19 June, 2007

Knoxville Rally #2 (June 16) Photos

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Knoxville rally at 7:00 pm | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

First picket was at Channel 6, WATE, located at 1306 Broadway… Broadway is the same as Henley, which is exit 388 off I-40 leading downtown to the action. If you go north instead of south on Henley, it turns into Broadway. A few blocks and you’re to WATE.
Couple shots of the building and the cops in front of it… We were told to cross at the corner, but the cops allowed minorities and non-protesters to jaywalk. WATE is in a scruffy part of town, past a bunch of methadone scum outside the Salvation Army, but has a pretty cool building, Victorian castle of sorts.

Shots of picketers… Note, again, the importance of THICK LETTERS when you make signs. It is the single most important thing about making signs, tied with proper spelling. Gregg’s guys’ signs were all spelled correctly, as far as I could see. Except for ‘judgement.’ English spell it that way, but in America it’s ‘judgment.’

Kid in red, Jeremy, lives in Chattanooga, had only recently heard of the crime. Before we put it on the map, the murder of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom was unknown in most of Tennessee, let alone outside the state.

From WATE picket, about 10:00 a.m., we went to the offices of the Knoxville News-Sentinel – back south on Broadway, turning right onto Western for a few blocks. Giant building, can’t be missed, visible from freeway. Home of the nasty Jamie Satterfield, who describes nigger rape-torture-murderers as carjackers and cleaners, and those who protest their feral felonies as torturers and tormenters. In other words, Jamie is a cunt. A useless, good-for-nothing, moral-maniac liberal. She deserved her own sign, and got it. A fellow who identified himself to me as a freelance photographer for the News-Sentinel got a good shot of it. I hope she sees it. Personal attack is the only thing these liberal reporters understand. They will show no respect for anyone they aren’t made to respect because they are malicious, intellectually lazy, immoral scum.

We picketed the noxious News-Sentinel on the Western Avenue side. No pics. Cops were all about to make sure we stayed off News-Sentinel property.

My signs, front and back. The one was specifically for our second picket outside the News-Sentinel, the main paper in Knoxville. In fact, the only paper apart from the Metro Pulse, an ‘alternative’ weekly of the usual ill ilk. Yes, I know I spelled blacks without the ‘c.’ I ran out of room, so I rationalized that it was an epithet. Hmm… Perhaps better if I’d omitted the ‘b.’

Final two shots, one taken from behind the speaker, the other looking toward the antis from up near our side’s orange mesh barrier/cop barrier.

From what I could tell, there were more, and more diverse, antis at this rally. There were some visible nigs, as you see. There was Chris Irwin, who against all odds is married to a woman. The other whites were assorted doofi and goofi. No doubt mixed in with the antis were some general public simply interested in the subject. Those were the ones we’d like to address. We did meet a few locals on our side, folks brave enough to show their support for Channon and Chris, victims of the most heinous murder every committed in Tennessee.

Bottom line continues to be that the police are unduly and illegally infringing our right to free speech by forbidding us the direct access to the public we need to make our case. Until a lawyer presses this point in court, the cops will continue to have their way.

  • 20 Responses to “Knoxville Rally #2 (June 16) Photos”

    1. dq Says:

      I want to see the crowds at their largest, both of them.

    2. -JC Says:

      Alex’s arrest photo was excellent because he kept the colors aloft and his sign with the web site address was seen all over the world. Similarly, the fellow who was on the live feed from Knoxville II mentioned his site, http://www.MajorityRights.com, and I went there and liked it. What I like about VNN is that, when I post something, it lets me know that it was read almost immediately and the feedback helps me refine my tag lines to grab interest.

      Hitler made an excellent observation about propaganda and http://www.hitler.com/writings/Mein_Kampf/mkv1ch10.html is a good place to begin reading him. That chapter reads like he’s describing America, today.

    3. sfg Says:

      I was “wanded” before I went in to the rally. I was carrying four styrofoam signs I had made, and they were turned with the words inside. One of the pigs asked to see what I had on one of the signs. Huh???? I didn’t say anything, but I wondered as I walked away what he was going to do if my sign said something he didn’t like? What the fuck do they think they are doing??

      The next rally one of my signs will speak to the Knoxville pigs covering up the facts in this case. See what they do then. I am sick to death of being treated unfairly because these pigs don’t like to have to deal with us. And that’s what it’s all about. They just don’t want us there–period. We’re a pain in the ass to them, so they treat us unlike they treat the antis. But they wouldn’t DARE do this to blacks or mexicans–OH NO–only white Americans.

      We are treated like pariahs in our own damn country. I’m sick to death of this.

      I just wonder how many of the anti’s were subjected to having to be wanded and then to show their signs. And even if they were, it still doesn’t make it legal for the pigs to do this. Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly is just that. It isn’t for the pigs to decide what speech gets allowed and what doesn’t.

      I have a great idea for the next rally. Why not do a march? That way, we have access to more people and get our ideas and speech out to the public without being cornered by the pigs. Apply for a permit to do a march in the part of town where there are a lot of whites. Not just downtown where there are few whites. Do it out in the suburbs at a shopping center and march down the street from one point to another. Peacefully, of course. We’ll have great signs and speakers and bullhorns and chant. That’ll get the attention of people.

      In fact, I would keep the speeches to a minimum if we do a march. Just say a few germaine things and not have twenty different people who can be understood talk on and on. It needs to be clean, short, and concise. Otherwise, people get bored and move on. Keep the speeches short, have chanting, and VERY GOOD SIGNS.

      And most of all–look as if you are going to a job interview.

    4. sfg Says:

      I meant to say “twenty different people who CAN’T be understood” but I want to apologize for that comment. I overstated my position. There were only two or three who I couldn’t understand. I fully believe in apologizing when I overstate my case and cast aspersions on well meaning people. These people are on MY side and I do not mean to insult them.

      But, otherwise, I think my idea is great.

    5. alex Says:

      I want to see the crowds at their largest, both of them.

      The problem is I was speaking and locked into the pro side, so I couldn’t get out and jump around and get the best angles. The one w the cop on the left and the nigs in front is the best I could do. But I’m sure others’ photos will be appearing soon, and they’ll have better.

    6. alex Says:

      The idea for a march is a good one, but from where to where is the question.

    7. Blakking Says:

      dq Says:

      20 June, 2007 at 12:41 am

      I want to see the crowds at their largest, both of them.

      dg, That was it. About 22 idiots (one without a spellchecker) and a mass of “antis” including “visable nigs”. There were many more of us nigs who chose to “invisable” that day. Meanwhile, even if you count the invisable nigs, most people stayed away form the “rally”… I guess a rally can be as small as two idiots….most people believe, as do I, the the perpetrators of this horrific crime will and should be punished to the full extent of the law… most people know that this crime was commited by dumbassed punks who would have been just as likely to do this same type thing to someone in their own family for a rock of crack cocaine. Most people realize that the only racial hatred at this “rally” is coming from linder and the 22 idiots with the magic markers and cardboard. Makes me wonder what linder with all the financial aid he got from his buddies at VNN…sorry… vnn. Perhaps a trip to Switzerland.. full of white people and white snow. Um up outta heah massa linder suh.

    8. alex Says:

      There were a lot more than 22. There were 150-200 on the pro side, and maybe 100 on the anti. And 300 cops, if Sterling Pee Owen The Fourth can be believed.

      We have a society that locks up Whites for ten years for throwing a rock at a synagogue, but puts Lemarcus and Letalvis back on the street within five years after they’ve committed multiple felonies.

    9. dq Says:

      Is blakking a jew? Notice how he tries to appear objective.

    10. Petrarch Says:

      Blakking Says:

      “…most people believe, as do I, the the perpetrators of this horrific crime…”

      The point of the rally is that most people don’t even know about what the pack of niggers did.

      Blakking Says:

      “… most people know that this crime was commited by dumbassed punks who would have been just as likely to do this same type thing to someone in their own family for a rock of crack cocaine.”

      Yea, that’s all they are “dumbassed punks”. “dumbassed punks” sure have come a long way. I remember when “dumbassed punks” cut study hall, knocked down mailboxes, and stole tires off cars. Now “dumbassed punks” are kidnapping, raping, sodomizing, torturing, mutilating, and killing.

      What most people “know” about the crime is what the jew media tells them. Just like every “knew” the Duke Three ganged rapped the ugly nigger whore.

      The problem is the “most people” “know” that this crime “just as likely” do the “same type thing” to virtually anybody. It was a just another one of those “random acts of violence”. Yea, that what “most people” “know”.

      But that is not the truth. Statistics, common sense, personal experience, and history, tell us that niggers engage in “random acts of violence” significantly non random way.

      And one other thing, if niggers never existed, this statement would never appear in a human language: “… just as likely to do this same type thing to someone in their own family for a rock of crack cocaine”. The simple fact that you wrote this statement is proof in-and-of-itself of the animal nature of the nigger.

      You don’t believe me? I challenge you to find such a statement in the writings of in any nigger free White culture in the last 5,000 years. Since asian cultures are nigger free, I bet that you cannot find such a statement in their writings.

      And make no mistake about it, if it were not for the jew, such a statement would be “common knowledge” in White America today.

    11. Tommy Gun Says:

      How about a memorial March & Rally in September from the ‘Death House’ to the City Hall for the rally.

    12. sfg Says:

      Alex–I don’t know. I don’t know Knoxville. Maybe you or someone else could go scope out different locations. Here’s one idea though–just came to me. How about a march to/from either the place where the murders took place to another significant locale? I’d say the gravesites but I don’t know. I don’t want to risk doing more harm to the poor families than has already been done. But a march to or from the site of the actual murders might be something worth looking into. Just a thought.

      I don’t want to “offend” these two families, but Jesus, after what was done to their children, you’d think they would want people to know what happened to them. After all, it is the Knoxville news media that has covered up the horrendous atrocities that were endured by their children. It is the Knoxville news media that has diminished their childrens’ kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder and didn’t even see fit to consider it newsworthy.

      I’d be so royally pissed that the MSM didn’t think my child’s death was important enough to print it, I’d just about be willing to do anything.

    13. Blakking Says:

      Petrarch Says:

      You don’t believe me? I challenge you to find such a statement in the writings of in any nigger free White culture in the last 5,000 years. Since asian cultures are nigger free, I bet that you cannot find such a statement in their writings.

      Actually Petrapuss, America was indeed nigger free when europeans invaded her and began kidnapping, raping, mutilating and sodomizing the native american women, and probabbly men also, you know how y’all are… and as if that wasn’t enough you went to Africa and brought back more people to terrorize. Now you’re pissed because Hiedi Klum if fucking Seal.. get over it .. at least she is giving it up willingly.

    14. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Nobody should worry about what the parents of the victims think. All four of them are Whiggers. It is a shame that the Negros didn’t fix them up instead of their children.

      Donald E. Pauly


      Newsom, Christian Families Reaction To Rally
      Posted: 11:45 PM Jun 16, 2007
      Last Updated: 11:55 PM Jun 16, 2007
      Reporter: Kim Bedford
      Newsom, Christian Family Reaction
      Knoxville (WVLT) — The parents of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian
      are responding to the racially motivated rallies.

      Volunteer TV’s Kim Bedford sat down with them and found some differing
      opinions all around.

      Chris Newsom’s room is exactly how he left it the day he left for his date
      with girlfriend Channon Christian.

      The brutally murdered young couple is at the center of the rallies.

      “I don’t see the purpose of the rallies,” said Mary Newsom. “I don’t think
      Chris would’ve been impressed with it or would’ve liked it. In fact, I
      think he might have been embarrassed by it.”

      Chris’ mother, Mary, says the protesters are doing much more harm than
      good, but her husband, Hugh, disagrees.

      “I don’t object to their right to assemble and project their cause,” said
      Hugh Newsom. “I think they feel they’re doing it for Chris and Channon.”

      Hugh says he is, however, upset with the groups not having all of their
      facts straight.

      “The police and District Attorney’s Office have assured me that there was
      no parts missing from either body,” Hugh said, “they have distorted that.”

