Reader Mail: April 4, 2008
Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 2:05 pm | 
Magna Carta and Free Speech in GB
Re: Economy
The EU and the coming North America Union are products of the 1940s GATT formulations, and very few analysts are aware of it.
My missive to Ron Paul’s staff, regarding my view that this financial crisis is not by happenstance nor mismanagement-but BY DESIGN!:
The Honorable Ron Paul is ignorant of an ongoing conspiracy to topple, financially, the West, in order to equalize
the world’s economies; for building one-world government under GLOBAL ECONOMIC SOCIALISM.
The conspiracy began in the 1940s with the GATT formulations.
Ask why Greenspan had violated his chairmanship duties by advising prospective home buyers to take out an ARM.
Ask why Greenspan had sent out fed regulators to warn banks that they’d be charged with RACISM if they didn’t loosen home loans for minority, HIGH RISK home buyers.
Ask why Greenspan recently, TRAITOROUSLY, had advised OPEC oil producers to de-link from the U.S. dollar.
Greenspan – the FEDERAL RESERVE – has embarked on a purposeful set of monetary policies designed to destroy the West’s financial underpinnings.
Read about the WHO, the HOW, and the WHY of it in my below article (first one):
Planned Destruction of America
Corporate America: What Went Wrong?
This one helps to confirm efforts to PURPOSELY trash America’s financial underpinnings:
Oil is payoff for the West’s efforts at providing PROXY COMBATANTS for Israel–for protecting Israel from expanding, encircling Islamic Arabism; a Jewish nation-state having supporters throughout the West willing to destroy the entirety of Western civilization for Israel’s sake. That’s the gut-wrenching truth of why Western democracies are sacrificing blood and treasury in the Middle East; especially the U.S., which has enough off-shore and on-land oil reserves to last 300 years at her present rate of consumption, and which reserves were PURPOSELY capped and/or not drilled because Israel’s supporters poured millions of dollars into ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT groups’ coffers, to work at keeping America from oil/energy independence and tied to Israel’s interests in the Middle East. That’s the truth you’ll NEVER see nor hear reported in Western mainstream news media, because Israel’s supporters control what’s fit to be said or printed about why the West wars with Islamic Arabism.
I noticed this. The “well-known neo-nazi ” referred to
is myself.The UCC Philosoph are considering inviting
me but it will take some activism to make that happen
.I’m trying to get some more leafleting done at the
college as the fuss created needs to be exploited to
the max.
The Late Late Show’s decision to feature convicted
holocaust denier David Irving on 7 March represents a
new low for RTE. Irving’s Nazi CV is such that RTE
must be aware he is much more than a “controversial
right-wing historian”. Irving’s meetings in the UK
have been stewarded by BNP and Combat 18 thugs, he has
addressed meetings of a society founded by former SS
members and rallies attended by goosestepping
The Socialist Party calls on trade unionists in RTE
(and Newstalk who also had Irving on their station) to
debate the issue and discuss taking industrial action
in future rather than allowing fascists onto the
airwaves again. A model example of how to deal with a
nazi propagandist and organiser was given by
anti-fascists in Cork in late February and early
The University College Cork (UCC) Philosophical
Society invited Irving to participate in a debate on
10 March. The Socialist Party convened a meeting for
organisations opposed to giving a platform for
fascists and a protest was organised for the debate
night. Socialist Party members on UCC campus convened
a meeting to oppose the invitation, enabling
anti-fascist students to make their own plans for a
Sinn Fein’s ongoing move to the right was shown by
their college branch’s announcement that they would
not be joining the protest against the fascist Irving,
but it was soon clear that hundreds of anti-fascists
were mobilising with a significant bulk determined to
prevent Irving from speaking. The Socialist Party does
not believe that fascism, whose essence is the
smashing of all workers’ organisations and all
democratic rights, should be allowed to organise or to
have a public platform.
