9 June, 2007

Knoxville Murders Make Front Page of Major Newspaper

Posted by Socrates in black crime, hush crimes, media, Socrates at 6:02 pm | Permanent Link

In the Chicago Tribune (Sunday, June 10th edition). Read about it: [Here]

  • 10 Responses to “Knoxville Murders Make Front Page of Major Newspaper”

    1. cygnet Says:

      Don’t miss page 14 either.

    2. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Now THIS is White power. WTG VNN.

    3. cliff Says:

      It is important that all WN email the CT to express outrage. Not just on the issue of ADL defined hate crime but also the control of the entire media by zionist jews bent on the destruction of the white race.

      Tell them it is genocide in no uncertain terms.

      Tell them we know: the news black-out is perpetrated on American people by a small minority of jews that own 95% of the media. Tell them this is the real hate crime, ie., jews running the NAACP, Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU covering up the 645,000 / 90% black on white crimes.

      Make a link as well to hate cirme legislation, AIPAC control of the US Congress, trillions of lost and stolen money to the killer pigs of the Middle East and how that money comes in from jews all over America with loyalty to one country and one country only: the mafia in the zionist crime state.



    5. observer Says:

      The mother’s stance on the “hate” issue appears somewhat different than previously reported in other rags.

    6. Impressed Says:

      The jews are paranoid cowards and will bend to allow a bit more info about the truth of mud on white crime to be let out – with their own spin on it of course. They’ll try and make it look like a “responsible media” was protecting all sides in the sensitive matter, yada yada yada. Keep the pressure on. Things will have to get worse of course, and this is where natural leaders will rise and take the sheeple in the right direction. The zhids cannot keep the cap on the truth forever. That’s why they are so furiously running their operation at triple speed these days, flooding us with muds in the US at an ever increasing pace, stretching things in the “Middle East”, working 24/7 on collapsing our economy, more and more mud and jew crap on the tube, you name it, they’re shoveling coal into the engines at a rate unseen in history. But their natural paranoia coupled with a genetic predisposition to always, ALWAYS overreach will again be their undoing. Things have barely started in terms of our struggle to get the jewish monsters off our civilization’s back, but hats off to Alex and everyone else who pushed and pushed and pushed. It’s the only way. Ask the jews.

    7. Olde Dutch Says:

      My gut hunch is that Howard Witt is a jewboy. Keep that in mind.

    8. ericthered Says:

      Looks like hymie tossed a bone, a loaded one that keeps discussion to whether or not it’s a “hate crime” and portrays anyone concerned about it “white supremacists.”

      Note that the D.A. spokesman says, “There is absolutely no proof of a hate crime,…”
      Usually when one uses the word, ‘absolutely’, I suspect they’re full of shit. I know they’re full of shit when it’s blabbered in reference to this heinous crime.

    9. JF7 Says:

      This “hate crime” designation is nothing but a strawman. It’s now even got the mother confused. They think it’ll end when everyone accepts it’s a “hate crime.” How clever.

    10. Hugh Lincoln Says:

      Tell the NYT to get on board:
