11 June, 2007

The Life and Death of Aryan Man: In Memoriam David Lane (1938-2007)

Posted by alex in George Lenz, obituaries, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 1:30 pm | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

May 28 was a very sad day indeed. It was raining, as if Nature was mourning over the passing of one of its beloved sons. I looked at the news monitor, read on and remain in suspense for a while. One of the Great Aryan Men and Great Leaders of White Nationalist Movement David Lane has died overnight. It was inconceivable: I have believed it will never come to pass. Yet it did happen: the heart of the Great Aryan Man has stopped forever, manifesting the passing over of the whole epoch.

David Lane was born on November 2nd of 1938, in Woden, Iowa. His father, particularly when drunk, was a truly despicable creature. He sold David Lane’s mother to his buddies and to strangers for booze money and beat the entire family, often with a razor strap. He left his family about 1942. His mother tried to support the family during these hard waning years of the depression by singing and playing guitar in a bar. But her income was nowhere near sufficient. In the spring of 1943 David’s brother was caught rummaging in a neighbor’s trash can for potato peels with which he was supplying the family with food. This led to an investigation by county authorities and the children were placed in an orphanage. In 1943 David was adopted out of the orphanage through a Lutheran adoption agency. His stepfather was a doctrinaire, fundamentalist Lutheran minister from the old school. His stepmother was a gracious and extremely intelligent woman Both of his stepparents claimed Danish extraction, and were determined to raise their adopted son as a good Danish Lutheran, yet David wanted none of it. He often had to change schools as the family moved. The new boy had to fight, sometimes progressively up the ladder of ever older and tougher boys, until he was either the total victor or defeated. For a skinny kid he became exceptionally tough and a bit of a loner. When playing soldiers he always wanted to be the German and proudly chanted “Heil Hitler” and “Sieg Heil” while giving the Roman salute.

At age twelve he overheard a conversation that sickened him. A young man was bragging of his time as a soldier in America’s occupational forces in Germany immediately after the second World War. He told of how he could “have” German girls for a little bit of food or clothing. These were White girls of a proud and ancient people, the defenders of our race against such invaders as the Moors and the Mongols of Genghis Khan. And now they were reduced to selling their favors to a stranger. In the mid-fifties he attended High School in Aurora, Colorado. Already though, he began to question the moral authority of the system. He knew something was wrong: he was capable of achieving any grades desired but was not interested; as early as 1954 his teachers were advocating the mixing of races into one brown mass.

A year or two after High School he went to work for the local power company and became an electrical trouble shooter. He married Mary Lou, who had been the head majorette with the Aurora High School marching band. Having little in common, the marriage soon dissolved. In the early sixties he first became aware of how corrupt America had become. Cover-ups in the Kennedy assassination and the Vietnam affair made apparent to many American patriots that powers alien to America’s claimed role were running things. Sealing records in the Kennedy case, for example, was proof of something fishy: in a truly free society the government does not conceal anything from the people. At this time David was introduced to the John Birch Society. When someone gave him a pamphlet detailing Jewish control of the media he only had to take the time to verify its truth in the library and elsewhere. From there everything fell into place, particularly the obvious anti-White bias which until then made no sense to David, since most jews appeared to be White on the surface.

By 1978 his research was essentially complete and the real problem was sharply delineated in David’s mind: the Western nations were ruled by a zionist conspiracy. Since the zionist conspiracy above all things wants to exterminate the White Aryan race, David Lane decided that his duty was to focus all attention on that vital issue and made it into a motto – the famous “14 words”: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. Unable to find an organization with the structure and aims necessary and realizing that breaking the media curtain was the highest imperative, he designed a pamphlet called “The Death of the White Race.” He set out on a campaign to distribute it to every other home on the Colorado front range and in the Denver suburbs.

Needless to say this soon attracted the attention of jewish groups and they began to use their power against him. By that time David had secured a Real Estate Broker’s license and had his company. The jewish-controlled media forced the Colorado Real Estate Commission to take away his Broker’s license because he refused to sell homes to coloreds in White areas. Rather than giving up he got a job at a title insurance company which allowed me unrestricted access to a photocopy machine. Each morning he would run off 500-1,000 copies of “The Death of the White Race” pamphlet. Lunch hours and evenings were spent stuffing them in books in libraries, bookstores and placing them under automobile windshield wipers. David had friends collect thousands of the free advertising newspapers from shopping centers. On Friday nights he would wrap the pamphlet around them with a rubber band. Then Saturday night they were delivered on people’s lawns and driveways. Eventually, he was illegally arrested by the police that confiscated his literature. The jew-controlled media, however, used the event to crucify him and he never again secured worthwhile employment. In addition, his new wife was unable to handle the pressure, and trouble began which led to divorce after twelve years of marriage. Nonetheless, David kept up the propaganda work, serving with the Ku-Klux-Klan and Aryan Nations, until meeting Robert Jay Mathews in 1983 at an Aryan Nations conference.