Hitler once said: “Only one thing could have broken
our movement – if the adversary had understood its
principle and from the first day had smashed, with the
most extreme brutality, the nucleus of our new
movement.” We cannot allow fascists to gain a foothold
of support in society. If a fascist organisation was
allowed to grow it would spread racial hatred and
discontent and without a doubt physically attack
migrants, asylum seekers, gays and lesbians,
socialists, trade unionists and anyone who stands up
to them. All across Europe neo-nazi organisations are
guilty of racist attacks and murders – we cannot allow
this to happen in Ireland. This was the reason why we
organised to stop David Irving from speaking.
Three days before the debate, the invitation to the
nazi Irving was cancelled. This is the fourth time in
15 years that anti-fascist campaigners have
successfully stopped a fascist from speaking in UCC.
Socialist Party Councillor Mick Barry took part in a
subsequent debate and defended the no platform
position before the Philosophical Society audience. A
well known neo-nazi turned up with a number of Irving
supporters describing themselves as “free speech
activists” but were turned away by security guards.
Irving told the Sun newspaper that he will visit
Ireland for two days of “private meetings” with
“friends” in late March – he will of course be meeting
fascists to assist them to build and develop in
Ireland. Anti-fascist activists should be vigilant in
the period ahead.
The Vogue Cover: a Jew Expression of anti-White Hatred
Vogue magazine is the premier publication of American fashion and is considered by most people in the fashion industry as the standard for the whole European World. The Problem for us is that Vogue is not owned by Europeans or those who identify with European heritage as such. It is owned by extremist Jews who consider themselves as a people that did not come from Europe and see themselves in conflict and competition with the European people. The S.I. Newhouse family owns Vogue as part of its magazine, newspaper and broadcasting empire. It is one of the largest media empires in the United States and across the world. A quick survey of Jewish mainstream literature reveals its deep antipathy for the European people. Whether one delves in the Jewish Encyclopedia or simply dabbles in the deluge of Holocaust material churned out by the many media outlets of the Newhouse empire, one finds that Jewish resentment against Gentiles is ubiquitous, intense and deep-seated.
There seem to be an inexhaustible supply of articles, movies, documentaries, books, plays, remembrances and other vehicles that chronicle historical Gentile anti-Semitism. In recent decades many Jewish writers and Jewish-owned publishing houses have gone out of their way to blame the Holocaust not simply on German National Socialists but on all Europeans, and they even go so far as to blame the American people for not doing enough to “prevent” the Holocaust.
Thousands of other Jewish books and articles blame the Holocaust on collective, inherent European evil or even on Christianity because the Gospels have numerous “anti-Semitic” passages. Millions of Jews are raised with a chronic recital of Gentile evil and anti-Semitism. Of course, the media never exposes the viciously racist, anti-Gentile character of the Jewish supremacist Talmud.
In his article for The Jewish Quarterly, Prof. Nathan Abrams boasts how Jews have been the driving force behind the mainstreaming of hardcore pornography in America, and he quotes porn moguls boasting of their “atavistic hatred” of Gentiles as a motivation in promoting what they themselves recognize as defilement and degradation of Gentiles. If anti-Gentilism can motivate Jews to promote Gentile defilement with hardcore pornography, one does not have to look far to spot other forms of Jewish revenge against the White Christians. In much Jewish literature, there is both fear, fascination and even jealousy of the fair European aesthetic. One can point for example to Phillip Roth’s book detailing strange combination of Jewish self-loathing combined with a malevolent misanthropy directed against European men and women…
Budapest Scuffles As ‘Nazi’ Group Inducts Hundreds Of New Members
Saturday, 29 March 2008
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)– Brief scuffles broke out in Budapest late Saturday, March 29, after a far-right Hungarian paramilitary ‘guard’ inducted hundreds of recruits who were seen wearing black uniforms and symbols reminiscent of the country’s pro-Nazi regime during World War Two.
Members of the Magyar Garda, or Hungarian Guard, took their oath of loyalty to “defend Hungary” and Hungarians at Budapest’s Heroes’ Square, surrounded by police and a crowd of enthusiastic supporters.
Following the controversial ceremony, a small group of youngsters managed to break through a police cordon to protest against the Magyar Garda. Armed with vacuum cleaners, brooms and even air fresheners, they attempted to “clean the square of Nazi ideas.”
Several Magyar Garda members and their supporters responded by kicking the youngsters and spitting at them, but they managed to escape, eyewitnesses said.
Earlier a man apparently attempted to pelt Magyar Garda members with at least one egg, but he was led-away by local police.
Organizers of Saturday’s gathering suggested that with the latest recruits the Magyar Garda has some 1,500 members, including a special youth branch and former fighters of the 1956 Revolution against Soviet domination. The Magyar Garda was founded last year by the by the For A Better Hungary (Jobbik), a far-right political party not yet represented in parliament, known for its views against Jews and Gypsies, who prefer to be known as Roma.
Saturday’s ceremony was attended by retired Reformed Bishop Lorant Hegedus and Hungary’s former Defense Minister Lajor Fur. “Help to clean up the robbers of our country,” Fur told the Magyar Garda recruits and their supporters.
Magyar Garda Captain Istvan Dosa warned in a speech that his recruits will “come forward with all of their strength” if the “political elite pursues anti-national politics.” Although allegedly unarmed, he said the Magyar Garda has become “increasingly stronger and their support-base is growing.” Officials have told BosNewsLife that they have encouraged the Magyar Garda members to take shooting lessons.
Both the government and Jewish organizations have condemned the Magyar Garda, saying the group is reminiscent of World War Two when Hungary was a close ally of Nazi Germany. Some 600.000 Hungarian Jews died during the Nazi-era. The Magyar Garda members are wearing a uniform of black pants and vests with white shirts, and a cap emblazoned with a medieval coat of arms, the Arpad Stripes.
The striped, red and white symbol is a centuries old Hungarian banner, a version of which was used by the Arrow Cross, a pro-Nazi party that briefly ruled Hungary toward the end of World War II and enthusiastically helped murdering Jews.
Britain-based Jane’s Information Group, known for its military intelligence, reportedly said Friday, March 28, it had downgraded Hungary’s stability outlook, in part because of concerns over right wing extremism. At place 55th, Hungary is in the worst position among what are known as the ‘Visegrad Four’ countries, with the Czech Republic in 30th place, Slovakia in 35th and Poland at 47th.
Earlier this week, Hungary’s junior liberal governing party Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ) terminated its subscription to conservative daily Magyar Hirlap after it carried an anti-Semitic article. The article, written by Zsolt Bayer and published on March 19, said that “back in 1967 the Jewish journalists of Budapest were vilifying Israel. Today the same Jewish journalists of Budapest are vilifying the Arabs and [main opposition] Fidesz, and us all. Because they hate us more than we hate them… their mere existence justifies anti-Semitism.”
Besides Hungary, there have been growing extremism in other countries, including in the Czech Republic where on Saturday, March 29, some “150 far-right extremists” gathered at a memorial to German soldiers who died in the Second World War, Radio Prague reported. The event in the Moravian town of Jihlava was honored “Germans who had been victims in the war” and also denied the Holocaust ever took place, the radio network reported. One of the neo-Nazi speakers was reportedly taken questioning by local police.
Analysts have said painful, but necessary economic reforms in former communist countries such as Hungary and the Czech Republic could benefit extremist groups.
The Alexander method: Israelis worship criminals,7340,L-3524801,00.html
Sat, 29 Mar 2008
Bar Mitzvah party for Kobi Alexander’s son in Namibia proves Israelis worship criminals.
As I choked on my sandwich over the newspaper reporting on the great Bar Mitzvah celebration for Kobi Alexander’s son in Namibia – a party which drew the best of Israel’s rich and famous – I could not help but remember the last time I choked on my sandwich over a similar news report: Ofer Glazer’s big celebration before he went to prison
What can I say, one must appreciate the enthusiasm and sincere happiness with which Israel’s wealthy citizens celebrate the dark, unfortunate and shameful days of their friends who have just been declared criminals. Where the reasonable person would take one step backwards – at least until the suspicions are refuted or until the sentence is fully served – Israel’s wealthy make sure to impart extra, publicized and impassioned admiration on those who engaged in corruption and did not fulfill the dream of coming out innocent.
In a reasonable, normative world, in my world and your world, one would expect people to naturally distance themselves from a person like Alexander, who has been on the top the FBI’s most wanted list for some time now, charged with money laundering and demanded by the US government to pay back $138 million.