      The Newsom’s do agree that Chris and Channon’s murder was as torturous as
      it was because of the color of their skin.

      “Would they have done that to a black couple?” Hugh asked. “I don’t think

      “With all the things they did to them, what else could you call it but
      hate,” said Mary.

      But Channon Christian’s father, Gary, says it wasn’t about race.

      “I think any kind of crime like that’s a hate crime,” said Gary Christian.
      Was it racial? No, I don’t think so.”

      Gary says he doesn’t like his daughter’s pictures posted all over for the
      protesters personal agenda.

      “I don’t like anybody using my daughter,” Gary said. “Everybody go home,
      Get this court over with. Let the people pay for what they did.”

      Whatever happens, the Newsom’s say they just want their son to be honored.

      “We love you Chris,” the parents said.

      The Newsom’s say they, like the protesters, don’t understand why the murder
      has not received national attention.

      Mr. Christian tells us the protesters came to Channon’s grave site recently
      and wants them to know that they better not enter onto the private property

    15. Kicking Blakkunt's Ass Says:

      “Actually Petrapuss, America was indeed nigger free when europeans invaded her and began kidnapping, raping, mutilating and sodomizing the native american women, and probabbly men also, you know how y’all are…”

      Actually, Blakkunt, throughout history niggers have kidnapped, raped, mutilated, sodomized and eaten men and women of all races, including their own, whenever they were in a position to do so, in proportions far greater than any other people…

      “…and as if that wasn’t enough you went to Africa and brought back more people to terrorize.”

      …and as if that wasn’t enough niggers captured and sold their own people to Jewish, Arab, and Occidental slavers from across the sea.

      Selling kinsmen to alien slavers is infinitely worse than buying slaves.

    16. sgruber Says:

      Well, that answers that. Blakking is not a jew. It’s a NIGGER.

      “Black king”

      “You know how y’all are”: we know that most of you brothers are on the down-low, and BGD are queers who butt fuck. We know how y’all are, African.

      PS: You stink.

    17. Petrarch Says:

      Blakking Says:

      [nigger babble]

      I have never seen any proof that Europeans raped amerind woman. I suspect amerind woman engaged in a competition between themselves to get a European man to impregnate then so they could have a “beautiful White baby”. Non-White woman have a deep desire to have a White skin baby. In fact, such sentiments and behaviors in non-White woman can be observed around the world today. It is also likely true that the men leaders of amerind societies gave their woman to White men.

      And I doubt that White man raped many black slave women. White men rapping black woman is an act that virtually does not exist today. So why should be think that it occurred in the past. The fact is that White men could go to any nigger infested city or afreaka and have the women of his choice. But White men don’t because black woman are just so ugly and repulsive that White man just don’t consider them as sexual objects.

      Don’t waste your time telling us that brainwashed White whores fucking nigger bucks … The phenomena of White woman practicing bestiality only exist in countries were the jew controls the media and entertainment industries. Ask a woman in an asian country would she fuck nigger. Asians see niggers little more apes and chimps, but not cute. Fucking a nigger would be thought of as disgusting to virtually all asians. And White woman had the same instinctive feelings until the jew brainwashed them.

    18. From South America Says:

      Ohhhh… this website is so great! There’s so much love and warmth around you!!! You know what? You’ve convinced me!! I’m moving to America next month!!!! See you soon!!!

    19. Mr. Sirius Black Says:

      I looked all of the pictures and there is no way there were more than 70 people on our side. The antis had more than we did.

      I am sick of everyone hyping our numbers.

    20. Hoosier Says:

      # Mr. Sirius Black Says:
      22 June, 2007 at 11:11 am

      I looked all of the pictures and there is no way there were more than 70 people on our side. The antis had more than we did.

      I am sick of everyone hyping our numbers.

      “Mr. Black,” can you link to the pictures that verify that there were more antis than the protesters of blacks murdering whites? You come across as very sure of yourself, and I haven’t seen any panoramic pictures where one call tell.

      The exaggeration is usually the other way around, with MSM journalists, jew boys, antis, and various persons who pretend to be white nationalists, tilting the numbers in their favor.