12 July, 2007

Zundel on NS and/as Religion

Posted by alex in Jewish politicians, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zundel at 2:10 am | Permanent Link

Came across this by Ernst Zundel…


The Nationalist Socialist movement was structured as an ideology behind a political party, although outwardly legitimized for the immediate emergency task of saving the German nation and its people from the allure of atheist Marxism. Hitler’s attempt, although recognized only by his most ardent enemies, was his tentative, cautious effort to phase in a new religion of “race, blood, and soil” — not by fire and sword, as Charlemagne had done, but gently and imperceptibly. Hitler attempted to span several generations, and this approach was typical for him, the great social conciliator, who had successfully neutralized the false religion of Marxism and won over the best heads and hearts that had been misled by Karl Marx’s false gospel. In today’s parlance, we would say the flailing liberals settled down, discovered moorings, and turned conservative in the best meaning of the word.






There can be no doubt for those with a wider or more cosmic view and for people with a spiritual and religious bent that National Socialism was well on its way to absorbing into its own ranks the personnel and many of the institutions of the churches, such as all its charitable functions. Teaching seminaries were sure to follow. The established churches were already virtual arms of the state, depending on the state’s church tax collections for survival. Ministers and priests were expressly forbidden to meddle in temporal affairs. under the Concordat’s provisions, political sermons were to be taboo. Formerly church-affiliated youth groups were losing members by the millions — not because of pressure and coercion, but because the National Socialist alternative was more exciting, more modern, had nice looking uniforms, great spectacles, inspiring music, flags, banners, parades, and a healthy, natural, modern “catechism” called a Party Program. The Nuremberg rallies and other festivals such as the Thanksgiving Festival on the famous Bueckeberg, where millions gaathered, much as in vast outdoor revival meetings, celebrated in fact the rebirth of the German nation — a nation free of the strangling grip of usury. Those festivals were stylized “high masses” celebrating the race, the nation, and the now unified state. They met in the great stadium in Nuremberg, surrounded by a thousand glistening beams of searchlights projected above them into the starlit sky like a vast, ethereal Gothic cathedral. A resurrected German people sang with gusto and, yes, near religious fervor the joyful, vibrant, uplifting and all-uniting battle songs of the party, which had led it to victory over its deadly enemies. A clean-cut, practical, and at the same time eternally cosmic religion in its roots and in its aims was forming before the world’s eyes into a new, never-before-seen, much less articulated modern religion about to transcend its cocoon as a pupa transforms into a magnificently beautiful, brilliantly colorful butterfly — before it takes flight in the sun.


Compare that vision, which to 100 million Germans was already a living, tangible, visible, daily experienced reality, to the simplistic vision offered by those other religious “reformers” or “rekindlers” of paganism! It was no different then than it is today for those searching for meaning and spiritual fulfillment in their lives.
Could the hundreds of thousands of young men and women, affirming the greatness of the nation as a creation of God Almighty, have found anything satisfying in a book or a creed which showed on its cover and had as its central theme an unkempt, wild-eyed, mean and fierce looking, bearskin-clad, horned-helmeted, sword-swinging Viking-Norseman warrior — who, riding, his billygoat, pulls a heavenly chariot across the clouds in the sky, circled by black ravens, causing thunder and lightning below?


There was not then, in the 1930s, nor is there now in the new millennium, an independently thinking Aryan man or woman alive who can claim with a straight face that those ancient tales, fables, or beliefs have any meaning or relevance to their life’s experiences or the world around them in any way whatsoever. The same goes for the Greek and Roman fables and their gods — the whole plethora of them! These ancient gods were more capricious, arbitrary, vicious, depraved and vindictive, immoral and cruel than the most imperfect humans of their ages, and even more so than most people in our own age. They presented no god-like perfection in conduct. Therefore, they are useless as instillers of values or worthy of emulation.


After delving for decades into all these convoluted ancient tales, sagas, religious beliefs, and rites of Aryan people of long ago, I come away shaking my head in disbelief, asking myself over and over again: “Can this be true? Can our ancestors, those no-nonsense, down-to-earth, infinitely curious and tough Nordic people have believed in these things? They, who in mere nutshells of boats braced the nasty, unforgiving Atlantic Ocean to see and discover the new world across the seas? How could a genius, a political and military strategist like Alexander the Great, or any collection of famous Roman generals and emperors, not have seen through those chimeras and realized that these gods had feet of clay? How could millions upon millions of Aryans have bowed down for thousands of years to such flawed gods, thought of them and treated them as divine? The whole idea seems utterly ludicrous to me, the simple peasant, in 2003!


Compared to that, the Aryanized Christianity of the post-Roman gods was a well-organized, easy to understand and to follow religion of simple faith, possible redemption, and the promise of an eternal life. I and hundreds of millions of Aryans in many countries and continents could not possibly be enticed into replacing Christianity with the even more imperfect gods of that bygone age of Greece and Rome, much less the Norse gods of Odin or Wotan, regardless of how many Valkyries are awaiting us in Valhalla with outstretched arms!


Hitler, as in so many other things, was right when he said that old religions, whose trails have gone cold, cannot be revived. They are permanently dead and have entered the pages of history. What keeps them on life support are the vast real estate holdings, the stock portfolios, the largesse of foundations and trusts, and the bequests from dying parishioners, who at death’s door try to bribe themselves into heaven by one more last, big offering into the collection plate of signed-over stocks and bonds or wads of cash, paintings, rare coins, and life insurance policies. That image of wealth and power should not deceive us, for it is proof of neither relevance nor spiritual health. The nearly empty churches and beautiful cathedrals of Europe and increasingly America, with their dwindling and aging membership, are abundant proof, if more proof were still needed, that the traditional Christian churches are quickly becoming irrelevant, except for the enthusiastic, emotionally hyped message of some fundamentalist millennialist sects with their politicized agendas of “Christ’s Return” after the battle of Armageddon in illegitimately born Israel.


If the church as we know it today survives another one or even two generations, we can count ourselves lucky. I say that because the “fear of the Lord” and his instant and eternal punishment have been argued away by our Marxist/Jewish theologians. Immorality, lying under oath, cheating, stealing, and loose sexual behavior have dramatically increased in “Christian” nations. Situational ethics are now the order of the day.


All of us, Christian or non-Christian, white or non-white, are paying a steep price for being part of a society without a religious or moral compass and anchor. That was never more obvious to me than in my own treatment, which I received at the hands of the public, the media, the politicians, and finally the courts in the last two decades in Canada and the U.S.A. There are no more standards of honesty, no more truths in anything, no more public morality, not even fairness — and you can forget oaths of office by public servants, officials, policemen, senators, prime ministers, and presidents! They violate their sacred oaths without care or caution, without shame, on an almost daily basis. If truth, justice, honor and loyalty mean nothing in a society, if “truth is no defense,” lies, injustice, dishonor, and treason will reign. Never before have I felt it and observed this as keenly as I began to feel it once the handcuffs and leg irons click shut around my wrists and ankles in Tennessee! This feeling has since deepened for me after my expulsion to Canada.


If we want not merely to survive but still have an inner drive left to revitalize and achieve a renaissance for ourselves and our kith and kin, our effort must include a religious dimension for our people, relevant to their daily lives, their experiences, their hopes, dreams and aspirations. It must fit them as comfortably as National Socialism once fir the German people and nation in the 1930s. It must not be contrary to their own nature and being and chafe and grate like some ill-fitting hair shirt — an alien creed imposed by threat of damnation, fire, or sword! It must be uplifting and satisfying. It must fill the spiritual hunger and craving evident in so many areas as a missing dimension in modern life. It must celebrate life, health, and produce joy and happiness. Its music, hymns, and message must stir the people’s hearts, propel their minds into regions and raise them to heights as yet unknown! It must not accept finite frontiers in knowledge, time, or space.


Our new faith must be cosmic in scope and eternal in duration. Only a faith like that will be acceptable to the new species of man waiting to be born and to be perfected on the anvil of life on this earth — our beautiful little blue planet.

  • 33 Responses to “Zundel on NS and/as Religion”

    1. America First Says:

      I have known two men who fought/defended Western civilizations survial against Stalin, NYC, and London’s nightmare creation that was called the USSR, and they told me exactly the same information as this article speaks of.

    2. rags to riches-tell lies ! Says:

      The entire old testament has been unveiled and the allegory is consistant camel puckey….Israel never existed except as a watering hole for caravans on the east west trade routes….Bedouin ragheads with a yen for date PALMS and oasis watering holes spinning their yarns and farfetched gibberish nonsense…archaeologists have cmpletely dismantled the MYTHS ! The Bible has been CHANGED from being THE WORD OF GOD to IT “MAY” CONTAIN THE WORD OF GOD !! Almost like a pack of cigarettes health hazard warning, eh ?? NUKE that goddam crummy place !!

    3. skeptic Says:

      We already have what Zundel is talking about.

      It’s not contrary to our nature and it doesn’t chafe and grate like some ill-fitting hair shirt. It’s not an alien creed imposed by threat of damnation, fire, or sword. It’s uplifting and satisfying. It celebrates life, health, and produces joy and happiness. Its message stirs the people’s hearts and propels their minds into regions and raises them to heights as yet unknown. It does not accept finite frontiers in knowledge, time, or space. And it’s cosmic in scope and eternal in duration.

      It’ called science.

    4. rags to riches-tell lies ! Says:

      The Norman Knights came under the PATRONS of the Venetian Money Changers…When did the Venetian money CROOKS move to Denmark and England.?..Looks as though their USURY BASED house of cards is about to go TITS up….English Royalty is involved in this QUAGMIRE up to their eyeballs…. There are a few articles on the net about it, but, for the most part it is being kept UNDER the RADAR ! Lyndon Larouche has a GREAT expose’ on it !! A criminal CABAL stripping all the world’s Wealth into the hands of a few using religion as a means to that end…

    5. Hoosier Says:

      Great article.

      I’m not very religious at all – but don’t consider myself an atheist. But I’m not willing to put religion and the wisdom and the good things one may find, and the bad things, as irrelevant either. I’m not sure which “box” I can “fit into” – Paganish, sort of as a philosophy, not as a religion if you squint sideways and tilt your head a little – sort of. Whatever. I’ll use whatever source is useful to my purposes.

