25 May, 2008

The Biological Jew

Posted by Socrates in books, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Jewish Tyranny, jews, Mullins, Socrates, Vietnam War, war, war as a racket at 5:04 pm | Permanent Link

by Eustace Mullins.

“Ask any American college graduate – ‘What is the greatest evil which has ever existed upon this earth?’ He will reply very promptly, and energetically, ‘Nazism!’ He gives this answer because it is what he has been taught. In fact, it is all he has been taught, and it is the sole result of four years of higher education. Do not ask him WHY Nazism is the greatest evil that has ever been known, because he does not know. You will only perplex and confuse him, and make him angry at you, because he does not know the WHY of anything.”

(a .pdf file. Notice the mention of the Jew Walt Rostow, an early neocon who was a central figure in creating America’s Vietnam War policy, located about 3/4 down the file): [Here].

  • 12 Responses to “The Biological Jew”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      I read the whole article and found some answers to things I had been thinking about.

      First, Mullins reveals the role of Jews in sponsoring (and thus, controlling) the magazine called National Review. In past years, they have forgone the behind-the-scenes role. I used to read NR but quit, disturbed by its direction. Now I know the whole story.

      Secondly, Mullins discusses the MacLeish Syndrome. The MacLeish Syndrome is this: 1) All culture is attributed to Jews, and 2) All significant thought is attributed to either Marx, Freud or Einstein.

      In other words, the idea that Jews have blessed us with culture and intelligent thought!

      I see this all the time!

      I was recently in the Smoky Mountains. I learned about the people who lived there, long ago–good, hardworking Christian people. But the media never lets pass an opportunity to portray them as ignorant, gap-toothed hillbillies, given to sodomy, moonshining, or incest!

      Yet a pervert like “Dr. Ruth” (who once, on a national program, instructed a girl on how to give her boyfriend oral sex) is endearingly applauded by the media.

      A trivial example, but conveniently dovetailed with this article.

    2. sgruber Says:

      Good comment, Antagonistes.

    3. Antagonistes Says:

      Thankyou, sgruber. Little by little, I am learning things.

      For example, I have learned that these people will also infiltrate something under the guise of caring for it, ruin it, and then say, “See, see! Look how rotten it was!”

      Then they come back with a plan of salvation, get people to buy into it, and ruin it even more!

      This might have happened to the Catholic church–I am still gathering info as I am able.

      I think it will eventually happen to the internet.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      This might have happened to the Catholic church–I am still gathering info as I am able.

      I think it will eventually happen to the internet.

      Antagonistes Says:

      26 May, 2008 at 10:36 am


      Well, you have a self evident point as they troll, put up false flags sites, and a ton of disinfo, that ordinary fold will be turn off and distracted.

      By the way, has any one heard of porn site or anti White site being hacked or the phone company pulling the plug on it ?

    5. Alfred H Says:

      OTTPS nice link to one of the passage ways to the heart of the Zionist Beast. I left my comments hehe.

    6. Celtic Warrior Says:

      An article full of profound insights.

    7. Jean Says:

      This is, quite simply, the most amazing document I have ever read. It explains so much to me that I have never before understood about the times that I have lived through. Where can I find more of his writings????

    8. Arch Says:

      Note the following very carefully,

      “The host instinctively reacts against the presence of the parasite, because it knows it will suffer in an injury from this strange creature, with its differing life cycle and goals. This is why the Jews always call those who oppose them “reactionaries,” that is, those who react against the presence of the parasite. Consequently, one of the major tasks of the parasite is to seek out all potential “reactionaries” among the host people and eliminate them. Because of this blind, unthinking reaction, which seldom is effective in ridding the host of the parasite, LaPage says, “The basic essential of any campaign against a parasitic animal is a thorough knowledge of every phase of its life history and also of its relationships with all the hosts with which it can live. We need to know all the hosts because some of them may be reservoir hosts maintaining sources of the parasites which can then infect man. With this knowledge, we can select for attack the weakest points in the life history and biology of the parasitic animal.” Research and education, then, are the tools which are needed to counterattack against the evil influence of the parasite. Above all, we must avoid blind, instinctive reaction, since the parasite has long since learned how to anticipate and control such reaction, and even to use it for its own advantage.”

      This is the most succinct explanation why the vitriolic hatred of jews is dangerous to the host population. Jews feed upon hate and negative energy, they revel in animosity and conflict. One should always remain calm in the face of the jew and view them as the natural parasite they truly are. They should be viewed as one would view any parasitical organism through a microscope. One simply does not hate such organisms, even if one is infected and weakened by them. Such organisms are simply a fact of life that must be dealt with properly. The key for recovery is information. When enough people become aware of the presence of the jews, then the action to rid the hosts body of these parasites will occur naturally. In effect, when a certain percentage of the white population realize the true magnitude of the jews infection in their culture their will be a collective convulsing, vomiting up the jew and ejecting them as fecal matter from the culture. Once the body is purged, recovery can begin. But like the cancer victim, first one must recognize and fully admit their condition before any healing is possible.

    9. ein Says:

      That was a brilliant article from Mullins, and a brilliant post from Arch!

      “Jews feed upon hate and …revel in conflict. One should remain calm in the face of the jew and view them as the natural parasite that they are. They should be viewed as one would view any parasitical organism through a microscope. One does not hate such organisms, even if one is infected and weakened by them. Such organisms are simply a fact of life that must be dealt with properly. The key for recovery is information.”

      EXACTLY! One does not hate a tapeworm or a louse. But you study its lifecycle and find a way to purge yourself of it.

      Parasitology can be a disgusting and revolting study. It involves some extremely unpleasant creatures. It is also a fascinating study. It’s amazing to learn of the devious and cunning ways that parasites have developed of extracting their living at the expense of others. Some of them have extremely complex lifecycles for such seemingly simple creatures (as worms, flukes, and leeches). And some of them have developed very clever strategies of controlling their hosts, the better to exploit them.

      After studying parasites, I came to see remarkable parallels to Jews and their behavior toward non-Jews. I think it is really necessary to see the Jewish problem as a parasite/host problem in order to understand the Jews and their relations with their hosts. In order to understand it, first must come awareness and knowledge. And that is the last thing they want you to have. Hence their obsessive need for information control.

    10. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Biology could be viewed (in part) as hierarchies of filters- nourishment filtered in, toxins filtered out. Jew seems to have reversed many of our filters.

      The border acts as a biological filter- poison (mestizos) are supposed to be kept out- now reversed.

    11. panic Says:

      Yes very informative. One of the best pieces I have ever read.

      Just one or two disagreements.

      The US largely became a ‘developed’ nation because of Jew finance, they were in control even back then, just not as much. The civil war was financed by the Jews to make money from it, nothing to do with slavery. Wars also weaken the combatants and this allows the Jews to gain more power.

      Oliver Cromwell re-invited the Jews into England and William of Holland was the Bankers man. They took Britain and the US was theirs…even the US Republic was a ‘sham’.

      I agree that only obeying the commands of a God, and nly a real religion of men can beat the Jews.

    12. Ruslan21 Says:

      Great article.

      For those without knowledge of parasitism in a strict biological sense (that has included me hitherto), this link may be of interest:
