17 June, 2007

Rice vs. Hawks, re: Iran

Posted by Socrates in Iran, Israel, jewed foreign policy, Socrates at 9:13 pm | Permanent Link
To bomb, or not to bomb, a sovereign nation half-way around the world for Israel’s benefit – that’s the question. (By the way, “hawk” evolved from the older term “war hawk.” However, maybe an alternate word is needed, now that America is under neoconservative rule. Any suggestions?):


  • 15 Responses to “Rice vs. Hawks, re: Iran”

    1. cliff Says:


    2. Hengest Says:

      How about ZOG-shark.

    3. Slobodan Says:

      Hawks have big, crooked, hooked beaks, right?
      Let’s just keep using hawk. :)

    4. Celtic Warrior Says:

      We should ask ourselves this question. Who is supplying Iran with the centrifuges and all the sophisticated control equipment?

      The centrifuges are difficult to manufacture, it is even more difficult to precisely control their operating speed for months at a time.

      A little investigation will probably reveal ‘Sol Goldbergwitz Import & Export Co.’ as the source of all the electronic control gear.

    5. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      Any “bird” relating to jewry should imply a high degree of filth and stupidity. Given how Amerikwa is going extinct, and is just an over-sized stool pigeon, a fat, gross, sky-rat, then what could be more fitting than the DODO BIRD!

      Our Aryan cousins in Iran are perfectly capable of building their own gas centrifuges, which, by the way, are an obsolete method for isolating U 235 from uranium hexaflouride. The Jewnited States used the very same technique when working up the “Little Boy” bomb used on Hiroshima. One must take care to erase all zionist assumptions of superiority such as “those towel-heads couldn’t have developed Technology X” on their own. As Hizb’ullah demonstrated last year in their glorious triumph over the yellow-bellied zionist thugs in Lebanon via their use of the Net to coordinate their strikes, the long assumed technical superiority of ZOG is vanishing. Aryans Rejoice! We will dance on jewry’s grave yet!

    6. sgruber Says:

      Don’t say tapir. The tapir has received enough fucking abuse on this site. DON’T TAP A TAPIR – SAVE IT.

    7. America First Says:

      Celtic Warrior Says:

      17 June, 2007 at 11:30 pm

      We should ask ourselves this question

      Sir, you are so right, their motto is war by deception.

      They try to cover all bases in 2007, including their filthy trolls at VNNF.

      VNNF not booting them out is perhaps good, because their heavy mask of posing as a W.N. melts as their continue to post, they can’t help themselves as they are so giddy/arrogant/insulting with their control today, i.e. media, schools, open borders, and the central regime.

      The concept of over playing/played their hand is as alien to them as shame. Winning is all that counts.

    8. Carpenter Says:

      War vulture. Shabbas hawkim.

    9. Johnny Says:

      Carpenter’s got my vote, WAR VULTURES, or maybee War Buzzards

    10. IZZY Says:

      Bird Hawk-Nose:under the Federal list of Endangered Species.



      HAWK-DOV combo (after Dov Zakheim)

      DOO-DOO BIRD (replaces obsolete SHITBIRD)

      “KAWK” (half hawk, half kike) (rhymes with COCK)

      “KAWK-SUCKER” : one who believes the lies of a KAWK

    12. saltriver Says:

      The programming is working fine. The jews have given this gap-toothed nigger a role to play. She gets a half banana for the correct response. The jews wear many disguises and this good nigger-bad nigger routine is only one of them. ITZ

    13. Mark Richards Says:

      Warcuckoo. Cuckoo birds kill chicks in the nests of other birds, and deposit their own chicks in their place. Then the other birds raise the cuckoo chick as if it was their own. If there was a Jew in the animal world, it would be the cuckoo.

      Besides, cuckoo means crazy, and attacking Iran is crazy.

    14. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      “Jew” works for me as well. Short, sweet, and to the point. And when someone asks you why jews behave the way they do tell them that it’s just their semitic nature, then, in a bright cheery voice say “and that’s why we’re anti-semites!”

    15. Keith Says:

      The Vampires