      Anyway, I’ve always liked this article:



    6. Hoosier Says:

      I disagree that Christianity was better than the old pagan religions, at least modern pagans don’t LITERALLY think that Odin created the world out of giant’s bones – it’s meant as a metaphor.

      Christians, I guess, literally believe that Eve ate an apple because a talking snake tempted her to, and then centuries later, a virgn was impregnated by an invisible spirit, and gave birth to a God/Man to make up for Eve’s faux pas. Whether Christ is Aryan or Jewish, believing such things as an article of faith strikes me as – very gullible.

      And I don’t see any evidence that old Yahweh is any more moral than Odin, Zeus, Mithra, or any other God, INCLUDING his nemesis, Lucifer Lightbringer.

      On the other hand, I was raised Lutheran, and I can see that there was much good in the things I was raised in, and I really can’t quite abandon my own “roots.”

      Religion – is a funny thing. As soon as something becomes a religion, it seems to start becoming dogmatic and stagnant. On the other hand, I agree with the author who says,

      “If we want not merely to survive but still have an inner drive left to revitalize and achieve a renaissance for ourselves and our kith and kin, our effort must include a religious dimension for our people, relevant to their daily lives, their experiences, their hopes, dreams and aspirations.”

      Maybe we should start having – faith in ourselves. We’ve been brow-beaten and demoralized 24/7, 365 for so long, it seems a good place to start. Ill leave by saying, I just don’t know the answers about religion.

    7. nostalgia Says:

      The only religion that stirs this ole timer is reading about the ancient Irish Warriors and their escapades…..Considering the size of that tiny little island on the western edge of the world and it’s paleo recorded history and myths, IS a RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE…..fuck all you anti-irish/scots !!

    8. le negre'to liberia Says:

      The answer to “RELIGION” will only be found AFTER the niggers and muds are DEPORTED “OR” !!

    9. New America Says:

      in reply to Hoosier:

      you wrote:
      Religion – is a funny thing. As soon as something becomes a religion, it seems to start becoming dogmatic and stagnant. On the other hand, I agree with the author who says,

      “If we want not merely to survive but still have an inner drive left to revitalize and achieve a renaissance for ourselves and our kith and kin, our effort must include a religious dimension for our people, relevant to their daily lives, their experiences, their hopes, dreams and aspirations.”

      Maybe we should start having – faith in ourselves. We’ve been brow-beaten and demoralized 24/7, 365 for so long, it seems a good place to start. Ill leave by saying, I just don’t know the answers about religion.

      in reply:
      Behind every Great Culture is a religion; to be exact, there is a spiritual construction whose Substance fits into the Form of a religion.

      The problems begin when we choose to remake “God” over in our Image; this is the point at which the living Spirit degenerates into our limited understanding of it.

      Religions do this extremely well.

      I was born and raised in an extraordinarily fundamentalist church, and we were way out in ‘the country.” No checks and balances, and social sanctions for those who questioned.

      When I was twelve, I noted the dramatic discrepancy between the God of the Old Testament, and the deeds of His Son, in the New Testament.

      I was told that “this is a Mystery, and will be revealed to you when you are ready.”

      Let me assure you of this:

      If Christ returned tomorrow, the first thing He would do would be the first thing He did upon arising from the River Jordan; He would enter all of the temples, and beat the hell out of everyone.

      This time, He wouldn’t stop.

      Remember, JUDEO-Christianity is the deliberately designed tool of the demonic Jews which has one purpose, and that is to pervert Christianity, while stopping its adherents from doing much of anything.

      In short, just as JUDAISM is the exact opposite of Christianity, the effect of melding JUDAISm with Christianity is to neutralize Christianity, and keep it in neutral – at best.

      Bob Whitaker made an excellent point – Christianity is found in the Gospels.

      I would add that Christianity, as it should become, in time, is also found in the Book of Revelation, which was authored by Jesus Christ through the pen of John – but, that ‘s just my belief.

      Look at the Jesus Christ of the Gospels, and note something, and note it full well:


      He was the most judgmental person to ever walk the Earth.

      The rest of the Bible, for the most part, is simply the story of the demonic goddamn JEWS, written by the demonic goddamn JEWS.

      Guess whose side of the story THEY will tell?

      In truth, the author you quoted noted, correctly, that a true Religion would seek to benefit its followers in the fulfillment of their spiritual greatness, and not just fill its own coffers with the fruits of the labors.

      Or, as Alex Linder so astutely put it, “If these are the Chosen People of a god, who would want to follow such a god?”

      This is why so many Christians are suffering from the functional equivalent of schizophrenia; they KNOW it can not be true, yet they’ve been taught from birth that it IS true. It’s just that there is a sublime wisdom that they can not understand.

      Yet, their senses tell their Minds it can not be true.

      So, they shut their Minds off with prescription tranquilizers, and return to live lives of quiet desperation.

      All they have to do it what I did one day.

      I took the Bible, and removed everything but the Gospels, and told my family, “There! THAT’S Christianity.”

      THAT is how much the demonic JEWS have perverted Christ’s Message,

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    10. Jim Says:

      The one thing Marx got right was calling religion the opiate of the masses. Yes, the masses of asses need something to believe in. Screw religion and give them national socialism. You don’t need more than that.

