17 November, 2007

Another Old Man Faces Deportation

Posted by Socrates in holocaust racket, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed immigration policy, OSI, Socrates at 5:29 pm | Permanent Link

He faces deportation thanks to the actions of a Jewish-created government office [1]:


[1] about the U.S. government’s Office of Special Investigations (OSI): [Here]

  • 4 Responses to “Another Old Man Faces Deportation”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      The Office of Special Investigations sounds a lot like Office of Special Plans, the “office” which doctored the “evidence” which led to our current war in Iraq. OSP was run by Abram Shulsky, under Paul Wolfowitz, both jews. They cherry picked data to prove Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, contrary to what the nuclear inspectors found on the ground. Seems they like to set up shop in government offices, next to legitimate agencies, where they can manage data and facts for their own interests, protecting Israel or plotting revenge against real or imagined enemies. I would bet money that evidence is doctored or fabricated in both offices. It is noteworthy that Abe Shulsky still plies his trade. The OSP has been converted into an office dedicated to examining data regarding Iran. The names change but the tactics remain the same.

    2. HATE Says:

      Wasrael is a Mole .

    3. Vaultner Says:

      “Greg Gordon, who prosecuted Firishchak in 2005 and now teaches at the University of North Dakota law school, said the evidence during the trial was clear.

      “He was with the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police during a time when they were committing horrendous atrocities against the Jewish population,” Gordon said.”

      That’s not a whole lot of evidence. We have plenty of cops & officials who don’t do their jobs now. Such as deporting illegal aliens, arresting known criminals etc. How about some actual proof that he did anything to anyone? Because following orders & guarding a post should not be considered a criminal act anywhere except a which hunt.

    4. concerned citizen Says:

      “Greg Gordon, who prosecuted Firishchak in 2005 and now teaches at the University of North Dakota law school, said the evidence during the trial was clear.’

      That’s a lot of personal information. He could get hurt if it fell into the hands of some sociopath with a mistaken sense of justice.