9 May, 2007

Reader Mail: 5/09/07

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link


Brother Zionist:

I read your exchange with Mr Steele with great interest. It inspired this short essay which deals with many of the points relevent to that exchange. I will address the remainder in a separate letter. This will give Ed something to chew on in the meantime. I dare him to send it out in his newsletter. I extend that dare to Professor Shamir for his newsletter. I know better than to dare the Birdman.

As a budding Zionist, you are still a babe in the woods at times when it comes to racial science. I am going to try to make this a one page speed course on the subject.

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian
Lawyers and Jews

Fortunately, it is still legal to hate lawyers, even if they are Jews. Perhaps someone will honor me by posting this essau on the American Bar Association website.

First an all important quote from this humble Zionist to set the spirit of this essay:
“An open mind stems from ignorance, but prejudice springs from education.”-
Donald E. Pauly

This author has done groundbreaking research into how lawyers fit into the racial scheme of things. Those ignorant of racial science suppose that there are three races of man, Caucasians, Negroes, and Orientals. More knowledgable racial scientists add the Australian Aboriginal which has been separated from the other racial groups by 50,000 years. Even more enlighted racial scientists divide the Negro into two races. If memory serves, one type of primitive Negro that lives in Southeastern African jungles has even more monstrous sex organs than the Negro in the rest of Africa.

Those who have studied the Jewish Question have known for centuries that the Jews are a separate race. I was the first to recognize the lawyer as an separate race. They were pests in the time of the Romans. Lawyers diverged from man several thousand years ago. Jews diverged slightly later when they were expelled from Israel by the Romans. The races of man (loosely) are therefore, Caucasians, Orientals, Aboriginals, Negroes (two subraces), Jews, and Lawyers; listed according to their worth.

Scholars differ on whether Negroes and Jews are properly considered human. This question is beyond the scope of this essay. Beyond a doubt, Lawyers are not human. Anyone that makes a living by breaking up families like a divorce lawyer is not a human being. An immigration lawyer that makes a living by importing Third world scum to destroy his country is not a human either.

Until 50 years ago, you could become a lawyer in most states by self study and taking the bar exam. So called Honest Abe became a lawyer that way. The last that I knew, that is still the case in a few states. In those times, human beings could become lawyers and did so. The profession was well regarded in the public eye.

The profession was infiltrated by Jews a hundred years ago who saw that humans must be excluded from it. They therefore ensured that law school was required to become a lawyer. Four years of careful observation are enough time to exclude anyone with a consience. This allows them to prevent any human beings from practicing this profession. Jews have little or no conscience to begin with.

When I say lawyers are a race, this does not refer to their skin color. It refers to their behavior which is genetically determined. Such behavior will be passed on to their decendants. All Lawyers are Jews, but not all Jews are Lawyers. By a miracle of genetics one can be simulaneously a full blooded Lawyer and a full blooded Jew.

A Jew may be defined as follows:

“A Jew is a creature that passes for a human being, who has an insatiable desire for money, and no scruples over the means that it uses to attain it.”-
Donald E. Pauly

A Lawyer may be defined as follows:

“A Lawyer is a creature that passes for a human being, who has an insatiable desire for power, and no scruples over the means that it uses to attain it.”-
Donald E. Pauly

I was at a party in Austin Texas with lawyer types and hangers on in the early seventies. A girl there related a story about how she was at another party with a bunch of lawyers and law students when a judge walked by her small group. Several law students dropped their attention to her in mid sentence and trailed after him like little puppy dogs.

Her quote, may she live long:”A lawyer points to power like a bird dog points to a quail.”-unknown. This same girl told the tearfull story about how she supported her husband thru several years of law school. Upon graduating he promptly divorced her. She jump started my racial enlightenment about Lawyers.

The Fuhrer, of Blessed Memory, had a complete understanding of Lawyers. He learned about them at his treason trial for the failed Munich pusch. A Nazi Lawyer is no different than other kinds of Lawyers. The Fuhrer, Peace be upon Him, has a favorite saying:

“Duelling should be allowed between priests and lawyers”.-Adolf Hitler

As a former altar boy, he knew what he was talking about. I am also a former altar boy now turned Atheist.

Quoted in “Table Talk”, Hitler pointed out that the segment of society to which most lawyers properly belong is that of common criminals.

This quote from Edgar Steele is not correct:
“It’s the 99% of lawyers out there that give the rest of us a bad name.”-Edgar
J. Steele

Since there are a million lawyers in this country, this implies that there are 10,000 good lawyers in it. This is ridiculous. THERE IS NO PROOF THAT THERE IS A SINGLE GOOD LAWYER IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. To paraphrase General Sheridan,
of Blessed Memory,

“The only good lawyers that I know of are dead.”-Donald E. Pauly

“Lawyers and Jews are living proof of the Roman Catholic doctrine of Original Sin.”-Donald E. Pauly

“Lawyers and Jews are living proof that there is no all powerful, all just God”-Donald E. Pauly

My position is described by the famous bumper sticker,”Save a whale, feed a lawyer to your pets.” This will get me accused of advocating animal cruelty.