    11. Anti Says:

      How did you dumbass miss the first comment. “After Seinfeld I am going to download the video”. Seinfeld the jew WNs are watching Seinfeld. I herd on FTL the other day that one of you watches famlyguy so you let yourselves be “poisend” by the “jewmedia”? One more question, if whites are being genocided then why are there more white people on the planet then ever before?

    12. Anti Says:

      Hey, it’s my shift. What you doing here, “Anti?” I’m you! or you’re me?
      I’m getting confused….

    13. Hoosier Says:

      Thanks for the comments, New America. I’m outta here for a couple of days, I’m sure we’ll “talk” later.

    14. expat Says:

      I’m an atheist, but here is a study that clearly shows the objective reality of the jewish mentalty:
      http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [edited by VNN; reason: porno link]

      [Oh, that’s real fuckin’ funny. Kikes are sick, inbred assholes who merely pose as White people, and who are obsessed with all things twisted and unclean].

    15. Antagonistes Says:

      This essay has echoes of the words of William Gayley Simpson in Which Way Western Man?

      I have read the first part of his book, where he is a Christian minister graduated from Union Theological Seminary, over and over. He makes several extremely good points. You can see his Aryan probing mind wrestling with the ancient, gullible mind of the Semites. Simpson also treats the subject with great respect.

      New America—Jesus never forgave anyone? What about Mark 2:5-7 : Jesus saw how much faith they had, and said to the paralyzed man, “My son, your sins are forgiven.” Some teachers of the law who were sitting there thought to themselves, “How dare he talk against God like this! No man can forgive sins; only God can!”

    16. New America Says:

      in reply to Antagonistes:

      A good question deserves a good answer.

      you wrote:
      New America—Jesus never forgave anyone? What about Mark 2:5-7 : Jesus saw how much faith they had, and said to the paralyzed man, “My son, your sins are forgiven.” Some teachers of the law who were sitting there thought to themselves, “How dare he talk against God like this! No man can forgive sins; only God can!”

      in reply:
      One, Jesus did not say “I” have forgiven you of your sins.

      He only observed what His Father had done.

      And, as to these “Teachers of the Law,” these Satanic demons in the bodies of the hook-nosed Satanists, note that they projected their own inherent evil upon Him, nothing that He was “…talking against God…”

      I have always suspected that this is the doctrine of Original Sin gone horribly wrong; i.e.; excessively material in its focus. Thus, paralysis was seen as the mechanistic karmic consequence of some prior sin, which could only be worked out in some vague process.

      (Incidentally, note the absence of Grace in such a scheme, for Grace is the outworking of Love – and there is nothing about Love in the soul of the God of the demonic Jews, save a Love of total, absolute Power, in the unrighteous form of Domination, at that.)

      Two, we see this conception of Man later, when Christian theologians wrote vehemently against the use of anesthesia in surgery, arguing the inherent Scriptural nobility of suffering,

      Tell you what.

      Read the part in the OT about women being doomed to give birth in agony and travail (“GOD said so!”), and then ask any mother you know if they refused the epidural.

      Then, tell them they should have, because God said it’s their duty.

      Then, run for your life!

      Incidentally, you have drawn an excellent point to deal with the demonic transformation of Christianity into JUDEO-Christianity. By focusing on the materialistic conception of Jesus, to pretty much the exclusion of the spiritual conception of Christ, the demonic goddamn JEWS have made spiritual Christianity an off-shoot of materialistic Judaism, and the “Christian” Leadership just falls for it hook, line and sinker.

      Christ NEVER claimed to be God; He did state, “I and My Father are One.”

      This acknowledges the clear distinction between the Son of God, and God; as you know, what He meant was that He and His Father were One IN PURPOSE, and He was the Lens through which the Christ operated, through which the Light of His Father was shown to the Earth.

      GOD, but these demons have one tremendous price to pay.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    17. Antagonistes Says:

      Good answer, New America.

      As I read the NT, I get the idea that biblical Christianity was a very different creature from what we see today. One thing that really stands out is that the men were truly men, and not some effeminized, supposedly spiritual, liberal-types (where did we get the idea that “holy” equals “feminine”?

    18. New America Says:

      in reply to Antagonistes:

      you wrote:
      Good answer, New America.

      As I read the NT, I get the idea that biblical Christianity was a very different creature from what we see today. One thing that really stands out is that the men were truly men, and not some effeminized, supposedly spiritual, liberal-types (where did we get the idea that “holy” equals “feminine”?

      in reply:
      The Satanic is a perversion – a deliberate, willful, turning against – of the Righteous.

      The original Christianity – CHRIST, Alone – versus the NT perversions – which is basically, with the exception of the Gospels and the Book of Revelation, is the story of attempts to convert Judaism into JUDEO-Christianity – is very Masculine.

      The Feminine is the successor to Christianity; one example ofthe Feminine Mythos is, of course, demonic JUDAISM, which, as the current incarnation of the Babylonian Mythos, is totally Feminine.

      It is based on cunning duplicity, and has as the most holy of feasts the triumph of a duplicitous woman over an enemy of the Jewish RACE. This holiday, called Purim, includes the symbolic cannibalism of the defeated enemy, Haman.

      Let me repeat that.

      The holiest festival of the demonic Jews ends with a celebration based on literal, physical, cannibalism.

