Nazism: a Threat to Children?
Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, international Jewry, Ivor Benson, jewed culture, jewish hate & hypocrisy, judaism, judeo-communism, Marxism, nationalism, Nazi era, Nazis, Socrates, Zionism at 1:39 pm | 
Nazism – i.e., National Socialism – and fascism were merely reactions to Jewish Bolshevism and internationalism. Nothing more. But that fact is never mentioned in the press. Since Zionism is a type of National Socialism, and since Judaism is based on racism, may we expect Canadian Jews to be declared by the government to be “unfit to parent”? [1]:
[1] re: Zionism and National Socialism: page 102 of Ivor Benson’s 1992 book “The Zionist Factor” provides a quote from a Jew in which Zionism is referred to as being “socialist in content and national in form”
10 June, 2008 at 2:06 pm
“They have not yet filed any affidavits outlining their position. A judge recently ordered a psychological report on the father as part of the ongoing case.”
Once again we find the Jews cleverly defining “antisemitism” as a mental illness. This is exactly how Jewish commissars throttled the Soviet citizen from speaking up about the Jews. Those who spoke of jews and their power within the Communist structure were typically labeled “dissidents” and defined as “insane”. As in modern America, speaking the truth under Communism was very much a revolutionary act. Possibly the most detrimental thing Jews are allowed to do is to redefine words and concepts. Orwell pointed out the use and power of this ability in his book 1984. It has long been said, “those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it.” I have come to the conclusion that those who do know their history are condemned to repeat it because the rest of the fools never bother to read anything beyond the sport section in a Jewspaper.
10 June, 2008 at 2:16 pm
Sontag drew fire for writing that “Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history.” (Partisan Review, Winter 1967, p. 57.)[3] Sontag later offered an ironic apology for the remark, saying it was insensitive to cancer victims.
10 June, 2008 at 3:12 pm
Andrei Yustschinsky: the master of OT (off-topic)!
If the post is about dogs, Yustchinsky comments about cats!
If the post is about cats, Yustchinsky discusses eggs in China!
If the post is about Israel, Yustchinsky responds with a looooong and creepily doctored article about nigger crime in Detroit!
If the post discusses the color red, Yustchinsky discusses the color blue! And doesn’t seem to know he’s doing anything wrong!
Yustchinksy appears to be one of those autistic strangers whom one encounters now and then – who talk loudly, at length, and inappropriately about some topic irrelevant to the conversation his listeners are having?
Yustchinsky needs to do two things:
1. Take his meds. Severely.
2. Register and post his stuff on VNNForum. In appropriate threads. How to determine which thread is appropriate? He should ask someone who is mentally intact.
Yustchinsky the Master of OT is starting to make Apollonian look like a sane man.
10 June, 2008 at 3:33 pm
Not that I agree with the government, but something is very fucked up about people who permanently mark their bodies with messages that say, “Here I am, come get me!” or encourage children to do so.
10 June, 2008 at 4:23 pm
Lenin was a funder of the Kappists and early Nazis, disproving the above. There is now National Bolshevism, which supposedly aspires to be a Slavic-Communist form of same.
All these neo-Communist ideologies should be replaced by pure nationalism along the lines of slave-owning republics.
10 June, 2008 at 5:02 pm
Ruslan21 Says: “Lenin was a funder of the Kappists and early Nazis, disproving the above. ”
If so, then he did that for certain tactical reasons and not because he supported them.
10 June, 2008 at 6:15 pm
National Socialism is like Kryptonite to the goddamn, parasitical jews.
Kevin Macdonald dedicates a chapter to it (Chapter 5, National Socialism as an Anti-Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy) in his book Separation and Its Discontents.
10 June, 2008 at 6:30 pm
“the master of OT (off-topic)!”
Perhaps he is an Operating Thetan. . .
10 June, 2008 at 8:30 pm
Regardless of the wrongs and rights of it all, the theory that Zionism is a form of National Socialism (or vice versa)is an old Marxist idea that was used to try to explain away the popular success of Hitler. The anti-Zionist Communist Jew, Lenni Brenner’s book ‘Zionism in the Age of Dictators’ is a case in point.
Today, how often are Zionists referred to as ‘Zionazis’ by the pro-Palestinian Left.
10 June, 2008 at 9:11 pm
According to Lenin, he did it because they were “extreme patriots” who were “seething” against the capitalist Entente and the imperialist Treaty of Versailles in an “unnatural bloc” with the followers of Lavr Kornnilov, whom he deemed similar to Julius Martov. (Lenin admired John Maynard Keynes’s book on the Treaty.)
Lenin wrote that disloyalty to Soviet Russia in any given nation was treason to the given nation, so we may safely conclude that he did not see the Kappists/Nazis as disloyal to Bolshevism at the time.
My belief is that we should keep the National and discard the Socialism.
10 June, 2008 at 9:17 pm
“Whitepride Says:
10 June, 2008 at 6:15 pm
National Socialism is like Kryptonite to the goddamn, parasitical jews.
Kevin Macdonald dedicates a chapter to it (Chapter 5, National Socialism as an Anti-Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy) in his book Separation and Its Discontents.”
True, but International Socialism is not.
10 June, 2008 at 11:34 pm
Yeah, why isn’t someone with a brain running this blog deleting those posts? I remember Alex clearly telling him to quit with the OT crap. Then they began again. Each one breaks about 10 rules of netiquette.
11 June, 2008 at 1:36 am
“National Socialism is like Kryptonite to the god-damned parasitical jews”-HA! I love it!That one goes in my quotable quotes book!Hitler showed us how we must remove the strangling hand of the eternal kike from our peoples collective neck.The fuhrer said that it may only be removed by force.I hope so.I see so many walking turds that need a mercy-flush for the benefit of the planet and our people.Superman was a Jewish creation by the way.Andrei’s posts are usually OT,but i find them informative,remember,we need every swinging richard we can get,so don’t be too hard on ol andrei.PS-socialism is great when its race-based for our benefit.
11 June, 2008 at 3:18 am
Until the remnant of intelligent, close-mouthed Canucks with intact testicles start trepanning the relatively small number of kikes/commie race traitors responsible for outrages like this, they will continue until Whitey is just a faded memory in the Great Brown North. The same of course can be said for all of the White world, but the hebrew gangrene is disgustingly advanced up there.
That said, that stupid bastard of a father ought to be kneecapped: fools like that need to smarten the hell up. The time for kiddie games is over.
11 June, 2008 at 3:38 pm
“swinging richard we can get,so don’t be too hard on”
“socialism is great when its race-based for our benefit.”
So long as the government is not involved.
11 June, 2008 at 6:28 pm
I swear to god, that chapter in MacDonald’s book blew my mind. You can read it free at his website.
P.S. Lay off Yustschinsky, I think his shit is funny.
11 June, 2008 at 6:46 pm
Socialism per se is not the problem. After WWI the birth rates in Germany were in the toilet too. Hitler was successful in raising them by giving loans to German wives, one quarter of which was forgiven for each child they had. It worked!
Similar to what Putin and his buddies are doing now in Russia, although I think he is just handing out cash for said.
Also, this helped clear job slots in the economy by taking women out of them and giving them to men: the women were then not out pretending to be men but home breeding White children and more men were put to work. Win, win!
We can do great things with a sane socialism so long as it is FOR our people in a White context and not breeding dysgenic hordes of muds.
11 June, 2008 at 9:32 pm
“Socialism per se is not the problem. After WWI the birth rates in Germany were in the toilet too. Hitler was successful in raising them by giving loans to German wives, one quarter of which was forgiven for each child they had. It worked!
Similar to what Putin and his buddies are doing now in Russia, although I think he is just handing out cash for said.
Also, this helped clear job slots in the economy by taking women out of them and giving them to men: the women were then not out pretending to be men but home breeding White children and more men were put to work. Win, win!
We can do great things with a sane socialism so long as it is FOR our people in a White context and not breeding dysgenic hordes of muds.”
Interesting! This is interesting evidence in favor of limited social programs — though it does not especially support the abolition of private property, or the creation of a corporate state.
It sounds like something Caesar Augustus did, wherein he introduced a “bachelor tax” for unmarried NATIVE Roman free men over 21. It was reduced when they married, then reduced when they had their first children, reduced further when they had second children.
I think it is better to introduce a penalty, like Augustus did — and to reduce it when people do the right thing. Having WHITE children is a DUTY; whites must not be rewarded for doing it, but PENALIZED for not doing so.
By the way, Russian taxpayers’ money goes to all Russian CITIZENS — not to Russians only — so the pronatalist money ends up with MUDS. Imagine that! :-(
12 June, 2008 at 12:39 am
What I advocate, and what I mean by “socialism”, is a true “third-way” or “middle path” between communism and captitalism; both, when taken to their logic conclusions, concentrate most of the wealth in only a few hands, impoverish the masses, and lead to an internationalism that destroys unique peoples and cultures. I don’t advocate the abolition of private property.
This was Hitler’s position and in fact what he successfully implemented pre-war.
Obviously it is folly to try socialism in any but a homogeneous context – the aforementioned “White context.” In other words it must be a nationalist socialism if not National Socialism per se in order to be tenable.
If these basic conditions are satisfied I think socialism is optimal in improving the overall quality and quality of life of the racial stock.
As for Putin and Co.: I don’t think Putin hand is currently strong enough both nationally and internationally to do what I suspect he would really like to do, breed more ethnic Russians. He needs the Caucasus to remain within the Russian Federation for its natural resourses. He needs those muds mollified for now. In order to strengthen his hand sufficiently for outright supremacist rule ethnic Russians need to at least be breaking even in fertility rates if not expanding as a people so he takes the good (more Russians) with the bad (more muds) all the while biding his time.
As for Augustus’ stick as opposed to Hitler’s carrot: I think the psychology of our people is more consistent with breeding in greater numbers when they feel optimistic about the future. When our people have a feeling of hopelessness they tend to restrict their breeding (unlike feral muds who breed like flies).
I’m afraid penalizing our people for not breeding as opposed to rewarding them for breeding may have the opposite to the intended effect.
13 June, 2008 at 2:17 pm
“As for Augustus’ stick as opposed to Hitler’s carrot: I think the psychology of our people is more consistent with breeding in greater numbers when they feel optimistic about the future. When our people have a feeling of hopelessness they tend to restrict their breeding (unlike feral muds who breed like flies).
I’m afraid penalizing our people for not breeding as opposed to rewarding them for breeding may have the opposite to the intended effect.”
Great post!
But U.S. living standards are higher than those in relatively homogeneous (some muds nowadays) Finland and elsewhere in what remains of white Europe, so I disagree about living standards and economic policy. Finland is an ultimate Eurocracy (Belgium also). But Nationalism, socialist or not, is the key.
Race-based nationalism is essential, and Internationalism is treason in any state.