21 June, 2007

FREE TALK LIVE: Thirsty Thursday!

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 7:54 pm | Permanent Link

VNN Broadcasting: (/ @ 24 kbs)

Listen w/ WinampWinamp

  • 2 Responses to “FREE TALK LIVE: Thirsty Thursday!”

    1. dq Says:

      thanks for mentioning finalsolution88

    2. New America Says:

      Just got the first ten minutes or so shipped over to me, before everything stopped.

      AT LAST, someone gets it!

      Thanks to Mark In Cali for getting to the importance of OUR RACIAL HOMELAND.

      THAT is the analytical context that makes all other Ideas possible.

      And now, a meme for VNN.

      What was the FIRST White RACIAL Homeland on this continent?

      That’s right.


      What was the great intangible that made its growth possible?

      The Constitution, the document that defined the governmental framework that ONLY White people could make work; democratic systems in a republican structure, a truly radical Idea, and one that only the Creative RACE could envision, and make work, at all.

      Now, what would be an excellent slogan to put on our posters?



      Remember, THAT Constitution allowed us the right of Free Association, and has a message that resounds much more easily, and deeply, in the heart and minds of our potential allies among our RACIAL Brethren.

      Of course, that Constitution will give us the foundation for our own NATION, our own RACIAL Homeland.

      The Framework, of course, has been defined quite nicely by Harold Covington in his “Northwest Trilogy” series of novel.

      And, we are all still sending money to Alex Linder to help make all of this come to pass, aren’t we?


      Yes, we are.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!