2 March, 2008

“The Only Sure Path to Peace”

Posted by Socrates in John Kaminski, Socrates at 2:42 pm | Permanent Link

by John Kaminski: [Here].

  • 31 Responses to ““The Only Sure Path to Peace””

    1. Wolf Says:

      The solution according to Mr. Kaminski is the “repatriation of all the Jews in the world to Israel”.

      Is that really the answer? It has been tried before. Most hardcore Jews in 1930s Germany would have wholeheartedly agreed with Mr. Kaminski’s solution because it is the very definition of Zionism. The fact is, over the past two millennia Jews have been kicked out of most European countries, sometimes more than once, only to return when the memory of their crimes faded from the memory of succeeding generations.

      Something more permanent is called for.

    2. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Finally a Zionist after my own heart catches on! Zionism is the Final Solution to the Jewish Question. It has never been tried. No mass expulsion to Israel has ever been done. There are 9 million Jews in the Diaspora and only 5 million in Israel.

      When they are expelled from White nations this time, there is only one place to go. As Linder has correctly pointed out, they will be like ticks in a bottle crawling around looking for a warm blooded host. The Jews in Israel will spend all of their time trying to steal money from each other.

      As Linder correctly pointed out, not even a Jew can swindle the earth. Jewish farmers gladden my heart.

    3. sgruber Says:

      The solution is vertical expulsion – six feet under. Bullets are cheaper than diesel gas, and, unlike diesel gas, they actually work.

      Jews will not line up with their passports and plane tickets to take a ride to nowhere. They must be accosted by force.

      As to previous HORIZONTAL expulsions of jews, there have been many of note. Two come to mind: Hitler’s expulsion (or squeezing out) of jews from Germany, and the jews leaving Egypt. In both cases, the kikes were kicked out. The fairy story that Moses begged Pharoah to let the slaves go is, most likely, a typical jewish lie – I’d lay odds the Egyptian jews were the rulers, not the slaves, and got their asses kicked in a revolution and had to flee. If mass expulsion of jews (to “Israel” or anywhere else) has not been done, how to explain the migrations following pogroms? How to explain the Diaspora?

      No, everytime jews are expelled, no matter where from or to, they worm their way back in. England expels jews, England relents and re-accepts jews. The Church in Spain burns jews, jews stay by converting in public but remaining jews in private. (Google converso.)

      You don’t negotiate or reach a settlement with a vicious parasite that has devastated you for thousands of years no matter what you’ve done to combat it. Our way of combatting it heretofore has been to regard it as human. “Those bad people.” “Those bad people should be forced to live in their own land, under their own laws.” Does cancer have human rights?

      Vertical expulsion (Alex Linder’s phrase). An idea whose time has sprung.

    4. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Death is too kind a punishment for the crime of having been born a Jew. The punishment must fit the crime. Only a lifetime of confinement with other Jews in Israel will atone for it. This way there can be no whining from the Jew lovers. Jews are getting what they have prayed for over the last 2,000 years. The Romans started this mess by thowing them out. It can only be fixed by thowing them back in.

    5. -jc Says:

      Good article on a bizarre group’s web site.

      This bunch would seem to be begging for that which they claim to fear at the same time being determined to inflict upon us: Genocide.

    6. Sgt. Skull Says:

      How about expelling the jews then nuking them when they’re all in one place? How else to deal with the satanic and eternal hatred that they possess for all gentiles?

      Not long ago Fred Reed, in his typical hillbilly, “aw shucks” prose, wrote a column in which he stated that jews are essentially blameless chaps who’ve committed only a fraction of the atrocities and crimes that gentiles have committed. Freddie Reed also was a guest speaker at the recent AmRen conference, but David Duke was asked to stay away. What next? Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert as guest speakers at the 2010 conference?

      AmRen does yeoman’s work on the race issue, but it’s obvious that jews exert a degree of control over Jared Taylor and his organization. However, Jared his misleading his flock in telling them the truth about racial differences, but imposing a gag order on jews, their racial antecedents and the effect they’ve had on white, gentile nations. It’s always made me wonder if he is sincerely neutral on the jewish question or if he’s consciously protecting jewish interests by pretending they’re just another branch of the white race.

    7. Ein Says:

      The solution according to Mr. Kaminski is the “repatriation of all the Jews in the world to Israel”.

      Mr. Kaminski advances the hardly novel but rather naive notion that the solution to the JP is their repatriation to Israel. Would they willing go? How long would they remain? A parasite cannot very long be away from its host.

      As Wolf already asks, or implies, is Mr. Kaminski not familiar with the incredibly long list of Jewish expulsions from one country after another down through history? Does he think that removal will suffice? Historically, in virtually every case, they were right back again, generally within only a few years. In a few cases (England and Spain) it took several centuries. But in ALL cases they got back in and resumed where they left off. In one way or another, they will sneak back in, bribe their way back in, use deception, pretense and deceit to burrow back in.

      Or, as in 20th century Germany, they will come back within a mere few years, wearing the uniforms of a conquering army (or in that case, armies), seeking revenge and retribution (and endless restitution payments) from the prostrate nation that had the nerve to want to run its own affairs.

      It’s a very odd relationship: they hate us, but they insist on living among us. They need to. They can’t do without us. And when we object, they accuse US of hate! It’s like a dog trying to shake off its fleas. An exercise in utter futility. As soon as the scratching is over, they always come right back.

    8. Ein Says:

      Sgt. Skull Says:
      How about expelling the jews then nuking them when they’re all in one place?

      Because when they’re all over there, and there are none of them remaining here, they’ll nuke you first.

    9. Ein Says:

      “As Linder has correctly pointed out, they will be like ticks in a bottle, crawling around looking for a warm blooded host. The Jews in Israel will spend all of their time trying to steal money from each other.”

      That’s an excellent analogy to ticks in a bottle!
      But they are not a warm-blooded host for one another. I’m afraid that in this case, they will spend only HALF of their time trying to steal from each other. They will spend the OTHER HALF contriving ways to sneak back into the gentile world where there is a vastly larger field for exploitation.

      Unfortunately, there will always be (and history has proven it!) gullible or venal gentiles who will either take pity on them and be swayed by their appeals for “mercy”, or be swayed by their bribes. Either way, history has shown — countless times over — that exile does not work.

    10. New America Says:

      Wolf has spoken the Deep Truth we all must eventually face, one way or another.

      Ironically, Robert Griffin, in the post immediately below this one, sums up the total of his painfully gained experience at the hands of the demons who walk the Earth known as JEWS, when he addresses the issue of “Advice to Racially Conscious Whites Under Fire.”

      The deeper irony is this: from what we can tell, Kaminski has suffered horribly at the hands of the Satanic demons in human bodies known as JEWS, to the point that he lives in self-described “poverty.”

      Kaminski need to accept the incredible feelings of anger within himself, and work on them Creatively, to transform himself into what he has the opportunity, and Racial Duty, to become.

      I know of too many men whose solution to anger is to turn it inwards, where it manifests as feelings of depression, and spirals DOWN into a morass of spiritual darkness, ALL derived from a feeling of self-selected (learned!) helplessness in the face of the situation. This, in turn, usually derived from unwittingly accepting your Eternal Implacable RACIAL ENEMY’S Terms and Definitions, of both the situation, and your self.

      Go to Griffin’s website, and see how horrifically he has been treated by the attacks of these damn JEWS, these demons who walk the Earth in shoe leather. Go to Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s site, and see how HE has been treated by these damn JEWS, our Eternal, Implacable RACIAL ENEMIES.

      Kaminski has lost everything, and does not realize how free this makes him, from the perspective of RACE. He should have realized this – the demonic JEWS will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER allow him respite.

      My advice to Kaminski to to take Griffin’s advice to heart, and get two books – “Mein Kampf,” and, for VERY useful reading, “A Distant Thunder,” by Harold Covington.

      Wolf is right when he noted that Zionism actually plays into the hands of the demonic Leadership of the goddamn JEWS, when he astutely noted:

      Wolf wrote:

      The solution according to Mr. Kaminski is the “repatriation of all the Jews in the world to Israel”.

      Is that really the answer? It has been tried before. Most hardcore Jews in 1930s Germany would have wholeheartedly agreed with Mr. Kaminski’s solution because it is the very definition of Zionism. The fact is, over the past two millennia Jews have been kicked out of most European countries, sometimes more than once, only to return when the memory of their crimes faded from the memory of succeeding generations.

      in reply:
      The Universe seems to be structured in such a way that we keep getting The Lesson, until we get The Lesson.

      Wolf wrote:

      Something more permanent is called for.

      in reply:
      I am reminded of Alex Linder’s “Moderate Position” on dealing with these demons in human form.

      And, as all good former Conservatives know, “Moderation, in the pursuit of justice, is no virtue.”

      Again, in the famous words of the sergeant at Roll Call:

      “All right! Let’s do it to THEM, before they do it to US!”

      Words to live by!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    11. Bolg Says:

      Wow! Kaminski’s become a nazi!

      Hadn’t read anything of his in a year, maybe. The growth is staggering. He’s found his way from being the rare honest liberal who’s lost his blinds, to finding about the jew, to opposing it on principle, to finally understanding the need to eliminate it (in his case – to get rid of it, but that’s a technicality). The litmus test in Kaminski’s case being his way of writing about Adolf Hitler. A test which many prominent WN writers haven’t passed – Edgar Steele comes to mind.

      John Kaminski has walked the path of a honest man to his own freedom, and through his talented writing many more will be free.






    14. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Zionism has never been tried. There have been no expulsions of Jews since the Third Reich. At the time, Israel was not in existance. The great Zionist Adolf Eichmann, PBUH, visited Palestine in 1937 to arrange for the repatriation of European Jewry. The British threw him out of the country. No other country was willing to take in the Jews.

      When they were thrown out of countries in the past, they merely infested the neighboring country. The game of musical chairs has been played by Jewry for the last 2,000 years. This time, there is only one place them to go, and that is Israel.

    15. Marwinsing Says:

      Heck – it’s gotta be Déjà vu.

    16. New America Says:

      I have compared converting to White Nationalism to the process of religious conversion.

      I suspect Brother Kaminsky is just beginning to Get It – he will NEVER be accepted, or even tolerated; he is, in effect, “Fair Game.”

      It would serve him well to download – for FREE! – a copy of Covington’s “A Distant Thunder,” and read – daily – from pages 138 to 150, as he will have many opportunities to compare an NS economy with the collapsing Judeo-American financial system.

      It will inspire him to see things – the collapse of an economic system – in a new light, and he might begin to think in terms of Creative Alternatives, and a society based on a theory of Positive Racism.

      Hot damn!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    17. Hoosier Says:

      “It would serve him well to download – for FREE! – a copy of Covington’s “A Distant Thunder,” and read – daily – from pages 138 to 150, as he will have many opportunities to compare an NS economy with the collapsing Judeo-American financial system.”

      Do you have a link for an online version of “A Distant Thunder,” New America? I’ve ordered a copy, but haven’t gotten it yet.

    18. New America Says:

      in reply to Hoosier:

      go to http://nwtrilogy.blogspot.com/

      on the right hand side of the page, scroll down, and The First Northwest Trilogy is there for free download.

      Incidentally, along with Kaminski’s idea of Repatriation, VNN did a one minute and three second clip of someone at JFK Airport announcing the last of the Jews being sent back – jets in the background, the whole thing.

      It was pretty cool!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    19. Ein Says:

      New America Says: in reply to Hoosier:
      on the right hand side of the page, scroll down, and The First Northwest Trilogy is there for free download.

      Thank you, New America. You have answered my question too.

    20. Hoosier Says:

      Sweet, thanks NA. Also, I came across this library of books while looking for the download of “A Distant Thunder:”


      There looks to be a lot of good books, if you can get past the usual arrogant stupidity of the anti-white smear at the top.

    21. Ein Says:

      Many thanks to hoosier too. That is a GREAT list of books!

    22. New America Says:

      in reply to Hoosier:

      Thanks for the list.

      I’m surprised Harold Covington hasn’t placed links to all of his books on the main page of his “Thoughtcrime” blog.

      That having been said, I am gratified that the source for the list of books you linked to is an email from…

      Harold Covington.

      I understand Covington’s “The March Up Country” is also available online somewhere. Originally written in 1987, his depth of insight into the White Nationalist organizational models is the benchmark for intellectual integrity.

      He also made reference to a party manual he wrote, in which one person actually did what the manual said, and did very well in a local election in TEXAS. This included self-identifying as a National Socialist, including, if I recall correctly, wearing the red swastika armband…

      I want Kaminski to read “A Distant Thunder” because he will be able to relate to the circumstances of the books White protagonists quite well.

      If he couldn’t before, he certainly will now…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    23. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      The proper link to Tubb’s book “Distant Thunder” is
      http://ia341243.us.archive.org/2/items/ADistantThunder/A_Distant_Thunder.pdf .