      In no other “religious” text is duplicity praised as a tool of “spiritual” development; of course, the demons make it clear that this technique will lead to their ruling all of the lands, and animals (that’s you and I, by the way), of the Earth.

      And, don’t forget, the Feminine Archetype in religion has its Satanic perversions, as well; the Jewish God (Molech, whose symbol is the six-sided star, and is known as Ba’al) featured the “religious” sacrifice of their babies to their God in the flames. Reverend Ted Pike did some excellent writing and analysis on this topic.

      NOW you know why, when you ask the demonic JEWS the name of their God, they say, “We can not say. It is sacred. It is forbidden.”

      Yeah, right.

      If they were to state that their Unnamed God is Molech, one and all would immediately see the unvarnished Truth, and do what needed to be done.

      Have I mentioned tonight how much I hate these people?

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    19. Carpenter Says:

      What crap! Is Zundel-boy unaware, or just pretending to be unaware, of the Paganism in the Reich? It was well incorporated in National Socialism – as a mirror of our White soul, since religions are molded by their peoples’ characteristics. It’s like Christmas – you don’t have to believe in Santa to celebrate Christmas.

      Christianity was a beast to be defeated. In Hitler’s words, Christianity is the worst plague ever to inflict Europe. Churches had to be controlled, threatened, and changed into something un-Christian, until they couldn’t hurt the Germans any longer. Zundel must know that. So why is he pretending otherwise?

    20. Carpenter Says:

      Is Thor “wild-eyed”? That’s a new one. Well, let’s compare the god of thunder to the god of snivel. The Jew Jesus could have been a carpenter like daddy – instead he decided to live off other people, by getting in on the doomsday racket.

      Israel was full of doomsday prophets at the time, the Jews loved them for some reason. Jesus saw a chance to eat without working, and he took it. There is one chapter in the Bible where he sends his followers to a village to steal a horse for him in the middle of the night, and instructs them to say “the Lord has use for it” if its owners would object. Then they put their coats on the ground for him to ride over.

      Parasite, thief, and self-absorbed – and the Catholic Church followed his example by stealing as much gold as it could, using any lie necessary. “Give us your gold and your brother won’t have to fry in Purgatory. Promise.”

      And this would be a better alternative than honoring the legends of our own people? Hmm – no. Good thing the Reich whipped the Jew-worshipping priests into submission and re-introduced appreciation of European myth.

    21. clinton Says:

      They’ve got BA’ALS OF STEAL.

      Careful with the hate. “You are what you eat” has a corollary- YOU ARE WHAT YOU HATE.

    22. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      New America and Antagonistes:

      “Some people brought him a paralyzed man, lying on a bed. Jesus saw how much faith they had and said to the man, ‘Courage, my son, your sins are forgiven!’

      Then some teachers of the law said, ‘This man is talking against God!’

      Jesus knew what they were thinking and said, ‘Why are you thinking such evil things? Is it easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven’ or ‘Get up and walk’? I will prove to you then that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins. So he said to the paralyzed man, ‘Get up, pick up your bed, and go home!'” (Matt. 9: 2-6)

      The implication is that Jesus forgave the man’s sins, resulting in his healing; therefore, Jesus did forgive people. The Son of Man (Jesus) had authority on earth to forgive sins.

      However, I must say that the whole thing is probably made up. The Jews took the current Greek myths and mixed them together with a probably historical Jesus who was a Jewish apocalyptic preacher, who died a miserable and shameful death. The Jews are experts at selling nothing for something, such as the whole money system!

    23. New America Says:

      in reply to Clinton:

      you wrote:
      They’ve got BA’ALS OF STEAL.

      in reply:

      you wrote:
      Careful with the hate. “You are what you eat” has a corollary- YOU ARE WHAT YOU HATE.

      in reply:
      Not in the least.

      This is the great gift to be found in Christianity:

      We can accept the Evil that is the world – particularly the demonic force of JUDAISM, which works through the demonic Jews – and either (1) battle it directly, or, (2) learn from the Wisdom of the Serpent.

      You do not become what you “hate” – ever.

      But, remember, JUDAISM has nothing to do with “Love,” in general, and Agape Love, in particualr,, save as they “love” RACIAL DOMINATION of the lesser RACES.

      Now, the key is to learn to lesson.

      When the Scripture says, “Resist not evil,” you are hearing the voice of JUDAISM telling you that evil is…good.

      This neutralizes the message of Positive Christianity.

      the key, rather, is not “resist not evil,” but rather, “RESENT not evil.”

      Evil is what it is – do not waste energy in the impotence of resentment, which simply validates its power OVER you, and your Mind.

      Learn the lesson, and then PROVE you got the lesson by living it in your life, as part of being what you want the world to become.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    24. New America Says:

      An extension of my reply to Clinton:

      The issues I addressed demonstrate, in microcosm, why White Nationalism/Western Nationalism, has, like the Conservative politics from which it was derived in this country, failed so spectacularly.

      One, they chose the impotence of anger, without harnessing that very useful emotion to fulfill a Positive vision of RACE.

      They refused to learn from their demonic enemies, and the demons known as Jews just laughed and laughed, as the White Nationalists were marginalized, yesterday, and demoralized, today.

      They were fighting the smoke and mirrors put before them, and always defined themselves in terms of what they were AGAINST, as even what they thought they were FOR was being perverted by the hook-nosed Satanists.

      Two, remember, the Jews are like spiritual vampires; they literally thrive and rejoice on your anger, and tell one another that it vindicates the superiority of the Jew over the subhuman animals they claim we are.

      Three, the Answer is to transform their hatred of us into a source of knowledge, and power for us. I have long argued we need positive outlets for our anger, which we spend a lot of time denying exists…

      My nephews are studying judo, and experience moments of crystal clarity around the issue of RACE, as the fire of righteous wrath burns off the fog of the demonic Jews illusions, both in pictures and in words.

      In time, I will help them to realize that the goddamn Jews are ALWAYS in a state of WAR Soft War, Word War – with us, and their battles are fought with financial and political resources.

      THAT is how I use anger positively.

      I deal with the demons on a daily basis, and I use my anger to step up my defensive network; I can then stand slightly back from the proceedings, and run a simultaneous translator in my mind, transforming what they SAY, into what they MEAN, and what it MEANS, for us.

      Because I did not actively RESENT the Evil, like the gap-toothed hillbillies for the Fifties and Sixties, as seen on JEW-controlled television, I did not waste the energy in RESENTMENT.

      Rather, I TRANSFORMED the transaction into a learning experience, which I can use as part of an Intelligent Offense against the demons at a later time and place, of MY choosing.

      This is what I like about Covington’s Northwest Republic Model; it provides a framework where intelligent, Creative Alternatives to the status quo can be devised, and implemented.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    25. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      The only religion that makes sense for Whites is Zionism. Imagine 14 milllion Jews locked up in Israel! They will be like ticks crawling around in a bottle looking for a warm blooded host.

    26. Emma Goldmann Says:


      I wish that could be accomplished…but even Hitler lamented that the Jews would refuse to emigrate to their alleged “homeland.” Nobody wants the vermin in their backyard. After what they did to Hitler, is it any wonder why?

    27. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      Furthermore, New America and Antagonistes:

      Isn’t Zundel falling into the trap of “either–or”? It’s either Semitic Christianity or European paganism?

      What about the “Asian” religions, which were really started by Aryans?

      “There was not either nonexistence or existence. . . .

      There was neither death nor immortality, neither day nor night . . .

      The One breathed, though uninspired by breath, by its own
      potentiality. Beside it nothing existed . . . ” (Rg Veda 10.129)

      The original Aryan religion did not have either-or. Semitic religions have either-or: Either you exist or you non-exist, either you are dead or you are immortal, either you are saved or you are lost, either there is day or there is night, either you are of God or you are of the Devil, either you are of the “chosen” or you are not, either you are in heaven or you are in hell . . . etc.

      Isn’t this either-or business rather childish? Perhaps a more mature philosophy is found in the Rg Veda and the Upanishads, which, while they do not deny the power of righteousness, have a better view of it.

      Besides, all religions evolve and it is not fair to compare religions in different stages of evolution. European religions were not the main focus of Europeans as they were of the Semitic peoples, thus they were not really attended to — they were more like an evolving conception of art, evolving from the very soul of the people, who, trembling not, did not have to have a written code to tell them what was true and righteous.

      Perhaps the supreme irony of our times would be if the “colored” peoples of India and the “yellow” peoples of Asia brought back to the “white” Aryans their own religion, or at least a philosophical fragment of it.

    28. Hadrian Says:

      Christianity was a fine religion for white men as long as the Jews were kept in check. Both Catholics and protestants were able to see the Jews for what they were and take appropriate steps to protect the people. Just read Martin Luther or any number of popes. The problem we have isn’t Christianity, it’s judaized Christianity, otherwise known as judeo-Christianity. Judeo-Christianity is like neoconservatism, a contradiction in terms.

      Rid the west of the Jews and Christianity will return to its pro-white form.

    29. New America Says:

      in reply to Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga

      you wrote:
      Furthermore, New America and Antagonistes:

      Isn’t Zundel falling into the trap of “either–or”? It’s either Semitic Christianity or European paganism?

      What about the “Asian” religions, which were really started by Aryans?

      “There was not either nonexistence or existence. . . .

      There was neither death nor immortality, neither day nor night . . .

      The One breathed, though uninspired by breath, by its own
      potentiality. Beside it nothing existed . . . ” (Rg Veda 10.129)

      The original Aryan religion did not have either-or. Semitic religions have either-or: Either you exist or you non-exist, either you are dead or you are immortal, either you are saved or you are lost, either there is day or there is night, either you are of God or you are of the Devil, either you are of the “chosen” or you are not, either you are in heaven or you are in hell . . . etc.

      Isn’t this either-or business rather childish? Perhaps a more mature philosophy is found in the Rg Veda and the Upanishads, which, while they do not deny the power of righteousness, have a better view of it.

      Besides, all religions evolve and it is not fair to compare religions in different stages of evolution. European religions were not the main focus of Europeans as they were of the Semitic peoples, thus they were not really attended to — they were more like an evolving conception of art, evolving from the very soul of the people, who, trembling not, did not have to have a written code to tell them what was true and righteous.

      Perhaps the supreme irony of our times would be if the “colored” peoples of India and the “yellow” peoples of Asia brought back to the “white” Aryans their own religion, or at least a philosophical fragment of it.

      in reply:
      I have long argued that Scientology is simply a very simplified, technocratic sumamation of the great truths at the foundation of the Vedic “hymns.”

