. The only spics we should have a problem with are the ones invading America and Canada. They need to be cleansed ASAP, but in their own lands they are not a problem, hell they can even be used against the Jews as we are seeing with Venezuela where many kikes have been run out of the country while their assets have been seized. If muds become Jew aware and start attacking the vermin its good news for us.

    8. Vaultner Says:

      Absolutely correct, well said.

    9. ein Says:

      So What Says: “They are all just spics anyway right?”


    10. Ruslan21 Says:

      Venezuela is right about the Jews.

      I often like Frontpage Magazine for its anti-Communism, but this article is simply disgusting:


      Daveed Gorovich should be burned at the stake for his neocon rewriting of American racial history.

    11. Randolf Facto Says:

      Shame on anyone who dismisses the enemy of our enemy as ‘spics’. Some of the most noble people I have known are from South America, notably Argentina and Venezuela, and all the more when they are brave enough to name the enemy by name.

    12. Ruslan21 Says:

      “Shame on anyone who dismisses the enemy of our enemy as ’spics’. Some of the most noble people I have known are from South America, notably Argentina and Venezuela, and all the more when they are brave enough to name the enemy by name.”

      As long as they are white and unfriendly to Communists (who in our nation are often Jews), you are right.

      True Catholic-Orthodox Christians will name the enemy, so what you say does not surprise me. The Gospel is a wonderful guide to many things, even now; God bless St. Athanasius the Great for giving it to us. The Jewish hostility to Christianity has never ended:


      Latin America, of course, has many Maronite Catholics at the elite levels of politics; my supposition is that they are more likely to name the enemy than are the Roman Catholics there. Is this your experience?