We have one lawyer per 300 human beings in the country. This is sufficient to absorb 25% of society’s productivity. In Israel, there is one lawyer per 130 Jews. No wonder no one wants to work there. We have more lawyers in this country than have ever lived in history. There are 10,000 lawyers in all of

The worst thing about the infestation of our country by Jews is that it is all legal. Over 20% of all lawyers are racial Jews in this country. They are over represented by 10 times their proportion in the population. Over half of the faculty of the UCLA law school are Jews. The proportion of judges is similar, perhaps over represented by 25 to one. The remainder of lawyers that pass for other races are of course actually Jews. Every lawyer commits treason every day of its life. There is no need for such a profession.

I am well known for my advocacy of Zionism. Death is too kind of a punishment for the crime of having been born a Jew. The punishment must fit the crime.
Only a lifetime of confinement with other Jews in Israel will suffice.

Death is FAR too kind of a punishment for the crime of having been born a Lawyer. Let them be sent to Israel to serve as Shabbos Goyim and let the Jews make them their slaves. The law schools should be kept open for two generations to find the ones we have missed due to recessive genes. This will provide a fresh supply slaves for the Jews.

I plan to live to see our race free of Lawyers and Jews.

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian
7 May, 2007








Look at his color, because that tells you a lot. In the jungle, he wouldn’t be bright enough to hold onto his banana, thus would be eliminated from the gene pool. In America, however, we believe in survival of the least fit.


More than two dozen Israeli motorists maneuvered
around the dead body of a road accident victim lying in the middle of a
busy intersection, failing to stop to help in an incident captured by a
traffic camera.



Dear Alex,

Come to Massachusetts and I’ll wrap your skinny balls around your head for you, shitkicker, before I stuff ‘em down your throat.

Steven Krauss, Esq.
Krauss Legal Search
73 Lexington St.
Newton, MA 02466
[email protected]






Jews Celebrate Sarkozy Victory in France

http://www.israelforum.com/blog_article. php?aid=735690

France’s New President: A Friend of Israel

http://ejpress.or g/article/16491

Jewish Terrorism in France

http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v16/v16n2p- 2_Faurisson.html


LAS VEGAS (Reuters) – Leading media executives took a combative tone against Internet companies on Tuesday, suggesting that Big Media increasingly considers new content distributors like Google Inc. to be more foe than friend.


bigwig sees more media consolidation


Murdoch’s attempted takeover of Dow Jones









Mark Farrell: It would be funny–if it were not so pathetic. The video clip says that only 9 percent of blacks passed the science requirements for the local high schools. And 40 percent of blacks scored worse than whites. To rectify this, the school district laid a big white guilt-trip on whites, spending $2 million dollars on this anti-white propaganda project, telling whites how “privileged” they are because of their “skin” color (as if melanin, or lack thereof, has any impact on anything, though one could make a good argument for other differences).

Needless to say, blacks aren’t scoring any better, but they may be feeling better. Who knows–maybe they’ll create some more brainwashed whites who will stand for the anti-white discrimination, which infects society like some wicked plague?



Just in case you’ve not seen this ….

Perhaps VNN readership would like to “take the tour” !


  • 3 Responses to “Reader Mail: 5/09/07”

    1. shane Says:

      pathetic indeed…. big surprise there’s a Jew at the end named Rosenburg saying whites have their foot on black and hispanic necks. Figuratively he is right but genetics explain that. Literally, he is wrong, the blacks and hispanics cause far more crime including interacial.

    2. Coup d'Etat Says:

      On the subject of lawyers: The ones who fuel this corrupt system are the courts. The courts, if you are to appear before a magistrate or a commissioner, you need a lawyer, regardless of the fact that you choose not to hire a lawyer because of the cost. Regardless of the fact that you know how to fight the case with knowledge on the statute(s) and the circumstances leading up to the charge. Regardless of the fact you have a bachelors degree or a background in law or have the knowledge of great reason to win the case all by yourself. No, all these don’t matter to a judge. You can submit motions and counter-petitions on the advice of a lawyer without hiring one all you want, but the judge will ignore them because you didn’t hire a lawyer and have paid thousands of dollars.

      The court system has always been a corrupt system since the times of no representation existed. You were found guilty until proven innocent. So the law courts thought it would be a great idea to have lawyers representing commoners. That’s all you are is a commoner, a supposedly stupid commoner because you don’t have a license to practice law. In this sense, you are forced to hire a lawyer or play mercy to the courts even if the charge is a misdemeanor, you still have to hire a lawyer or be at the mercy of the courts. If this isn’t a corrupt system, them my grandmother who died thirty years ago is still alive.

      In addition and on a slightly different note, illegals who make enough money to hire a lawyer are eligible to hire pro-bono lawyers. An American citizen who has a steady job, but doesn’t really have the money are more often not eligible. And, if the person is represented by the pro-bono lawyer, he/she may not, in most cases, represent you to the fullest extent of the law. But, with an illegal, representation is a lot better. Not a corrupt system? Then pigs can fly.

    3. Roger Says:

      Niggermania is great. Perhaps I will one day sign up for a Tour.

      I want to be enriched culturally.