      I have become quite opposed to JUDEO-Christianity, because it forces one to accept a double-bind system, which then neutralize them into learned helplessness. In turn, this helplessness is praised as the necessary precondition for spiritual superiority.

      In truth, our passive aggressive (very Feminine, that!) response needs forceful Masculine power to cut through the fog of Illusions -a nice euphemism for “lies,” that.

      I often referred to Arjuna’s going joyously forward into battle, using his great warrior skills to wipe out many of his close, dear relatives – all the while, he is joyous, because he KNOWS he is the tool of the Divine Will.

      In short, through the joy he felt at being in the presence of the ACTIVE principle of Divine Love, he derived the perfect strength he needed to do what needed to be done.

      “Strength Through Joy!”

      Religions, remember, are the lenses through which each Great Culture views the Spiritual Realm, and evolve to meet the true evolving spiritual needs of the people of that Culture’s RACE.

      The Christianity that united Europe – the Western Soul – bears precious little resemblance to the JUDEO-Christianity of today. I use the Christian Separatist’s Anointed Standard Translation to under Christianity with the demonic Jewish influence minimized, to the degree possible, and clearly articulated, where it is present. It was a gift from a guy at a Bible study I went to some time ago, who told me, with a sneer in his voice, as I was constructively uninvited from further attendance, “This might be more your speed.”


      Christ would not recognize what Christianity, particularly at the Institutional level, has become; JUDEO-Christianity, Feminine Christianity, where the new head of the Methodist Church gives her inaugural lecture on “Mother Jesus,” and open homosexuals become bishops in the Episcopalian Church.

      Remember, the first thing Christ did, upon arising from the River Jordan, was to fabricate a weapon, enter the Synagogue of Satan, and beat the Hell out of one and all.

      The Form of Christianity would change to meet the new needs of an evolving people, and I see the relentless attack of the demonic Jews as the Cultural-Spiritual equivalent of a Test:

      (1) Do you see the lies?

      (2) What do you want to do about it?

      The answer is not to ask “What Would Jesus Do?”

      After all, Jesus died on the Cross.

      The answer is, “What Would Christ Do?”

      The answer would certainly be, in part, to wait for us to talk to Him silently, in prayer, and ask for His Guidance as to what we should do.

      Remember, He always said that He was not the Doer; rather, it was His Father who was the Doer, and He was simply The Way, Who was one with His Father in purpose.

      Most people I know do not live purposeful lives, at all, and this is often due to their accepting their RACIAL Enemy’s terms and definitions of who they are, and what they are doing.

      I like to think in terms that are somewhat greater than they used to be, even if I have no chance – absent Grace – of seeing them in this lifetime.

      My new definition is to see the reoccupation of an abandoned farm community in the Northwest, and the transformation of it into an alternative Aryan Community, based on National Socialist principles, with a foundation of RACE in its very heart.

      It’s useful to recall a point that many overlook, and students of the Vedas will certainly appreciate, and that is that RACE has a vertical component, as well as the manifest, horizontal component.

      In the David Lane thread I wrote of an alternative biography for Lane, where he becomes the pastor at the Church of a reclaimed community, called “American Bastion, Idaho.” With Robert Mathews as the mayor, they transformed trash into treasure, and laid the Foundation for a Northwest Republic.

      The limits the demonic Jews have given us are the ones we all often accept uncritically, graciously accepting the yoke and harness as we plow the fields they have chosen for us…

      In times of anger at this state of affairs, I draw a mental picture of coming down abandoned state road, over the ridge. Unfolding before my eyes is the restored town Church, painted white, with new bells on top (built in the community foundry).

      The peace that surpasses all understanding fills my soul, as I quietly rejoice to myself, and my Family, “We are HOME!”

      Covington’s Northwest Republic is a great idea, but it’s also a lot more of an idea than many feel comfortable conceptualizing. The irony, of course, is that it is our Creative Power, harnessed by demons and their demonic lies, that have created the Mud Hell that most of America will be in a future that is all too immediate, for all too many of us.

      A New Christianity would bear the resemblance to the Institutional Christianity of today that the Christianity of Martel, the virile Christianity that united the White RACE of Europe, had to the semitic perversions we see in its forbearer.

      Remember, Christianity is simply the Gospels. if you wish to include advanced states of Consciousness, we add the Book of Revelation, the only book of authored by Christ.

      THAT’S IT!

      The inclusion of the Book of Revelations serves as a reminder that the work of Christ is well under way, and the transformation of Christianity, and our RACE, is an active process that continues, even now.

      THAT is our Challenge, spiritually; to accept the Deed of Christ as an ACTIVE spiritual force in our own lives, and to work with it, to build a better world for our Family, which is the RACE in microcosm, and the RACE, which is the Family in macrocosm.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    30. Antagonistes Says:

      Interesting viewpoints, guys.

      Aryan spirituality is interesting, as it is neglected.

      I think it will become more important as the influence and believability of the Bible shrinks. . . even more than it has. Most people fight for the “truth” of the Bible, but what they are really fighting for, I think, is their belief that death does not end it all. They don’t want to die, or think of their dead loved ones as just being dust and bones. Decades, centuries of indoctrination and conditioning has tied their belief in immortality to the Bible, but this need not be so.