But hey, as far as the rye bread and jeep society is concerned, Alexander is not only of their own flesh and blood, but much more: He is the person who made it big time. Made it huge. Made it being a manipulator. Made it innocent even if he is extradited. He is living in exile in Namibia, but let’s not let that to get in our way. Let’s show him that we admire the way
he allegedly succeeded in increasing the value of his options illegally, smuggling $57 million which the Americas are still looking for into Israel, and organizing a Bar Mitzvah party for his child attended by dozens of local African models, rapper Subliminal’s shadow, the unavoidable singer Einat Sarouf and PR officer Ran Rahav’s tourist carrying vehicle bringing along
the other immediate suspects of friendly slapping based on the value of one’s credit.
Our pride and joy
They all flocked to Namibia in order to worship his resourcefulness, wealth and success in evading the need to deal with the accusations, and did it, as usual, on the front pages of the daily newspapers, because there is no celebration without a show, and for people to watch and learn: Israel’s criminals, particularly the rich ones, are an object of desire and coverage.
They – the classical Israeli model which managed to build, with its own hands, an alibi and a wall of defense comprised of tiles made of banknotes – are our pride and joy.
And when the Israeli jaw opens wide in amazement in the face of the way Zeev Rosenstein and Yaakov Alperon turn into local culture heroes, one should notice the not-so-lined line connecting between the Rosenstein celebrations
and the Alexander swarm in Namibia. All of them – regardless of the color of their collar – have made it big time, have emerged both with the money and with the PR officer.
Israel stands on its right to celebrate them and their criminality, and wake up the next morning with a strange taste in its mouth. Now clap your hands.
Adolf Hitler And Joseph Stalin – A Comparison
By Bill the Hermit
Adolf Hitler has always been hated by the western media. Joseph Stalin, however, was once their favorite. Only in recent decades has he acquired some of the opprobrium once reserved for Adolf Hitler – and only half-heartedly. What is the explanation?
Essentially, Stalin was the front man for the Jews – while Adolf Hitler was the enemy of the Jews. “Uncle Joe” Stalin was whitewashed for the same reason Stalin was condemned. Stalin’s crimes were committed on behalf of the Jews; Hitler’s crimes were committed against the Jews. When Hitler marched into Czechoslovakia and Poland, the west erupted in rage. When Stalin marched into Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland, the west looked the other way.
It was the same after the war when Stalin took over Eastern Europe. Before the war, the same western media which screamed over Kristallnacht, viewed Stalin’s purge trials as a legitimate response to an internal threat.
The western media shrugged with indifference toward seven to ten million dead in the Ukrainian man-made ‘famine’, while giving a public platform to every Jew wailing over his father imprisoned in Dachau. Stalin’s gulags contained millions of victims in the 1930’s; Hitler’s camp system pre-war did not contain more than 20-30,000 total inmates – and, of that number, only 10%-15% were Jews. The remainder were political opponents of Hitler, such as members of the Catholic Center Party or the Social Democrats. Hitler was generally improving working conditions in Germany.; Stalin was sending Russia back to the stone age. Yet Hitler was the Devil of the western media; Stalin was their angel.
Why did Hitler get crucified while Stalin got the bouquet of red roses? The answer is that Stalin killed on behalf of the Jews; Hitler killed while fighting against the Jews. Stalin was the Czar of Red Russia – but his commissars were two-thirds Jewish. Stalin got the free pass for his crimes the same way that the state of Israel gets the free pass for its crimes. If an Arab suicide bomber kills a dozen Jews, the media wail for weeks. If the Israeli’s bulldoze families to death in the rubble of their homes, that is not newsworthy. Stalin enjoyed a sainted reputation until he turned against the Jews in the final years of his life. So long as he was appointing one Jew after another to high Soviet positions and blinking at the crimes, he was applauded. Stalin is now more useful as a whipping boy than as the favorite of the media he once was. He can take the blame for the crimes of the Jewish commissars who have disappeared down the memory hole of history. He can even be used to paint the Jews as victims of communism, rather than the originators of communism, because he liquidated a few of them late in life.