    24. Marwinsing Says:


      * * *

      (Creative English grammar homework exercise for little Johnny and Mary: compile a similar list of words of substance by concatenating meaningful morphological units together using the suffix -ATE)

      * * *

      “Vee vill vone day surgikally remove zee larynx OUT from zee goy — zen hez vepenz ent hez intestinez — end mek heem SPEECHLESS ent DEFENSELESS zen take zee goyz 1st ent 2nd Emendment Ektz ent use zem for TOILET-PAPER zen EET heez larynx ent intestinez for Pureem ent go ‘Oy-Vey Oy-Vey’ heh-heh heh-heh…”

      * * *

      Demn jooz.


      (ja… if we DON’T pull our thumbz out our fucking-backsides soon-soon LIKE chop-chop folks… itz coming — SOONER than you think — ask us. Christ-almighty if I could fucking-well tell you how many damn HUNDREDZ of corpses I’ve lugged around here in my day itz a small MIRACLE that I am even HERE — ALIVE AND KICKING nogal — to share with you this little ditty. All my friends are DEAD. Think I talk SHIT? Ever heard of a little hell-hole banana republic that once functioned PERFECTLY FINE until certain ELITISTS IN THE WEST throttled us – tried to squeeze our BALLS and the living-daylights out of us – VIA sanctions becauze we had a system, the BEST system [APARTHEID] — well it WOZ called South Africa. We now call it AZANIA – and itz run by vervet-monkeys. Ja… what happening to MY CUNT-TREE WILL soon happen to your cunt-treez if goy don’t do NUTTEENG about it – LIKE CHOP-CHOP. The New World Order – itz coming sooner than you THINK. Any white being alive on this fucking planet who does NOT serve Our Cause deservez to be BEHEADED or SHOT or THROWN to the enemy – and I fucking-well MEAN that. Any paleo-biped a-stomping this planet who usez a TV-set for recreational purposez, who goes to, OR allowz a member of his FAMILY to go to — A CINEMA or BORDELLO or… — is a damn race-traitor TOO… and we all know WHAT Dante Alighieri recommended as a remedy for RACE-TRAITORZ now don’t we… well if you DON’T – den Googa dat shit – his DIVINE COMEDY – his NINE CIRCLES OF HELL. Oy-vey. RAIZE YER STANDARDZ and WATCH THE PATTERNZ becauze itz coming…)

    25. Fr. John Says:

      ” The Jews have created a 2,000 year old hammerlock on the world’s money system, which they did when they created the Christian bible at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, when they prohibited all but themselves from charging usury on money. ”

      I know nothing of this man, nor what he may have or actually has, suffered.

      But his reasons for what he advocates (as witness above) are as erroneous historically as they are theologically. As a cleric, and one who has no love lost on the heresy known as “Roman Catholi-schism,” I need to point out that the Church- the historical Church- is a DIFFERENT ENTITY from what passes as either Protestantism or [sic] Catholicism. She (in short, the Orthodox Church) views both groups as filled with error, capitulation, and as heinous as the Jews, whom they call to this day, the “Deicides” [Christ-God Killers].

      It is THIS group of (sic) [GENTILE] White Men that gave the world the Greek NT, took over the GREEK Septuagint [LXX] from the Jews, after Christ’s resurrection, and denounced the later Jewish adoption of the Massoretic text at the spurious ‘council of Jamnia’, promulgated the SEVEN Ecumenical Councils, in which the greatest anathemas were heaped upon the Jews and their Lies!

      These Aryan/Greek Christians forever stated that: Christians must never marry them; must not have them as their friends; use them as their doctors; accept medicine from them; eat their foods; shun their feasts and ceremonies- indeed, if an Orthodox priest goes into a synagogue, he is automatically excommunicated!

      As far as interest/usury, it was clearly done so that: Communion is denied to those who charge it to the brothers (Fellow Christians); jews did not charge interest to fellow jews, St. John Chrysostom noted- why should we do it to OUR [racial/religious] brethren?”

      So, for Kaminski to conflate Catholi-schism, the True Church of the Apostles, Canons, and Councils, with Talmudic Judaism, which is a RIVAL FALSE FAITH, is the height of both disingenuousness, as well as doing a disservice to history.

      The Jews are guilty, of that few here will doubt. But to lump Christianity in with the false faith of the Deicides, is to both deny your own history as Christendom, as well as to bury your heads in the sand, looking for some pristine Paganism a la NatSoc Wodinism, which is more than ludicrous- it is insane. You cannot fight something [Talmudism] with nothing. [Paganism]

      Since Christ, the ONLY success Christendom has ever had against the Jews, has come when she is most consistently Christian- not Papal, Protestant, or Puritan- but Christian.

