17 April, 2008

The Destiny of America

Posted by Socrates in America, jewed culture, Socrates, Yockey, Zionism at 12:20 am | Permanent Link

by Francis Parker Yockey (above). He gets the number of Jews living in America wrong, but nonetheless this is worth reading. Note Yockey’s comments about why Zionism was created:


  • 5 Responses to “The Destiny of America”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      A very interesting article. I always had trouble with Yockley’s term “cutural distorters” in his Imperium. Maybe the jews got to him, in that he did not name them directly in his Magnum Opus. I wonder why he comitted suicide in jail, shortly after talking with Willis Carto. A strange and different man, but he certainly understood the magnitude of the problem we face as a race.

    2. -jc Says:

      The term “Jew” is technically incorrect, as is the term Semite, for describing the usual suspects. But it has become so popular and serves their needs so well that it has become ubiquitous.

      Mystery often attracts more attention over time than cold facts that are believed to be known. I’m not so sure we know that Yockey’s death was a suicide anyway. If it was, perhaps it was theater and what he considered the best use of himself at the time, given his prospects for the future.

      Carto’s lovely wife, if I’m not mistaken, at one time, not so long ago, ran the Barnes Review.

    3. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      Yockey was a good man, but the creation of a Zionist ideology is good for any race not just the Jews. A race certainly needs a destination like a ball team needs a goal in order to stick together. What is America’s goal now? A multicultural nightmare with whites — the original founders of the nation — as second class citizens. Great. I’ll give you one guess who came up with that plan.

      And his references to “liberal” beliefs should really be “Marxist” beliefs of equality, etc., at least from the time of 1848. After that is when it was spread far and wide and gained a lasting foothold.

      Recall that the Bible prophesied the rise of Zion and the Jews ruling the world as followers of anti-Christ from Jerusalem. I believe Yockey was therefore mistaken to think it was just a recent invention in order to keep the jews together.

      The best way the leaders of the kikes keep their people together is by teaching “anti-Semitism.” It’s indoctrination that “Everybody’s out to get you,” from an early age as Victor Ostrosvsky explained. Little jewboys and girls are told “ALL Gentiles have an irrational hatred of you and want to kill you” so their natural paranoia is magnified and justified. But the reason they say this is not because the bogeymen really exist… it’s because they know that their behavior will cause them to get into trouble, and so they say the bogeymen mete out justice are “anti-Semites.” Nice trick.

    4. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      that last sentence should be “…the bogeymen who are meting out justice to the Jews…”

    5. Sándor Pet?fi Says:

      zoomcopter Said:

      “I always had trouble with Yockley’s term “cutural distorters” in his Imperium. Maybe the jews got to him, in that he did not name them directly in his Magnum Opus.”

      He uses the term “culture distorter” because he is laying down a theory of history which is meant to be universally applicable.

      And you are wrong. He does identify Jewry as a cultural parasite in Imperium.

      FeralWhiteMale Said:

      “And his references to “liberal” beliefs should really be “Marxist” beliefs of equality, etc., at least from the time of 1848. After that is when it was spread far and wide and gained a lasting foothold.”

      Actually, no. When Yockey writes “Liberalism” he means “Liberalism”. And that is as it should be.