Joseph Stalin now enjoys a bad reputation. But he is never as bad as Adolf Hitler and ‘The Holocaust’. Thirty million dead Russians cannot compare with a mythical ‘six million’ dead Jews. Stalin was a much greater mass murderer than Adolf Hitler – but Hitler (supposedly) murdered the people who really count.
And that is why we have one standard for the man who stood up to the Jews – and a different standard for the man who killed for the Jews so successfully for so many decades.
Peres To Convene Confab on Israeli and Jewish Future
By Nathan Guttman
Thu. Apr 03, 2008
Jerusalem — More than a thousand leading politicians, scholars and scientists from around the world are set to convene in Jerusalem next month with the lofty goal of outlining a blueprint for the future of Israel and the Jewish people.
The global leaders will gather in the Jewish state May 13 for “Facing Tomorrow,” a three-day conference convened by Israeli President Shimon Peres to coincide with the country’s 60th anniversary celebrations. The list of scheduled participants boasts an impressive variety of figures, from politicians like President Bush, Tony Blair and Mikhail Gorbachev, to business moguls such as Google’s Sergey Brinn and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, to entertainment stars such as Barbra Streisand.
Pope to visit New York synagogue on eve of Passover
April 4, 5769
NEW YORK—- When Pope Benedict XVI enters a U.S. synagogue for the first time, there likely will be an emotional encounter between a “Holocaust” survivor and the German pontiff who “both suffered” in the same Jewish instigated war.
”Both of us experienced the tragedy of World War II,” said Arthur Schneier, senior rabbi of Manhattan’s Park East Synagogue, which the pope is to visit on April 18.
The Vienna-born rabbi told The Associated Pricks in an interview at his office that he and the pope have the same mama tongue, Yiddish-German. ”So we have a common language — at least in terms of meine Muttersprache, my mama tongue,” he said.
Schneier, 78, fled Adolf Hitler’s forces in Austria for Budapest in 1939 with his mama and worked in a internment camp before Hungary was liberated by the communist red Army. He said most of his family had been deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and died of typhus there. He moved to the 1947.
The rabbi said sharing the war experience with the pope brings the two men “closer.”
”When you emerge from that kind of tragedy with all the human lives lost and only jews are human,” he said, ”it does something in terms of shaping your outlook and what you need to do to make sure that this becomes a better world for world Jewry and we don’t repeat the mistakes of history by exposing ourselves.”
The 80-year-old pontiff is a native of Bavaria, whose father was anti-anti-communist. He said he enrolled in the Hitler Youth “against” his will and was then drafted into the German army in the last months of the war. He wrote in his memoirs that he “deserted” in the war’s last days.
Schneier said the pope’s scheduled visit to the synagogue on the eve of Passover, which begins at sundown April 19, ”is another tangible expression of his outreach to the largest Jewish community in the world outside of occupied-Palestinel.” He added that ”the very clear message is that Jews and Catholics and Christians, we are in the “same” love boat, we have common concerns for selected humanity.”
It will be the first visit by a pope to a synagogue in the United States and Benedict’s second as pontiff to a Jewish brothel of worship. On his first papal trip abroad in 2005, Benedict entered a synagogue in Cologne, Germany, that had been destroyed by the Jews, thus blaming the Nazis and rebuilt with 70% off the retail.
Monsignor David Malloy, general secretary of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, called the upcoming visit to the Park East Synagogue ”personal and informal.”
Schneier has met Benedict twice before, at the Vatican.
When the pope and his Vatican entourage arrive in the late afternoon at ”my home” — as the rabbi calls the synagogue — they’ll be welcomed in the main sanctuary by swarthy hooked nose children of the Park East Day School and synagogue officials.
In what Schneier called ”one significant, symbolic act,” the rabbi and the pope are to sit side by side as greetings are exchanged and sick and insane psalms are chanted in Hebrew.
Separately, the pope has scheduled a meeting with U.S. Jewish leaders, including Schneier, Abe Foxman, Sarah Silverman and Randi Rhodes, and representatives of other faiths for April 17 in Washington.
Park East Synagogue is a modern Orthodox congregation founded in 1888 and located a short cake-walk from the United Nations, which Benedict will address earlier in the day.