When speaking of the Bruders Schweigen it is necessary first and foremost always think of Robert Mathews. Only his combination of charisma, purity, courage, determination and motivation could have melded together such a diverse and headstrong group of men. When raising an army of volunteers one cannot give orders. So Matthews led by exactly that method, “leading.” He left a man of honor no choice. If on a Monday morning he said, “I’m going a’ Viking,” he was about to load up his equivalent of a longboat, a Chevrolet, and one had to follow. On September 22, 1983, Robert Matthews invited a total of nine men to join him for a meeting in a building on his property near Metaline Falls, Washington. Ten chairs sat in a circle, the extra holding a portrait of Der Fuhrer. A White baby was placed in the circle and the nine vowed to secure a future for that White child. While some of those who attended that meeting, David Lane included, could well say, ” had we not done so we would not now be spending our lives in prison under ridiculously long sentences of up to several lifetimes, ” they could, also, perhaps say, “had we not met Matthews we would not be fulfilling some duty or destiny on behalf of our race.” Robert Matthews said himself at that time that he guessed he would last a year. He was killed by the federals fourteen months later.

The exploits of the Bruders Schweigen have been detailed elsewhere with varying degrees of accuracy, so I will not relate them. I will, however, relate David Lane’s experiences with the democratic injustice system. He was captured on March 31, 1985 in North Carolina and tried in Seattle. The prosecutors have absolutely no shame in fabricating perjury and false evidence or in the methods employed to gain perjured testimony. Even the FBI experts from the crime lab lied about voice prints, about fingerprints, about ballistics or whatever the prosecutor wanted. In Seattle David was tried under the Rico Act, was charged with violating Alan Berg’s civil rights as part of Rico and given 20 years. He was, also, charged with conspiracy to violate his civil rights and given another 20 years running consecutively: clearly double jeopardy. Two years later he was charged and tried in Denver Federal Court with conspiracy to violate Berg’s civil rights, because he was a jew and had a job. Finally, he was tried for sedition. By the addition of the words “he was a jew and had a job,” it became a new offense and therefore was not double jeopardy, according to the Court. By changing the wording in an indictment, by changes of jurisdiction and other equally insane reasoning the federals justified trying a person virtually as many times as they liked and never did it become double jeopardy. So, the Constitution does not exist in a Federal court.

David Lane, however, continued his struggle from jail cell, writing insightful comments on current events and foundational principles of the Movement (available at http://www.davidlane1488.org/). His activities that were bringing in more and more followers were a constant irritation for the jewish power structure that controls American public life, so they decided to get rid of him once the political climate becomes beneficial to the abhorrent goal. On the evening of May 28th 2007 the CIA hit squad entered the cell of David Lane and ended the life of this Great Aryan Man. [Ed.: We don’t know of any evidence to support this claim.]

The death of David Lane marked the end of the whole epoch of Great Aryan Leaders of old, like Dr. Pierce, Robert Matthews and Pastor Butler. Each of them chose his own path, made a significant contribution and more than a full measure of devotion toward the Lofty Cause of White Victory, Freedom and Independence; and each is solely missed by us the living. I looked in David Lane’s eyes, thinking of his feelings in the moment, when his was fighting the jewish tyranny alongside his Order brothers. I was confident there was no fear in them, only the sense of duty; and I thought will I be able to be as strong and resolute when the day comes.

P. S. April Gaede is collecting donations to provide for proper cremation and memorial of David Lane. If want to send a donation, make your check payable to: April Gaede, PO Box 1342, Kalispell, Mt 59903.

  • 13 Responses to “The Life and Death of Aryan Man: In Memoriam David Lane (1938-2007)”

    1. Ralph Johnson Says:

      I have several hours of video of the Aryan Nations Conference Grounds at Richard Butlers Place at Hayden Lake Idaho. Speeches by
      Butler and other leaders. A line up of the members in their uniforms. The Cross Lighting Ceremony was especially impressive. I’d have to look back but it was 3 or 4 years before they took it from Butler. I wasn’t a member of the organization but knew a fellow who was in it at the time. So I video taped the conference for Richard Butler..


    2. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Let us honor his life by spreading the 14 words;
      “We must secure the existence of our race and a future for White children”.

    3. Beast Says:

      To any of you lone wolves out there:


      Death to the Fed. Death to the ZOG. Death to the Jews.

    4. john Says:

      Is there a high resolution file of the photo of Lane?

    5. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Here are my 14 words:

      The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. David Lane set us back by at least 10 years by making a martyr out of the Jew Alan Berg. He should have been hung instead of put in prison.

    6. -JC Says:

      Would that a man would set “us” back another ten years, e.g., Howard Stern having a Big Mac Attack My grandparents were stauncher stuff and their world was better for it.

    7. jimbo Says:

      my small & humble memorial to a great white man!


      we must secure an existence for white people and a future for white children!

    8. Socrates Says:

      Lenz Says: “By 1978 his research was essentially complete and the real problem was sharply delineated in David’s mind: the Western nations were ruled by a zionist conspiracy.”

      Suggestion: let us not call it a “conspiracy.” Jewish behavior is mostly genetic. Using the term “conspiracy” sounds, to some people, like you believe in a shadowy plot. How could 14 million Jews meet to conspire about anything? Also, Jews – a clever bunch – are not always Zionists. Some are anti-Zionists because they want Jews to live in White countries instead of in Israel. They feel that Israel causes much trouble for the global image of the Jews, and they are correct, I think, in that belief. Look at how many people hate Israel. Even leftists hate Israel.

    9. New America Says:

      A fascinating observation by Pauly, one that is worthy of more discussion:

      Donald E. Pauly Says:
      Here are my 14 words:

      The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. David Lane set us back by at least 10 years by making a martyr out of the Jew Alan Berg. He should have been hung instead of put in prison.

      in reply:
      Let’s catch that again:

      “David Lane set us back by at least 10 years by making a martyr out of the Jew Alan Berg. He should have been hung instead of put in prison.”

      Let’s see what Lane and The Order have to show for their adventures:

      With the exception of the best and brightest, Robert Matthews…

      Life imprisonment – no parole, no hope of parole, and every damn day is a fight to survive.

      Absolutely no headway was made, from what I can see, in anything resembling a positive direction.

      His best idea – the !4 Words – were from “Mein Kampf,” if memory serves. He COULD have rewritten “Mein Kampf” into an easily understood textbook, and handbook…

      Before you scream at my defaming the memory of a dead man, and a dead man’s deeds, note that Lane himself said, repeatedly, that if he had it to do over, he would have stayed straight, stayed clean, worked hard, and, in so many words, build White families, and White communities.

      In time, these could be welded into a White NATION – a true RACIAL Homeland.

      Again, the Covington Model – our own RACIAL Homeland – seems to be the Pole Star for an effective response to the issues facing us.

      For those who want to start making “WWDLD?” bumper stickers, think (1) self, (2) family, (3) nation, and (4) country, all organized around the First Principle of RACE.

      Covington’s “Northwest Republic” Ideal, and Covington’s Northwest Trilogy series of books, are excellent places to look to the future…

      A Brighter, Whiter future.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    10. Sgt. Skull Says:

      David Lane and the “The Silent Brotherhood” did not set us back 10 yrs or at all. They were principled individuals who had had enough of white people being lampooned and jewish shock jocks like Alan Berg (may he rest in hell) and marginalized by their own government.

      The writings and speeches of Bob Mathews and David Lane are very inspiring and I identify with both of them.

    11. New America Says:

      in reply to Sgt. Skull:

      you wrote:

      David Lane and the “The Silent Brotherhood” did not set us back 10 yrs or at all. They were principled individuals who had had enough of white people being lampooned and jewish shock jocks like Alan Berg (may he rest in hell) and marginalized by their own government.

      The writings and speeches of Bob Mathews and David Lane are very inspiring and I identify with both of them.

      in reply:
      Lane, and the Brotherhood, set every positive RACIAL Initiative they might have engaged in back to, well, pretty much Ground Zero.

      Their “principle(s)” might have been demonstrated much more effectively than turning a loser into a martyr; assassination, as a rule, tends to lead to strongly counterintuitive results.

      For example, Booth’s assassination of Lincoln turned Executive Reconstruction – “with malice towards none,” and peaceful economic reunification, as part and parcel of political reunification, including the selling of Western lands to compensate slaveowners for their property, which would have been shipped back to Africa, saving us all a lot of trouble – into Congressional Reconstruction, and the states became “Military Districts,” followed by Reconstruction, and the political dispossession of the people who created the best of the South, from their own lands.

      What would Berg have been, has Lane decided that people create their own problems, and decided to be effective for our RACE?

      Not much, compared to what David Lane, and Senator Robert Matthews could have accomplished, as free men, building White families, White communities, a White nation, and finally, a WHITE Homeland.

      As to “white people being lampooned,” let us recall the valuable Insight of Tom Metzger; “The parasite is only seen in organisms that are dying.”

      Let’s see how that applies.

      If Berg does very well in Denver, what does that say about Denver?

      How much more productive would their efforts have been if, for example, they built successful communities, with a successful RACIAL focused Church as their common bond, in, say, Northern Idaho?

      Suppose they looked at the model provided by Brigham Young, and decided to adopt it to their purpose, and adapt it to the present-day?

      Linder made one of his best points ever when he said, “If you could take any state in the country, no matter how desolate and foreboding and run-down it may seem, and make it ‘WHITES ONLY,’ you would see the greatest land-rush in American history on Opening Day.”

      Men like Lane and Matthews could pretty much have done the functional equivalent of that, on a small scale. It’s called “Proof of Concept,” by the way.

      It could have been replicated – cookie-cuttered – all over the Intermountain West, and from there, to points North and West.

      Of course, they would have had to have been free men to do this…

      Remember what David Lane said; do it right, do it clean, do it legal.

      Close your eyes and imagine crossing the imaginary border into New Olympia County, on your way to Valhalla, Idaho, the town they might have built.

      As you cross the border from the Chaos that rules what America has become, the law enforcement community greets you with a smile and a friendly wave – they are your Kinsmen, after all, and are members of the Creative Church, formed by Lane following a week-long period of Inspiration.

      Entering the Town of Valhalla, you see a perfectly rebuilt White church, with a few changes in adornment, as the centerpiece of the community. Entering, you see Pastor Lane counseling members of the flock.

      You nod to him, and walk across the street to the local restaurant. There, you see the latest policy debate with Senator Robert Matthews, arguing for the greater use of underground dwellings with small above ground dwelling spaces, and microhydro power for the small farms that are joined in the Valley Cooperative.

      Leaving, you walk down the street to the Cooperative Exchange. The clothing is sturdy, and substantial; it’s made by local seamstresses in the Cooperative’s locally owned and controlled factory. Everyone is clean, neat, polite and friendly.

      Leaving, you see Pastor David Lane on the sidewalk in front of the Exchange. Stopping for a minute, you ask him if he can take a minute and answer a few questions.

      “Glad to, Brother. Come by the Church in half an hour or so, if you can. I’m freed up for the rest of the day.”

      You meet him in his office, and ask him the obvious question:

      “Pastor, this town was broke down, broken down, and all but abandoned. The rest of America is falling apart. How did you do it?”

      Pastor David Lane looks, and points to the computer monitor. On it, live, they are watching United States Senator Robert Matthews delivering a speech for the launching of the Navy’s newest cruisers.

      “We had nothing but each other, and faith that our RACE could see the red dust in the desert, and SEE, Creatively, how to turn it into iron, and then steel, and then alloyed steel, and then build railroads, linking people, places and resources, and finally building space craft. All of the other RACES only saw the red dust in the desert.

      Take that Principle, and extend it to all areas of human endeavor.

      We did not come here to rebuild an abandoned, broken town.

      We came here to build the Foundation of a NATION, and a Homeland.

      See those two words in Latin over the door? They’re over the door of every building in town. They are the words that remind us of WHO we are, as a PEOPLE – as a RACE. Translated into English, they are “WE MUST,” and everyone knows how the rest goes.”


      Lane could have done it, and so can we.

      But not in prison.

      Did I mention Harold Covington has laid out a perfectly feasible Plan for how to do it, as well?

      A Plan that Pastor David Lane would have been quite at home with.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    12. Sgt. Skull Says:

      To New America:

      People create their own problems? Alan Berg and the militancy of non-whites weren’t imaginary problems. They were very real and The Silent Brotherhood decided to deal with these threats rather than have weekly meetings to drink milk and eat cookies while railing against the “damn jews and niggers”. Or maybe they could have published a generic newsletter with the usual “Oh my god, we’re under attack” theme every month while whoring for donations and having meet, eat and retreat sessions.

      Are you aware that freedom of association is expressly forbidden among whites? This silly notion that all they had to do was find some land for whites only and build a community would have failed. Once word spread of the “all white community”, jewish organizations and the fed gov would quickly go to work undermining that community by planting spies, informers and agent provocateurs throughout.

      This so called NW initiative is a pipe dream. Our enemies won’t stop harassing us until we’re wiped off the face of the earth. That is why Bob Mathews chose being a revolutionary over a reactionary.

    13. New America Says:

      in reply to Sgt. Skull:

      Good points, all.

      Let’s go over them at length.

      Sgt. Skull wrote:

      To New America:

      People create their own problems? Alan Berg and the militancy of non-whites weren’t imaginary problems. They were very real and The Silent Brotherhood decided to deal with these threats rather than have weekly meetings to drink milk and eat cookies while railing against the “damn jews and niggers”. Or maybe they could have published a generic newsletter with the usual “Oh my god, we’re under attack” theme every month while whoring for donations and having meet, eat and retreat sessions.

      in reply:
      Berg was, at worst, an inconvenience, a minor nuisance, and, frankly, a masterful agent provocatuer. His death made a martyr out of what otherwise would have been a minor person in the history of Denver talk radio.

      I always saw Berg, and his ilk, as being little more than targets that lead to traps.

      Again, if Lane and the Silent Brotherhood had left well enough alone, and focused on building a better world for their RACE, one Aryan life at a time, one White Family at a time, one White community business at a time, they would have had a much greater, positive impact, than they ever did.

      They could have done a lot more for themselves, their Families, and their RACE, by remaining clean, open, and aboveboard. They could indeed be eating “milk and cookies,” but it would have been with their White Families, raising the caliber of children we so desperately need.

      And, their newsletters would NOT be “generic.”

      They would be loaded with useful analysis of meta-issues concerning the dynamics between Family, RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, and Culture. They would have featured discussions from the Dave Ramsey website, which way too many of our people desperately need, for the worst reasons. They would have networked with an entire section devoted to the Robinson Curriculum for home schoolers, and ALL of this would be explicitly addressed in terms of the meta-issue of RACE.

      They would not have to “whore for donations.”

      They would add value to the lives of those around them, warning money from White businesses, and leading the way with useful ideas for restoring and enhancing White COMMUNITIES.

      Their exchange of value for value is entirely Aryan, and entirely representative of the highest and best of our economic system.

      They also would have consciously laid the foundations for a new economic system, one that is not derived from worship of intermediate price theory and the market-clearing price, but based organically around developing the unique structures only our RACE can devise, and implement in the Real World.

      “Eat, meet and retreat sessions” are for those who value Form over Substance; nothing ever got done at any of them, save when men like Rockwell, Oliver and Pierce dined alone…

      These simply generated a lot of reports from the various infiltrators of such organizations…

      More on why the “eat, meet and retreat” crowd never accomplished anything in a moment. Hint – the word “retreat” has a lot to do with it.

      you wrote:
      Are you aware that freedom of association is expressly forbidden among whites? This silly notion that all they had to do was find some land for whites only and build a community would have failed.

      in reply:
      If they started where they were, the White COMMUNITY would have been established well before one acre of land was purchased, before one old building was purchased for restoration along New Economy lines.

      The idea that the land, alone, creates the Community pretty much works the model backwards; this is EXACTLY what the goddamn demons who walk the Earth known as Jews want.

      Once the Community successfully and Creatively organizes and acts along exclusively RACIAL lines, they can make a better Community for a White NATION, and, in time, Create the foundations for a White HOMELAND.

      you wrote:
      Once word spread of the “all white community”, jewish organizations and the fed gov would quickly go to work undermining that community by planting spies, informers and agent provocateurs throughout.

      in reply:
      Damn, but that is a MOST salient point.

      Let’s look at it from the model of Positive Racism, shall we?

      On 2 april 07, Terrible Tommy Metzger gave one of the best damn soliloquies we will ever hear on the topic of the White RACE. Get it from his website, Resist.com, and listen to a man who has seen it all, and seen most of it turn to ashes before his very eyes.

      Metzger gave the problems with America, at the RACIAL level, a proper focus; the problem isn’t the illegals, or, really, even the Jews, per se.

      It’s US!

      The illegals, the demonic Jews, the Coloreds, are all symptoms; just as the parasite only grows in the presence of dead material, so, too, do these organisms only flourish in the areas that have lost the unique spark of Life that White CIVILIZATION has to offer.

      In the words of Peter Shank, “The Jews took over all sectors of American society, from finance to media to education, and beyond, all without firing a SHOT.”



