7 June, 2007

Annie’s Gettin’ Warmer

Posted by Socrates in immigration, jewed Congress, jewed culture, Socrates at 3:18 pm | Permanent Link

“Yet whites are called racists merely for mentioning the fact that current immigration law is intentionally designed to reduce their percentage in the population.” Gee, Annie, that’s dangerously close to a White nationalist statement. Is the cultural wind finally changing directions? Are mild-mannered Whites waking up to the fact that, if they don’t take actions to preserve themselves, they will be genocided-by-default due to both non-White immigration and high minority birth-rates? (By the way, Kennedy didn’t create the 1965 immigration act, although he did play a part in it. It was Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler – and other Jews – who played the key role in its passage [1] ):


[1] about the 1965 immigration act: [Here]

  • 16 Responses to “Annie’s Gettin’ Warmer”

    1. cool aide Says:

      “In 1965, Teddy Kennedy overhauled immigration law with the specific purpose of effecting a dramatic change in the nation’s demographics. Bobby Kennedy had civil rights, so Teddy needed something big: He would preside over a civil rights bill for the entire Third World! My word, but that man could drink in those days.”

      Yes, he drank nothing but the finest Kool Aid.

    2. Mark Says:

      The Kennedy family gives the rest of the Irish a bad name.

      Whites will have to become racists(meaning to fight for the people) if they are to survive. There’s no getting around it.

    3. Der Arbeiter Says:

      The wind has changed when she names the Jew.

      Anne “jewcon shill” Coulter obviously has read MacDonald and knows what’s what.

    4. WTF Says:

      Why the fuck do you keep using tinyurl? I genuinely want to know.

      Does tinyurl put out a toolbar or something for people who don\\\’t know how to form real hyperlinks?

      When you use tinyurl you remove people\\\’s ability to check the link so they know what they\\\’re clicking on before they click it. You also seem to be assuming tinyurl is always going to be around and always going to direct you to the right url. If tinyurl goes out of business or gets sold to a less scrupulous owner, every link you post with tinyurl becomes useless. I would think you would want the VNN archives to be usable well into the future. Finally, tinyurl can record the traffic of anyone who clicks the links. This isn\\\’t a huge issue (anyone who really wants to be anonymous will find a way to be, anyway), but again, I have to ask: why the fuck are you using tinyurl for all your links?

      (It is generally believed that Tiny Urls never expire, unlike other links which do. I don\\\’t know any more than that. Further, I have no idea if Tiny records traffic or not. Lastly, you might want to try decaf. One \\\”fuck\\\” is usually enough. – Socrates )

    5. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Annie’s not going to be quoting KMac anytime soon, but I don’t know why these cons don’t use Kennedy’s quotes from the ’65 immigration debate, when he promised that that POS bill would not reduce the White percentage of the population. You’d think they’d be hammering that fat spud-sucking son-of-a-bitch with with what in today’s climate would be considered clearly racist:

      Ted Kennedy On Immigration

      1965: “The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”

      Tinyurl has a preview feature, that’s what I use, that lets you see where you’re going before you click on the link. This one leads right back here:


    6. Junghans Says:

      The skinny bitch has finally written something worthwhile besides kosher ”conservative” garbage.

    7. wtf Says:

      “It is generally believed that Tiny Urls never expire, unlike other links which do.”

      If the target URL goes dead, tinyurl isn’t going to help. If anything, it impedes the user’s ability to know the target URL which can be used to potentially retrieve the page from google’s cache or archive.org.

      Presumably you expend time and effort (however little) generating these tinyurls…for what benefit?

      I continue to find your use of tinyurl baffling. I’ve seen others do this as well, and I can never get a good explanation of what they think they’re accomplishing.

      “Further, I have no idea if Tiny records traffic or not.”

      I may have put it too mildly: tinyurl or their web host absolutely do record traffic. The only question is how long they keep the logs and what they do with them. This would be the least of my concerns if some benefit were actually gained by using tinyurl (in any capacity other than keeping long links from breaking in email).

      “Tinyurl has a preview feature, that’s what I use, that lets you see where you’re going before you click on the link.”

      Great, except it’s still easier to simply hover over an unobfuscated URL.

    8. sfg Says:

      White Americans are so bullied and intimidated that we have to apologize every time we say something negative about anyone not white. “I’m not a racist, but……” “I’m not predjudiced but….” I am so sick of hearing apologetic white people I could throw up. I’m not talking about the lefties, I’m talking about conservative whites.

      Most of conservative whites don’t have a clue about what’s really happening in this country. Oh, they see that most criminals are black males, that most victims are white people, but they don’t ever put 2 and 2 together and get GENOCIDE.

      They don’t get “hating whitey” as a political agenda and social agenda in America. They just think that “crime is bad” and we must avoid certain black areas. They don’t think to teach their children to stay away from blacks, to get and carry a gun to protect yourself. They just don’t think that that is necessary–YET. They continue to see “crime” as a separate issue from race.

      That is where people like we are come in. If John and Jane White America won’t come to the mountain, then we bring the mountain to John and Jane White America. Writing your newspaper isn’t enough anymore–our letters don’t get published. I know my county editor won’t publish my letters on racial issues. He can pursue his multicult/diversity agenda just fine, but I can’t express an opinion contrary to that. Nothing like a free press.

      That is where rallies and demos come in. That must be where we bring our position to people. Leafletting at street corners–anything.
      I hope the June 16th rally in Knoxville goes well. Unfortunately, at the rally in Atlanta I attended last night, it was announced that on that same day there is a March for America against illegal immigration that is, I think, going to take place at both state and national levels. I thought–great–now the media will have a good reason to black us out again. We must go to Knoxville anyway.

      But, here in Atlanta last night, there was a rally against the Senate bill sponsored by Chris Krock of 750 am radio (he’s a nighttime talk radio host locally) and it was reported this morning that there were 500 people there. I was there and it was great to be among almost all white (there was a sprinkling of blacks) people standing up for their country–yelling and chanting and drowning out the small group of hispanics across the street. People were angry and there was a lot of support from people driving by in their cars too.

      I get real discouraged about this country but I know that white people can save this country if we only pull together . It doesn’t have to be all of us, but it does have to be some of us who are single minded in our devotion and effort. I saw it last night at the rally–young and old, male and female–all fighting with their last breath to save this country from doom.

      We’ve got a lot of problems in this country–Lord knows we do–but we have to stop illegal immigration NOW. We have to get rid of these illegals, and then put an end to all third world immigration into our country. Keep writing, faxing, and calling your senators about illegal immigration, border security, and fining employers who hire these punks.

      As someone said last night–the only people who want illegals are the ones who are making money off of it.

      We can’t be worried about being called racists. I’m not worried anymore. We just have to forge ahead and do what’s right for this country.

      I’m sorry for using your forum for things non Vanguardy–but I know that a lot of you feel strongly about illegals and immigration too.

    9. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      wtf Says:

      7 June, 2007 at 11:29 pm

      “Tinyurl has a preview feature, that’s what I use, that lets you see where you’re going before you click on the link.”

      Great, except it’s still easier to simply hover over an unobfuscated URL.

      Filles du Roi’s Boi:

      There are places, like YAHOO message boards, where long links don’t work.

    10. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Christ, forced integration , massive third world immigration, the USS LIberty cover-up, did Lyndon Johnson EVER say no to a jewish demand? One of the top three worst Presidents. I glanced at his history this morning and I may have found one of the reasons why the SOB was so beholden to the Jews; a 1948 US Senate primary election that he stole with the help of jewish Supreme Court justice Abe Fortas. BTW, the person he stole the election from, Coke Stevenson, once said, when asked about a lynching in Texas, “Well, you know these Negroes sometimes do those kinds of things that provoke whites to such action”. It wasn’t that long ago that we could make such honest statements about race, was it? These taboos we’re living under today are historical aberrations, and once we throw off this jackboot of jew-imposed political correctness we’ll be able to have those discussions again. And for you newcomers reading this, lynchings didn’t involve just blacks, many Whites were lynched as well. For example, out of nearly 90 lynchings in Iowa, all but one or two of those oak tree ornaments were White. Look it up.




      USS LIberty cover-up:


      Origins of political correctness:


    11. lawrence dennis Says:

      I rather like Ann Coulter. She’s clever and bluntly witty. I bought her book “Godless,” which pretty much sums up the judeoliberal agenda. There’s only so much you can say and keep your media job. Witness Sam Francis….

    12. wtf Says:

      “There are places, like YAHOO message boards, where long links don’t work.”

      So use tinyurl on yahoo message boards and other places long links don’t work. But there’s absolutely no reason to cover vnn’s front page with tinyurl links.

    13. sfg Says:

      My experience has been that there’s only so much you can say and keep ANY job. I have lost three jobs for being honest and forthright.

      What do you do: keep your mouth shut like everyone else and go along with the program and stay employed OR be true to yourself and reality, be honest, and risk losing your livelihood? Which is the smarter thing to do? I guess it all depends upon what’s right for the individual…or is it??

      Any comments??

    14. Workin' it Says:

      To sfg; I’ve lost a couple of jobs due to speaking the truth. One can keep their livelihood and work for our cause. When the slide gets really steep, and that is coming, you’ll be able to fire off at work. Use a pseudonym if you need to keep your identity a secret, and wear friggin’ sunglasses and a cap at rallys etc. It’s not that hard.

    15. Larry Longacre Says:

      The warm dry wind of White Sanity is finally blowing between Ann’s bony legs and up her leather skirt, and providing a comforting sensation on her droopy-lipped cunnus. Don’t mistake this warm feeling for love. She’s the bitch of ZOG like all the rest.

    16. alex Says:

      What do you do: keep your mouth shut like everyone else and go along with the program and stay employed OR be true to yourself and reality, be honest, and risk losing your livelihood? Which is the smarter thing to do? I guess it all depends upon what’s right for the individual…or is it??

      Any comments??

      It’s one thing to keep your mouth shut if you’re an HVAC technician or accountant; another thing entirely if you’re a political writer!