7 June, 2007


Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 5:50 pm | Permanent Link

FTL tonight features an interview with April Gaede. Starts at 8 sharp.


Channon Christian grave photo:

  • 15 Responses to “FREE TALK LIVE!”

    1. New America Says:

      Yes, SIR!

      Their new blog http://hitlersangels.livejournal.com/

      “The Olsen Twins of the Master Race!”

      Look, if we’re going to be called “racists,” anyway, let’s show them how it’s done RIGHT!

      By the way, I spell “White Racist” as A-R-Y-A-N.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      Lidice wasn’t a highpoint of German military or police history:

    3. Joseph Says:

      Is that a Letalvis Cobbins doll I see on the headstone?

    4. pony Says:

      I’ve tried to connect with forum members…they don’t want to respond, they don’t want to do more than talk into a head set

    5. New America Says:

      Just caught the tail end of it.

      Mark from Cali ended the show with what should have been the beginning, or at least following the Gaede Interview. (Missed that, it must have been great!).

      Two comments:

      One, Linder’s Distributed Intelligence Model is morphing into Intelligent Activism; slowly, but surely, we are beginning to “get it.”

      Two, this activism will take many Forms, but the CORRECT Foundation is what White Nationalism, alone, has to offer. There are thousands of ways to die; you must find the ONE Way to Live that is right, and right for you, your family, your RACE and your Nation.

      The Way to Live is through White Nationalism; “there is no intelligent alternative to White Nationalism for White People.”


      Three, I have argued that acceptance of White Nationalism – which WILL lead, eventually, to a White Homeland – is not unlike a religious conversion.

      There is no “Road to Damascus” blinding light moment, no opening of the Heavens with God placing His blessings on you; it is, rather, a gradual Awareness that crystallizes following a phase shift Moment, rather like you can add bit by tiny bit of more heat to water, until it becomes steam. It is the final quantitative change that immediately precedes a qualitative change, a SHIFT in the very nature of the material.

      It is the Moment when you go to sleep feeling tired, angry, and irritable, and you awaken the following morning not blaming yourself, not accepting the lies, and not being able to live the lie that was your life; moment by moment, you become someone Different, and you reject the JEWISH-controlled materialistic definition of who, and what, you were.

      Four, this is what my focus will be, more and more: what can we do, NOW, to lay the Foundation for the Formation of our own Homeland.

      We begin by facing the fact: NINETY PERCENT of our nominally RACIAL kindred are actively opposed to what they think we stand for.

      The best tool to convert them is the example you choose to make of your life; that’s why I point one and all to the Dave Ramsey website, knowing that my simple test for the First Level of Activism – Sending twenty dollars (at least) a month, every month, to Alex Linder – is simply beyond them.

      If building the country their posterity will need to live in is not worth that, then their values have sealed their fate.

      If they literally can not afford twenty dollars a month, then they will not be of use to themselves, much less their families. Yet, even then, they will not think to send a Hallmark card…

      My alternative biography of Sam Francis is dealing with these issues as best I can frame them, but I know this:

      Any goddamn JEW can walk into any synagogue on any week, and raise FORTUNES for their RACE, FORTUNES they made off of OUR labor, our work, and the very substance of our Lives.

      Stopping these tremendous leakages is something all of us can do, must, and will do, if we are to succeed in fulfilling our duty to our RACIAL Posterity.

      I think our collective failure to do this, more than anything else, drove Pierce to an early grave.

      Pierce made the mistake of thinking he could be rational with the irrational, that appeals to Reason and Logic would convince people of the correctness of our RACIAL situation.

      He was wrong; acceptance of White Nationalism requires something that more strongly resemble a religious conversion, and it is what people turn to WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.

      If you define our Society as “All Else,” I suspect there will be a demand for Our RACE BASED Solutions.

      We have the pieces; we need a more complete Framework in which to place them.

      Linder’s Ideas, and Countermemes, Bill White’s organizational models and business plans, the work of Agis and Chain with the various GOYFIRES, Peter Shank’s astute analysis of the situation we face and what roles the goddamn JEWS have in creating it, Hal Turner’s masterful, impassioned speech-making, Edgar Steele’s painfully learned advice, Harold Covington’s comprehensive analysis of how to (and why we MUST!) form our own State, our own Country, and our own Homeland, ALL explicitly based on RACE – First, Foremost, Forever – all of the pieces of the puzzle, in broad outline, are before us.

      We face insurmountable opportunities, however, if, after the Quickening, we do not have a Framework in which to address the Awakening – a Framework to address the Question, “What Now?”

      “Start where you, and be what you want the world to become,” is classical advice; we need to be a bit more concrete than that.

      Start by sending money regularly to Alex Linder, whose address is on the top of your screen in the right hand corner.

      We’ll be working on the rest.

      And so will you!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. someone Says:

      Can someone upload the audio please? And is that livejournal real?

    7. New America Says:

      link to audio:

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. Deadhorse Says:

      New America, could you stop posting the same diatribe to every entry?

    9. New America Says:

      in reply to Deadhorse:

      you wrote:
      New America, could you stop posting the same diatribe to every entry?

      in reply:
      No, and for the best of reasons.

      If you listened to the April Gaede Interview – thanks, mark from cali – something fascinating surfaced in her comments on several points.

      The most salient point is this: the vast expansion of the White RACE moving to what, essentially, is a part of Covington’s Northwest Republic, means what April noted – that they already ARE White Nationalists, they just don’t realize it yet.

      VNN is unique in that we are working on THE Solution; just as there is no intelligent alternative to White Nationalism, for our RACE, this same Creative RACIAL Force, White Nationalism, is not limited to the
      Forms of our Ancestors, but evolves with us.

      Of all of the WN “organizations,” and I am using THAT term very loosely, Linder just nailed the nature of how this can truly work, in a system of Distributed Intelligence, and Coordinated Activities.

      What all of our actions have had to date, from Rockwell forward, is the absence of an arching overview that allows for our Creative Forces to manifest in the appropriate vehicle, AS NEEDED.

      That “arching overview,” that Grand Framework, is the formation of our own Country, our own White HOMELAND, which is simply a recapitulation of the Country our Ancestors founded, and conquered, but on a somewhat higher level.

      Every social problem we face, virtually without exception, comes from being prey to the predators, the demonic goddamn JEWS. It began when we accepted their false terms, their false definitions, their lying news stories, their duplicitous educational system. From this, we have been neutralized into the doule-bind state of Mind, where we are afraid to do anything.

      By accepting their assumptions, words, phrases and definitions, which are mutually contradictory and admit no means to resolving the false duality they offer, we stand as neutralized and impotent as Pavlov’s dogs.

      Anger brings with it the bright flame that burns away the fog of illusion, and frees up a ton of energy to fix what is wrong, and to do what needs to be done.

      “Violence Solves Everything.”

      This does not mean that violent acts are always, or even usually, the RIGHT act, the most appropriate means to accomplish a goal.

      What it means is that accepting the anger that we take tranquilizers drink alcohol, overeat junk food, and generally anaesthetize our Awareness; our Minds can not accept what our Senses are showing them, so we shut down the one, and dull the other.

      We die the thousand small deaths of the lotus eaters, and the lives of those who came before us have been spent in vain…

      Most White Nationalists/Western Nationalists (WN2/) have looked for The Answer from The Leader. When The Leader is removed from the scene – death, lifetime Federal incarceration, whatever – their source of Light is removed, and they go back to Sleep.

      The Way has been removed, and The Path is, once again, shrouded in fog, and darkness.

      Distributed Intelligence and Coordinated Activities expand the Realm of the Possible, with many Paths being made, each to meet the personal situation of each of us. If one Leader in neutralized, we can be what we want the world to become, in this aspect of our RACIAL development, and adopt and adapt the best of what the Leader had to offer, and merge it with the Work of Others of our RACE, as we can, and as we see fit.

      In the post above on this thread, I noted that accepting White Nationalism is a lot like religious conversion. I think this is a remarkably useful Insight.

      Take the example of the late Dr. Sam Francis.

      read virtually all of his work, and take away the code words – “Liberals, Democrats, Progressvies, Secualr Humanists” – and replace them with the words “Jews,” and “Judaism.”

      Now take the words “working people,” “blue-collar people,” working class ethnics,” and replace them with the words White People.

      MY, doesn’t an elegant analytical clarity suddenly reveal itself?


      Yes, it does.

      The Fog Lifts.

      The Analytical Framework for the founding of our own RACIAL Homeland is the end point for solving a lot of social problems creatively; Covington’s Northwest Republic is but one manifestation of this.

      It is a Future we have seen…

      And it works.

      My “diatribes” are rarely the same, but represent the evolution of my thinking, as how to best build the bridges from where we are, to where we want to be, one Life at a time, one Family at a time, one Community at a time, one Nation, one Country at a time, and, finally, one RACIAL Homeland.

      And, Deadhorse, we have stopped beating the “dead horses” chosen for us by our implacable, demonic RACIAL Enemy, the goddamn JEWS.

      Linder is right; “Excellence is the best rebellion.”

      Our Idea Grid helps to bring energy to where it is needed, by offering an Analytical Framework to analyze and solve our problems from the perspective of RACE, writ larger, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

      This fosters “excellence,” and harnesses it in the best form of “Rebellion.”

      My Ideas are all right here, where you can rebel against them all you want.

      Your rebellion would be more effective if it was remotely excellent.

      What DON’T you like about the Idea of a New America, a RACIAL Homeland for our people, and why?

      Is the fact that I always mention it, that I pull it our front and center, where all can see it, and use what of it they can, as they can, disturbing to you?

      Does it remind you of the helplessness you chose, in the face of the continuous assault our RACE faces on all fronts?

      Did you listen to the April Gaede Interview?

      Does it embarrass you that she was able to pack up her daughters, and move from Hell on Earth, to Heaven on Earth; she, with two children, and you remain in a Soft Hell?

      What holds you back, Brother?

      In the words of VNN’s Chain, “Are you Sephardic, Brother?


      New America

      As April Gaede and many others have shown,…

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    10. New America Says:

      I think the http://hitlersangels.livejournal.com/ site is bogus.

      Might want to delete that first post in this thread.

      Theirs is http://prussianbluefan.blogspot.com/


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    11. Mati The Estonian Says:

      Intresting story – connected to Shannon and Christian …


    12. ddk Says:

      Pitts can go straight to the hell that spawned people of his ilk. It’s an obvious attempt to attract more minority readers to that news site since a lot of whites seem to be wising up to the dull and uninteresting fare that is a staple of news nowadays. This is being pushed by advertisers who see the browning of America as a business opportunity. Don’t let the immigration bill stalling fool you, it is better for a lot of employers to let these people live in the shadows, they’re more exploitable. Enjoyed the interview with April Gaede, sounds like a nice area thats she’s in but sad to say the mexi-mud invasion marches on, how long before Montana is swamped? They’ve already infested my area, Lake Tahoe Calif, with their filth. Kings Beach and areas of South Lake Tahoe look like parts of L.A. now.

    13. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Alex is adamant that we demand the death penalty for the killers of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom and I agree and one of the reasons I think it’s important, one that many of us may not have considered, is the changing demographics in the US. We’re turning our system over to non-Whites, and if we don’t turn that around they’re going to eventually be responsible for keeping these animals locked up for the rest of their lives. Who knows what some future Tennessee government, made up of a mud/White liberal coalition, will do with these killers. I don’t think it’s beyond the realm of possibilty that they could walk 20 or 30 years down the road.

    14. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      possibilty=possibility Check before hitting the submit button dumbass.

    15. New America Says:

      some further thoughts on “Violence Solves Everything,” and “Metzger’s Insight”
      I suspect most of us came here through a dark and 9deliberately) muddled path, from “CONservatism” to, eventually a positive theory – and practice – of RACE.

      With each stage in our intellectual development, it seemed to be increasingly difficult to realize anything of substance’ much of what we were told was clearly proven wrong by the clear evidence of our senses.

      Yet, we soldiered on, and gradually, we found our Hoffman Lenses Sunglasses (from “They Live”), and It All Began To Make Sense.

      It ALL comes down to RACE, writ large, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.


      Some time back, I told Hoosier I was going to us a graphic novel to illustrate RACIAL issues to my nephews; the graphic novel was “Batman: The Dark Knight.”


      Hoosier recommended the sequel, “DK2,” as well.

      I did, and IT IS WORKING.

      The key to effectiveness is a Mindset of POSITIVE RACISM.

      THIS, pretty much, is the key to the success of the demons who walk the Earth known as JEWS.

      To return to our tale, the kids were pretty much into the Batman mythos, and made a point that fascinated me.

      There was a tv show a few years back called “Birds of Prey.” It was on the WB Network. They knew it backwards and forwards, and noted, from the very beginning, the tv series made a fascinating point: to wit, that Batman had let the Joker live, and thus, by showing him Mercy at the expense of Justice, had allowed unchecked Evil to reign, for a season.

      The tv show made that point visually, but they lacked the framework to place it in.

      The graphic novels placed it in a framework they can relate to.

      They have SHIFTED their thinking from being reactive – allowing their Enemy to define the situation – to being proactive – what can we do to make this a better situation, in Family terms. Family, of course, is the foundation for RACE…

      Thus, they learned that, just as action has moral consequences, so does inaction; the question is, “What is the moral and analytical framework used to define the situation, and the range of the appropriate actions?”

      RACE, writ large, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, works perfectly well.

      Their practice of martial arts is serving them well; they walk with an assertiveness they did not have before, and they’ll look ANYONE in the eye…

      Continuing the theme of violence, they brought down a graphic novel called “The Watchmen.”

      These are NOT “comic books,” these are much more substantial than that…

      “The Watchmen” features a group of skilled, talented, vigilantes, among whom is one named “Rorschach,” as in the psych test.

      Rorschach is, essentially, a man with a clean, clear, ruthless concept of morality, and just enough of a hint of superego to allow him to barely function in what society had become.

      Eventually, Rorschach was captured by the police, and was incarcerated with many of the criminals he had placed in prison. Of course, they attacked him in the prison cafeteria, and as he casually disposed of his adversary, he turned to the REST of the inmates and said, in effect:

      “You don’t understand. I’m not in here with you…YOU’RE in here with ME!”

      And how does this tie into Metzger’s Insight?


      The parasite is a sign that we forgot what we were supposed to be doing.

      Let’s not make that mistake again, shall we?

      My focus is on the building blocks needed to go from where we are, to where we MUST go, to fulfill our personal and RACIAL destinies.

      That’s why I reference the model of our own NATION, today, and our own RACIAL Homeland, in time.

      This is a good part of the mental map the demons known as JEWS carry around in their heads, and are ALWAYS acting to fulfill; their activity is seen in the pathetic counterpoint of our INactivity.

      It doesn’t take much to turn it around, but you must start where you are, and start today.

      April Gaede took the step forward in Faith – the least we can do is send some money to those who take the hits for us, and to do tis monthly. The regularity is almost more important than the amount. Even a ten dollar bill, in a Hallmark card, really reminds the people who are out front, FOR us, that what they are DOING matters, TO us.

      Did I mention the address for donation to Alex Linder is at the top and bottom of the page?


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!