      By starting where they are, and forming the White COMMUNITY from the ground up, organically, that organism would be strong enough to neutralize the parasitic invaders – the “…spies, informers and agent provocateurs throughout.”

      (Incidentally, I think Federal Governance might have their hands too busy in the not-too-distant future to worry overly much about such social orders, but that’s for another time.)

      And, if the “All-White Community” was not strong enough to overcome them, then all involved would learn a lesson, and, like our Ancestors, do BETTER the next time.

      you wrote:
      This so called NW initiative is a pipe dream.

      in reply:
      The Northwest Republic Initiative is not meant as the *ahem* “Final Solution” to our RACIAL problems.

      It is meant, at the very least, as a very useful analytical framework for us to identify current social problems in their proper RACIAL context, and devise alternative, Creative RACIAL solutions, at the most local of levels, our selves and our Families.

      It is meant, at best, as an Ideal to which we all can aspire; just as Brigham Young was mocked when he chose the desolate, orgiinal middle-of-Nowhere known as The Great Salt Lake Basin, so, too, could we, one at a time, with our Families, take one pretty much deserted town, and rebuild into A Mighty Fortress, where our people can develop their unique political and economic system in peace, and none may make afraid.

      The journals of those who followed Young are still around; they only survived that first winter by easting thistletops…

      But, certain that they were fulfilling a Manifest destiny, they survived, and flourished.

      They are doing better today than many of the descendants of their detractors.

      To paraphrase Robert E. Lee, “We could do no more, and should want to do no less.”

      you wrote:
      Our enemies won’t stop harassing us until we’re wiped off the face of the earth.

      in reply:
      We can return the favor, in time, by doing much better, in time, than we are doing now.

      I look at these damn idiots who talk of using force against the most powerful army in the history of the world, and I am convinced that most of them are either fools, agents provocateurs, or both.

      However, having failed at everything they have ever attempted in their lives, I consider them the best thing our side has going, on their side.

      you wrote:
      That is why Bob Mathews chose being a revolutionary over a reactionary.

      in reply:
      And Bob Mathews, in my alternative history, becomes Senator Robert Mathews, “wise as the serpents” he has to deal with daily.

      His “revolutionary” model failed – indeed, wasn’t he betrayed by one of his close associates?

      Covington made reference to someone who tried to infiltrate one of the NS organizations. The infiltrator was simply put to work – lots of dull, unimaginative work – until he finally got tired, and quit.

      Under our alternative model, Mathews would have led by example, forming new social and economic orders, and he would have worked so hard the infiltrators would not have been able to keep up with him!

      His “revolutionary” model failed because he chose the wrong model, for the wrong revolution.

      He chose – pay close attention – the model of the physical revolution, the Way of the Gun.

      DAMN IT!

      The ENTIRE law enforcement community, and the National Security Apparatus, is set up JUST to deal with this situation!

      Robert Mathews chose the ONE model of revolution the System knows how to destroy, totally and completely, without working up a sweat.

      You can imagine the conversation now:

      “Well, Jim, you’ve been with the Bureau for ten years, and are recommended by Chicago and Seattle. What ‘s the playbook for Bob Mathews?”

      “Glad you asked, Sir. We’re running three ops at once, but the one I like best is called ‘Informer.’ We’ve got a guy right next to him, feeding him OUR ‘revolutionary ideas.’ Christ, this guy will think he’s the Che Guevara of the Northwest before we’re done!”

      “Good! That’s what I like to see. Our guy supplying him with the escape routes and hide-out, too?”

      Yes. It’s on some damn island up there. We’ve got him, coming and going.”

      Now, in the words of Peter Shank:


      Robert Mathews accepted the false terms offered him, and THAT was his downfall.

      If he had worked towards an alternative cultural order, based on RACE, and an alternative economic order, and an alternative political order – again, all based explicitly on RACE – he could have made a much more substantial difference than we could imagine.

      I suspect the death of Robert Mathews hit Pierce like the end of the world. Pierce would have known what happened, and realized that all of this talk of “revolution” was just that; “talk” that was allowed to go THIS FAR, AND NO FURTHER.

      Lane said, repeatedly, that if he had it to do over again, he would have gone straight, legit, and worked to build a successful White Life, White Families, and White Communities.

      With Robert Mathews at his side, he just might have pulled off more than you and I can imagine.
      You and I, perhaps…

      But not Harold Covington!

      DAMN, but doesn’t the idea of Senator Robert Mathews just move you to pride, and tears at the waste of truly remarkable talent that his death symbolized?

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!