25 June, 2007

Al-Qaeda Using Terror-Rodents to Take Over the World

Posted by Socrates in Iraq, jewed foreign policy, satire, Socrates at 2:39 pm | Permanent Link

U.S. soldiers in Iraq have encountered heavily-armed hamsters who were trained by al-Qaeda, said a top military official. “There’s no doubt about it,” said Colonel Sol Steinbergwitz, head of the Army’s Zionist Propaganda unit. “Those little rodents were definitely al-Qaeda operatives. In fact, they were probably trained by Osama bin Laden himself, because we know that Osama speaks fluent hamster. This is more proof that al-Qaeda is the greatest threat to the world since Adolf Hitler.”


About al-Qaeda in Iraq: [Here]

  • One Response to “Al-Qaeda Using Terror-Rodents to Take Over the World”

    1. Walter Thompson Says:

      How many times have we heard; “top al-Qaeda leader” or “major al-Qaeda figure” captured in Iraq. You would think the group has more leaders than fighters. If ZOG drew up a tree chart of the al-Qaeda hierarchy from their list of captured/killed it would probably read longer than the King of England’s family tree.

      This just in: al-Qaida Looming Large in Gaza

      In one of the most restricted and blockaded pieces of territories on earth the al-Qaeda threat materializes, almost out of thin air, after the Hamas takeover.

      Up next: Bin Laden and friends put the x-men to shame with their super abilities.