18 June, 2007

FTL Monday

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 6:35 pm | Permanent Link

Join Stan Sikorski and Yankee Jim for this Monday’s Free Talk Live!

8:00 PM EST: Music and Sound Bites

9:00 PM EST: News and Talk

Skype ID: vnnfreetalklive


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

  • 5 Responses to “FTL Monday”

    1. tj Says:

      How about this for chutzpah? Kikes on the Knoxville horror- say it’s a White Media problem-LOL; TNB Is like Muslims,etc.-sickening

    2. New America Says:

      I listened to tonight’s show with a growing sense of horror, in that, somehow, we aren’t learning any lessons from what has been discussed here – on the blog, which seems to be ignored by everyone.

      EVERY issue that Sidious discussed has been discussed here, from the uniforms based on the Scandinavian Model, to the idea that Linder should ONLY do media – Linder should be the media rep for the future of White Nationalism, which we have yet to define.

      EVERY ISSUE, and it’s like not a word of it ever happened.

      There was an Open Thread, which was supposed to be topped. In that thread, I mentioned the very software MASHER discovered for recording which effectively removes all excuse for recording.

      That thread, apparently, was too boring, or too challenging.

      Reinventing the wheel, one more time…

      I am going to take one minute, and summarize the issues as I see them:

      One, we have one last chance to get it right. Disorganized “rallies,” cheap signs done without even bothering to spring for a two dollar stencil set, “day late and a dollar short” lack of planning – Hell, NO planning, and Linder a lot closer to doing jail time than we might feel comfortable with.

      I’d call us “hobbyists,” but all of the guys I know who have hobbies take them more seriously than we do the future of our Familes, and our RACE.

      Two, if anyone from VNN actually looked at the Open Thread and commented – and I don’t think they did, out of a sense of shame at how transparent our weaknesses are – they would see a lot of Ideas, and DAMN but we need Ideas, and a central place to discuss them.

      Three, we should be simulcasting Bill White on Monday Nights, for any number of good reasons.

      Try these:

      One, White has what we need – a Plan, and an Organizational Model that is based on business as well as political effectiveness.

      Two, White went to bat for Linder the minute he heard Alex was incarcerated, preparing to leave at a moment’s notice with serious money to bail him out.

      Three, White has a lot of painfully gained experience in running rallies that get RESULTS.

      And to those who don’t like Bill White, I can only challenge them to do half as good.

      Four, we need an Intro to White Nationalism, and Why It Is Good For You link to Yggdrasil’s website; I mentioned this in the Open Thread, but, apparently, it has gone to the Zone of Lost Things.

      Five, we need an overarching Goal for why people should not only listen to us, but join up.

      I mentioned this in the Open Thread, and note that Covington’s “Northwest Republic” answers all of these questions.

      Six, we need to clean up VNN Forum, and have a more rational set of threads and subthreads, with an entire set going to the Idea of our own Nation.

      Seven, we need to prepare to build the Form of a political party.

      EVERY DAMN ISSUE Sidious raised has been addressed, and it might as well have gone to the Zone of Lost Things.

      Incidentally, if memory serves, I was first out of the gate with applying the Doc Schneider model of participation: “Your cash on the barrelhead, or your feet in the street; both is better, but if you aren’t doing one or the other, go back to sleep. when you are ready to do the most important Work of your life, we’ll be here.”

      For my part, I send fifty a month to Alex, and this month I sent a hundred.

      Oh, yeah, one more thing:

      Free Talk Live.

      Thank GOD that Dietrich is bringing things into this century, Mark in Cali for providing great commentary and analysis, and Tony for carrying the ball down the field.

      Incidentally, the real time use of Soundboards, in general, and overly loud gorilla sounds, in particular, make us sound like a high school radio station, being run by rebellious adolescents with a few beers. To date, the soundboards, which should be inoperative during the broadcast, and can be edited in afterwards, have stepped on a GREAT rant by Linder, and a GREAT speech by Dietrich.

      Now, we need the Overarching Context, so wandering conversations can refer back to a Theme.

      Covington has provided this for us, with his idea of our own RACIAL Homeland.

      I’m just putting this out there as a great Idea that gets us a lot more traction on the ground in terms of effective, real-world activity, and maybe even something to organize a political framework around, than high school grins and giggles, from people using the word “nigger” as if it was a substitute for thought, and making basic mistakes repeatedly, like, oh, typing into an open mike, and drinking while having the mike open.

      If Linder gets a look at this, then, with all due respect – and I DO have a great deal of respect for you – then know this:

      We won’t be getting too many second chances from here on out.

      The issue is Quality; take care of that, and Quantity will take care of itself.

      At the very least, have a page devoted as to how to properly use SKYPE, and enforce it.

      Let’s learn from Lombardi; start with the basics, rigorously master them, and move forward.

      If the Smart Guys think we will need something – portable PA, wireless miles – just create a thread called “VNN Broadcasting Needs,” and see what happens.

      Then, create a thread under ACTIVISM called “VNN Rally Tips,” and put the ideas for appearance and signage in there.

      And simulcast Bill White on Monday…

      While we can.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    3. Douglas Says:

      I was just wondering, and didnt know where to post this, does VNN now support bill white of overthrow? I see that he has said that he accepted a request for an add spot in his magazine from VNN.

    4. New America Says:

      And, for those who are interested in Scandinavian (ie; professional) organizations and uniforms…


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    5. ddk Says:

      One thing I agree with are the soundboards, get rid of em. If I want to hear chimp noises, I can do that on my computer anytime. I tune in for the commentary, I’ll watch animal planet if I need to hear monkeys howling.