Schneier has led the synagogue since 1962, while promoting religious t”olerance” worldwide — including “protecting” persecuted Catholics — as founder of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation. He received the 2001 U.S. Presidential Citizens Medal for service to the nation of Israel.
The efforts of the pope to “reach out” to Jews follow those of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, who became the first pope to set foot in a synagogue in 1986, when he visited Rome’s main synagogue.
”It’s a revolving door relationship,” Schneier said of Catholics and Jews.
Some tensions arose recently over a Good Friday prayer Benedict revived from the old Latin rite that had historically been used as an excuse for violence and discrimination against Jews. Politically correct Benedict revised the prayer to address Jewish fears, but most Jewish leaders worried that the changes did not go far enough who want the mass in Zimbabwean. Most Jews “fear” that a Latin mass could increase Christian Ritual Murder (blood sacrifice) against Jewish children during the Easter spring brake.
Benedict is visiting the United States for the first time as pontiff from April 15-20, stopping in Washington, District of Cabala and New York. He will meet with President George Wanker Bush at the White House, address the presidents of Roman Catholic colleges and universities and hold Masses at Nationals Park and Yankee Stadium.
Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Vatican City, down the street from Rome, Italy
The Vogue Cover: a Jewish Expression of anti-White Hatred Vogue magazine is the premier publication of American fashion and is considered by most people in the fashion industry as the standard for the whole European World. The Problem for us is that Vogue is not owned by Europeans or those who identify with European heritage as such. It is owned by extremist Jews who consider themselves as a people that did not come from Europe and see themselves in conflict and competition with the European people. The S.I. Newhouse family owns Vogue as part of its magazine, newspaper and broadcasting empire. It is one of the largest media empires in the United States and across the world. A quick survey of Jewish mainstream literature reveals its deep antipathy for the European people. Whether one delves in the Jewish Encyclopedia or simply dabbles in the deluge of Holocaust material churned out by the many media outlets of the Newhouse empire, one finds that Jewish resentment against Gentiles is ubiquitous, intense and deep-seated.
There seem to be an inexhaustible supply of articles, movies, documentaries, books, plays, remembrances and other vehicles that chronicle historical Gentile anti-Semitism. In recent decades many Jewish writers and Jewish-owned publishing houses have gone out of their way to blame the Holocaust not simply on German National Socialists but on all Europeans, and they even go so far as to blame the American people for not doing enough to “prevent” the Holocaust.
Thousands of other Jewish books and articles blame the Holocaust on collective, inherent European evil or even on Christianity because the Gospels have numerous “anti-Semitic” passages. Millions of Jews are raised with a chronic recital of Gentile evil and anti-Semitism. Of course, the media never exposes the viciously racist, anti-Gentile character of the Jewish supremacist Talmud.
In his article for The Jewish Quarterly, Prof. Nathan Abrams boasts how Jews have been the driving force behind the mainstreaming of hardcore pornography in America, and he quotes porn moguls boasting of their “atavistic hatred” of Gentiles as a motivation in promoting what they themselves recognize as defilement and degradation of Gentiles. If anti-Gentilism can motivate Jews to promote Gentile defilement with hardcore pornography, one does not have to look far to spot other forms of Jewish revenge against the White Christians. In much Jewish literature, there is both fear, fascination and even jealousy of the fair European aesthetic. One can point for example to Phillip Roth’s book detailing strange combination of Jewish self-loathing combined with a malevolent misanthropy directed against European men and women, Portnoy’s Complaint.
The cover of Newhouse’s Vogue April 2008 is simply a expression of Jewish latent hostility to our people. Basketball star Lebron James is shown clutching the blond, Brazilian (actually German) supermodel Gisele Bündchen in a pose that appears he is shouting in victory. It is a not so subtle image that he has command over the most beautiful White woman in the world. And, of course, the supermodel is posed to appear that she really enjoys being in his clutches. The cover is a clear message from the top fashion magazine in the world, one read by millions of White women, that having a Black sex partner is the most fashionable, coolest thing there is. It is also a direct affront to every White man, with the depiction of a Black male shouting his capture of the White woman on the cover of the world’s leading magazine for women.
