14 June, 2007

FTL Thursday begins at 9 P.M. EST

Posted by Dietrich in Alex Linder, Free Talk Live at 8:00 pm | Permanent Link

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  • 2 Responses to “FTL Thursday begins at 9 P.M. EST”

    1. whitemanpro Says:

      Hello! I did not know where Covington Northwest was when you spake about it last week, now I know, it comes from the Covington’s book and the dream or the Reverend Richard Butler, Mmm ok! For me I will not move there in the Northwest of the USA, I will have a very hard time to get there, because I am here in Eastern Canada and do not have a lot of money and have almost a new home. But I will pray for all of you who are there and for the family of April Gaede(I know I screwed up her family name). If you do not believe in God, well I will pray to the Creator what the(for me at least) the fabulous Dr William Pierce, no I am not affiliated with that effeminate man Kevin Strom, but I like Dr Pierce, it is only my 2 cents opinion. Yes I will pray the Creator what Dr Pierce was saying. I like every White men and women fighting for the White race which is in extinction right now, just look at all the TV stations and all it is awful and abominable. I will try to do my best here in Canada, but with all the hate speech laws over here it is very difficult, look what happened to Marc Lemire and Melissa Guille and others here in the North, not easy, but I an trying to do it on the web instead, I know that you are almost all against those who hides themselves under the keyboard, but this the the max I can do right now, and I want to fight feminism also, there is no place for it for fighting for the White race and to our families and the future of our race, I do not like feminist, I despise them to the core. So we have to fight them and to fight also the right to have guns for the protection of the white families our families, I do not have a family, lets say that I am a lonely wolf in the wilderness here in Canada especially in Eastern Canada, which is so politically correct and people are so asleep, it is insane, just like Samael Weor from the Gnostic Institute said, “only a few are awake and the rest are asleep”, this is true is it not, enough of my diatribe, I just wanted share this with you and to share my support to all of you and friendship. You had a photograph of Shannon Christian, but where is the one of Christopher Newsom, are you bias because she is a woman and he is a man and being a man for you he is disposable and not important. You are doing just like the Jews when you are doing that. Do not get infiltrated by feminists, because it will hurt our fight and there will be no families to continue our race with all the feminists are doing to destroy the family and abortions and abusing men and it is just the tip of the iceberg and family court also.
      Take care. Be careful out there.
      P.S I am sorry a bit that I talked about Dr Pierce over here I know there are some who are against this regrettable man on VNN.

    2. New America Says:

      One, everyone should go to solicall.com, and get their nifty little free software tool. It is quite inappropriate to have the pretty much constant sound of keyboard tapping while someone is talking.

      Two, again, someone stepped on a great speech by Dietrich with some damn soundboard sound, ruining a really good speech. Perhaps we can have thirty minute question and answer bits with Dietrich, and Linder, domne offline, without the vagaries of SKYPE – and keyboard tapping – to ruin the flow of inspiring ideas.

      Three, with respect to David Lane, let’s never forget that, if he had it all to do over again, he would have been a straight-up businessman, building great White families, great White communities, and a great White nation.

      Four, most of the esoterica that was discussed leads to the functional equivalent of puppies chasing their tails. It leads to ineffectiveness, virtually without fail.

      ALL of these “secret societies” are simply offshoots of the Kaballah, and are designed pretty much to provide a Luciferic false path of spiritual development, away from the West’s LIVING Christian foundation. This is, of course, the demonically inspired Plan of the demonic Jews.

      Lane wandered down these intellectually interesting, but spiritually fruitless, paths; a clean, straight line to Christianity along the lines of the people at Christianseparatist.org would certainly have met his goals much more purposefully, and much more fruitfully.

      Lane’s life, at the end of the day, was a pale shadow of what it COULD have been, if he had just stayed straight, and worked in one direction – a RACIAL Homeland.

      I can not imagine a more complete fulfillment of the Fourteen Words than that idea.

      He certainly would have followed Edgar Steele’s excellent advice, in the mp3, “Let’s Get Small,” available for download on Steele’s website.

      He certainly would have made common cause with Harold Covington and moved towards the eventual foundation of the Northwest Homeland – for our RACE.

      He certainly would have worked with the masterful analyst and speaker, and today, we just might be talking about Senator Robert Matthews…

      Dr. William Luther Pierce would see the caliber of people he needed answering The Call, and with something like a RACIAL Homeland to live for, and people like Lane and Matthews working together on it, he might well be with us today.

      Of course, after downloading and listening to Steele’s mp3, he would certainly have sent money to Alex Linder, at the address on the top and bottom of your screen, each and every month.

      He knew it was of vital importance to keep all of the Lights on.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

      Reverend Ted Pike