3 July, 2007

Jewish Senator: Iran Has “Declared War”

Posted by Socrates in Iran, jewed Congress, jewed foreign policy, Socrates at 3:39 pm | Permanent Link

“…the fact is that the Iranian government by its actions has declared war on us.” Really? Who is “us”? Why are Orthodox Jews speaking for America? [1]:


[1] re: Orthodox Judaism: [Here]

  • 4 Responses to “Jewish Senator: Iran Has “Declared War””

    1. yidsatire Says:


    2. Cormac Says:

      We all know what needs to happen to a bunch of Jew Senators don’t we ?!
      Just wondering how much more of this crap America will take ?

    3. Terry Phillips Says:

      Lieberman? Bergner? Kristol? A pattern here? Nah, I’m just being paranoid.

    4. van helsing Says:

      Jews have declared war on everyone else, it’s called the nameless war, and it has been going on 5700 some years since they formalized their little scam.