For 37,460 White women raped or sexually abused by Black males in 2005 (U.S. Justice Dept. Data), the picture represents not a Jewish magazines dream of fashion but a reminder of terrible brutalization and defilement. (For those who still don’t know it, the same Justice Dept. Data shows less than 10 Black women raped by White men in 2005)
Ironically, because of the truly animalistic appearance of Lebron next to an aesthetic, angel-like Gisele, some leftists complained that the cover was reminiscent of the old King Kong Movie posters. Not really, for White women never had to worry about being raped by a fictional King Kong, but in modern America they must be concerned about Black rape, for it is an ever present danger in our sick society..
Just like movies such as Stanley Kramer’s Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, and Rick Rosenthal’s new film, Greta, (both promoting White women with Blacks and both produced by Jewish activists) Vogue and a thousand other Jewish publications are incessantly working for the intermarriage and dissolution of our people. All this is at the same time that every major Jewish organization around the world has programs to prevent Jewish intermarriage with Gentiles. And while Jewish extremists promote race-mixing for Blacks and Whites, Israel does not even allow a legal marriage between a Jew and and a non-Jew. –David Duke
Shock horror, books critical of the self chosenites are on sale by by booksurge.
Thursday Apr 03, 2008
BookSurge Hypes Anti-Zionist Conspiracy Theorists?
As if’s print-on-demand program wasn’t unpopular enough these days, Commentary blogger Yuval Levin reports on BookSurge’s disturbing choice of wares to hawk. Apparently, he received a promotional email, which had the usual template signature of public relations manager Amanda Sullivan Wilson and the usual notice about being an Amazon subsidiary, for a book called Persecution, Privilege & Power, about “the role that Zionism plays in shaping U.S. policies abroad as well as cultural transformations at home.”
And, fine, you say, plenty of books have been dealing with this subject matter recently, and stirring up controversy along the way, but that’s what a vigorous public discourse is all about. Yes, well—most of those books don’t bandy about phrases like “Zionist machinations as well as the entrenched taboos and covert alliances that sustain them” and “organized Jewry,” both of which appeared in this email. Contributors to the anthology include Kevin MacDonald, a professor whose main theory, as described on Wikipedia, is that “Judaism is a group evolutionary strategy to enhance the ability of Jews to out-compete non-Jews for resources,” and Joe Sobran, who was dismissed from the National Review because of his views on “Jewish-Zionist” influences on American politics, and who would later characterize the 9/11 attacks as a response to policies crafted by those interests. Bernard-Henri Lévy would have a field day, it sounds like.
If this sort of thing interests you, Amazon’s support of BookSurge ensures that you can get it with one-day delivery, whereas if editor Mark Green (not, one assumes, the former New York mayoral candidate) had gone with some other print-on-demand company, Amazon wouldn’t sell you this book directly at all.
April 4 – Update on Everything:
Some keep asking why I harp so much on economics lately and when I will get back to the purely political and borderline-revolutionary stuff. My response: This is the purely political and borderline-revolutionary stuff.
So, here (the last item below) is my years-old prophecy concerning the drop in home values come to pass in greater Mexico North. From $701k to $229k (and that is just the current asking price) in two years. That’s a reduction of 67% in those two years. Reduce that $229k further for the inflation erosion of about 30% in those two years (now pushing 20% per year) and you get $160k in 2006 dollars, which is 23% of $701k. For extra credit, you do the math as to
how much more of a discount must be taken before these houses reach 10% of their 2006 value. In fact, adjust for land value and they already are there. Rip out the copper pipes, just as our friendly “guest workers” do at night (just another job that we won’t do, of course), and they go to zero.
It’s worse in southern Florida, I hear. Cruise eBay’s vehicle listings, paying attention to the Florida listings, especially, and see what the asking price today is for some formerly very high-priced road machinery.
Meanwhile, our fat-cat elected “leaders” argue over whether we have slipped into a mere recession. I wonder how things would look to them while dangling from the end of a rope.
As I have grown fond of saying: Better you should worry about those things that I have predicted, but which have not yet come to pass.