    26. Ein Says:

      Regarding Kaminski, some here have called him a great writer and such. I can’t agree with that. Suffice to say that he’s coming along, but I do find him a little naive. Personally, I just don’t see Israel as any real solution.

      Even if they were confined to Israel, if that ever happened, if it even could, do you think they would stay there? They would resort to the double citizenship ploy … or even triple, or quadruple (as some already do). They would use marriage, money, and every device and ruse to bribe or finagle their way back in. They wouldn’t be gone for long. In a generation’s time, people’s vigilance would be realized. And then they’d be back again, reminding us forever after how we had wronged them and how much we owe them.

      It’s a bizarre relationship, that of a parasite and host. Although they resent us and despise us, they need us. They crave to live among us. As I already said, the flea needs the dog; he doesn’t have to love the dog. And so, Jews seek to live among the most industrious, inventive, productive of the gentile nations — because that’s where the wealth is being generated. And once in, they then seek to cement their control over that society by getting a stranglehold on it. Naturally, the host, sensing that it’s being smothered, rebels and struggles to cast them out.

      It’s a crazy, self-destructive cycle that they engage in — over and over, down through the centuries, and THEY NEVER LEARN. But you don’t see them lined up seeking to immigrate to Paraguay or Papua or Zambia — even though I’m sure those countries have attractive climates and rich resources. But not the productive populace that the Jews need to give them wealth.

      No, Israel does not strike me as a viable solution. But at least it’s a try. To borrow a tired quotation, but a good one: “A Zionist is a Jew who wants some other Jew to go live in Palestine.” I think that says it all.

    27. Ein Says:

      “They would resort to the double citizenship ploy … or even triple, or quadruple (as some already do). They would use marriage, money, and every device and ruse to bribe or finagle their way back in. “

      And (with a nod of acknowledgement to Fr. John, who eariler mentioned conversos and maranos), I should have mentioned the ruse of conversion also. That is the Achilles heel of most of the gullible Christian sects which are so avid to acquire new “souls” that they would eagerly take them in and defend them. The Catholic Church, after two thousand years of failing to do so, is
      STILL praying for their conversion! That is how we end up with bizarre anomalies like a Jewish Cardinal of Paris (Lustiger). And I understand there have even been a Jewish pope or two.

      No, conversion is not the way to go either. A Jew is still a Jew.

    28. shabbos s. shabazz Says:

      Also, he is a race mixer.

    29. Ein Says:

      “They wouldn’t be gone for long. In a generation’s time, people’s vigilance would be realized.

      Oops! I meant to say people’s vigilance would be relaxed. It came out “realized”. That’s Spell-Check for you!

    30. New America Says:

      in reply to Fr. John:

      Thank you for an astutely argued, tightly reasoned, analysis and commentary.

      Some thoughts:

      Note that the Form of Christianity, for now, has been perverted with the Substance of Judaism, forming Judeo-Christianity.

      As a good basic definition of Judaism is this – Judaism is the EXACT opposite of Christianity – it is obvious that the mixing of Christianity with Judaism is the mixing of wheat with tares – and we all know what we are supposed to do with tares, don’t we?

      I see a slightly different perspective on Christianity from you, and I don’t think the difference is substantial enough to matter.

      Look at Christianity from a RACIAL perspective, and see that only the Western Soul has the Creative Element that allows the fullest blossoming of Christianity. For instance, Putin has transformed Russia into a Nation that is spiritually grounded in Orthodox Christianity – Russian Orthodoxy, yes, but even that is reaching out to their Orthodox brethren.

      I think that Christianity allowed the White European tribes to put aside their most unproductive trivial quarrels, and bound them into a greater Enterprise than they could have imagined. The Powers and Energies were thus freed up to expand, Creatively, both in the land mass controlled, and Culturally, as well.

      I suspect that most Christian “conversions” are rather like people “converting” to being Americans as a proposition nation, as a matter of temporal convenience, rather than as an organic, “Blood and Soil” nation, with an organic common spiritual bond of Christianity to unite them.

      They will pay for that, as well.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    31. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Naysayers object that after Israel is Gathered, that Jews will escape. First, what Jew would want to escape Paradise?

      Second, we Later Day Zionists plan a wall around Israel that will make the Berlin Wall look like a fence to keep in a Mexican Chihuahua.