    31. New America Says:

      in reply to Antagonistes:

      you wrote:
      Interesting viewpoints, guys.

      Aryan spirituality is interesting, as it is neglected.

      I think it will become more important as the influence and believability of the Bible shrinks. . . even more than it has. Most people fight for the “truth” of the Bible, but what they are really fighting for, I think, is their belief that death does not end it all. They don’t want to die, or think of their dead loved ones as just being dust and bones. Decades, centuries of indoctrination and conditioning has tied their belief in immortality to the Bible, but this need not be so.

      in reply:
      A lot of people who rely upon the Bible, rather than using it as a tool to develop a personal relationship with the Living Savior – i.e.; focus on the Gospels – miss the point that Christ only wrote ONCE, and then, it was on sand, which He promptly erased.

      “The Letter Killeth, the Spirit Giveth Life.”

      The problem is, so much of this makes the Bible a tool for IDOLATRY, as if waving a Book will actually stop the triumph of evil.

      In short, the JUDEO-Christians have fallen precisely into the materialistic trap set for them by the King of THIS World, whose children are, of course, the demonic Jews.

      It is most challenging to see the Deed of Christ was not to resist evil blindly, but to see the Learning in the Lesson; in a dualistic universe, Evil has a purpose, and that is instruction, and testing.

      The key is to learn the Lesson, and TRANSFORM the negative that is happening before you into the positive that the Soul needs for its own learning.

      Take the demons who walk the Earth, who we call Jews.

      What are the lessons?

      As they are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Christianity should be, use them as sort of a reverse compass.

      (1) “Wise as serpents”

      There is no doubt that the demonic Jews have mastered “Earth Wisdom”; so, too must we, in order to deal with them, and their Father, Satan.

      (2) Standing for nothing save RACIAL Domination, over Righteous Dominion, over the Earth – no concept of a Kingdom of Heaven, at all, just a dark, soulless planet they rule under their Father, Satan.

      THEIR model begins with RACE, and from that to Family AS THE SERVANT OF THE RACE, and then the Individual, as the servant of the Family, AFTER it serves the RACE.

      Our model begins with the Individual as part of a Family, which is then part of a RACE, and the interaction between Family and RACE is complementary, with Family as the RACE in microcosm, and RACE as the Family in macrocosm.

      In turn, just as demonic Judaism – the Form of “religion” that binds the demons to the Earth is the EXACT opposite of Chrisitanity, so, too, does their Father’s spiritual Aspect tempt us, along false spiritual paths.

      The power of Lucifer remains useful to us, as, following the Deed of Christ, we can TRANSFORM the Gift he offers – intelligence – and work with it under Christ’s Guidance to make a better world, AND avoid the false spiritual path Lucifer has set before us.

      Incidentally, the best commentator on the Hindu mythos is the Indian Saint, whom many consider to be a Living God, Sathya Sai Baba. His commentaries are referred to by his devotees as the Vedas, rewritten for the souls of today, and suffused with prema – Divine Love. They believe him to be the Avatar of the Yuga Age.

      There’s a bookstore with his works out in California, if memory serves.

      The Western Soul, of course, is a Christian soul; the work of the Christian missionaries in unifying the White RACE of Europe could not have accomplished by any other faith’ yet, this could not have happened at all if the sheer energy and vitality of the Old Gods was not available to be transformed in the Light of Christ.

      In my post above, I was rather vague about the Form of Christianity Pastor David Lane was practicing, and preaching, in his church at “American Bastion, Idaho.”

      There’s a reason for that!


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    32. Carpenter Says:

      There was not then, in the 1930s, nor is there now in the new millennium, an independently thinking Aryan man or woman alive who can claim with a straight face that those ancient tales, fables, or beliefs have any meaning or relevance to their life’s experiences or the world around them in any way whatsoever.

      Gee, you know what? I was thinking the exact same thing about Xtianity. The author spews venom over Pagans and pretends that the NSDAP was Xtian – when in fact the NSDAP was trying to neutralize and get rid of Xtianity. And the “Paganism” the author hates so much, was a great inspiration for the National Socialists. I remember the pictures of Göring’s residence in the country, shaped like a viking ship. Then there is the extensive use of old Nordic symbols and styles.

      They didn’t believe in it of course, but just like you can celebrate Christmas without believing in Santa Claus, you can appreciate the aesthetics of the old Nordic religion. It is part of our White history, and we can see how it was directly adapted to the racial soul. By contrast, Xtianity springs from Judaism, which shows in its hatred for anything that is natural, such as conquest, the strive for strength, sex, etc. Its monasteries full of sexless, filthy and stinking monks – being dirty meant you were “closer to God” as cleanliness was a strive for physical improvement, which was a worldly sin – are the perfect symbol of the sickness of Xtianity.

      Let’s get rid of Jewish influence in Europe and the West entirely.

    33. Jon-Dillon Says:

      We know that the jews are the root of all evil. They have hijacked our christianity for their own unjust cause. Our supposed “leaders” gave no resistance. I say we lynch them, take it back, mold it with nationalism and use it for our own righteous cause: The destruction of all resistance to our manifest destiny!