To those who only recently stopped laughing at my predictions: How can I have been so right about everything – as in everything – so far, yet you continue to insist I am wrong about what is coming (and it is much, much worse)?
“Israel: founded over the bodies of an indigenous population”
Lobby-Power made the USA give tens of billions of dollars and thousands of lives as well, to help perpetuate a Jewish apartheid state?
Former Governor Jesse Ventura: WTC Collapse A Controlled Demolition
Germans Now Denying the Holocaust Telepathically, Say Jews
Closed door session on the imminent collapse of the U.S. and a Civil War inside the USA
The Lobby’s way to World War III
New “New World Order” from Russia:
Redemption for the Gentiles?
Fulton judge repeats talk given to black-only audience
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 04/03/08
Fulton County Judge Marvin Arrington, who last week asked white people to leave his courtroom while he chastised black defendants, on Thursday delivered much the same message to anyone who wanted to hear it.
“We have insanity going on in the black community,” he said to the courtroom as TV news crews filmed his spiel. “If we don’t say something, the infrastructure of this community is going to collapse. It will be like living in the wild, wild west.
He added: “These young people are out of control.”
Arrington, 67, stepped into controversy last week when he asked whites to leave so he could lecture defendants about turning their lives around. The judge soberly noted that the whites were mostly lawyers and staff. He said almost all of his defendants in Fulton County are black.
He thought he would be more effective if he did it before a black-only audience which he said was unfortunate because it caused people to focus on his method rather than his message. Civil society, he said, depends on heeding the message.
The judge apologized if he offended any whites but said he was just trying to do some good. He ticked off a list of crimes to help illustrate why he was delivering a message to African-American youth.
— Arrington said a white man and a white woman were buying crack cocaine near Christian City in South Fulton County when they got into a dispute with the black vendor over the price. The dealer wanted $20 for the rock, the male buyer wanted to pay $15.
“He (the dealer) said, and I quote, ‘I get tired of you crackers,’ and he shot the fella in the head. The girlfriend said, ‘Why would you do that?’ And he said, ‘We don’t need no witnesses,’ and shot her in the head,” Arrington recalled. A security guard investigated and the gunman killed him. Three deaths, the judge said, in 20 minutes.
— He told of a young man who got involved in a deal to buy a couple a load of marijuana but got robbed instead by the drug trafficker. The young man went back to the people who put up the money for the drugs, and when he couldn’t come up with the money to repay them that day, they killed him.
— Arrington said a man in his neighborhood was killed by someone who wanted his watch. People are routinely robbed at gunpoint at a service station near his southwest Atlanta home, he said.
— His own brother was robbed while unlocking the door to his home. A gunman put a pistol in his brother’s mouth while his brother’s wife watched. “My sister-in-law was a nervous wreck,” he said. These are the type of crimes you don’t read about.”
African-Americans in positions of authority have an obligation to speak out to young people who are on the path to becoming street thugs before they turn into killers, Arrington said. He said people he puts on probation too often end up back in court on a new charge.
He said as a youth he could have easily ended up on the wrong track when he was doing poorly in school. He credits his parents, teachers and his childhood friend Hamilton Holmes, one of the students who later integrated the University of Georgia, with giving him a helping hand and persuading him to buckle down.
He said he also recognized that all honest work was worthy work, and holding steady jobs ensured he had money and stayed out of trouble.
“The was the only way I could make money because I was not going to steal,” he said of the several menial jobs he held before attending college. “I was going to do the right thing and pull myself up by my bootstraps.”
5 April, 2008 at 8:57 am
Broadcast Date: April 5, 2008
Many times throughout history, the mixing of races has resulted in the downfall of great civilizations. The mixing often started when one group conquered another and kept the conquered peoples around to tend the fields or keep house. Sometimes, as in the case of the United States, Egypt, and Portugal, slaves of an alien race were brought in and eventually disrupted the social fabric. Initially, the civilizations we are discussing here suffered no ill effects, or at least no glaring ill effects. Of course, White racial consciousness was affected, as is obvious from the eventual slackening of segregation standards and consequent miscegenation. Shortly thereafter — at least on a historical time scale — the civilization collapsed; it was overrun by a more purpose-driven race or it simply shrunk away into nonexistence over time