11 May, 2007

O’FARRELL: Masters of Unreality: Don’t Believe the Kike

Posted by alex in Luke O'Farrell at 12:44 pm | Permanent Link

By Luke O’Farrell

Here’s an important question for you. Do you spend much time making models? If you say “No”, well, I’m afraid you’re wrong. Not only do you spend every waking moment of your life making models, your life has depended countless times on your ability to do so. That’s what your brain is for: making models using the information supplied to it by your sense organs.

I mean models of the world, of course. Our eyes and ears and nose and mouth and skin supply our brain with information about the world, and our brain creates a model of the world using that information. We have a virtual reality inside our heads, but there’s a very big and very important difference between reality and virtual reality. Reality can’t be false. Virtual reality – a model of reality – can be. Our sense organs can mislead us or we can misinterpret the data we receive.

We can also be lied to. Living things send signals to each other, and those signals are sometimes fake. Animals can pretend to be dangerous when they’re not: some harmless moths have yellow-and-black stripes and transparent wings like wasps, for example. Monkeys have special cries to warn each other of danger, but they sometimes use those cries deceitfully when they find food and want to frighten rivals away.

Those cries and that deceit used by monkeys are the start of two things that are fully developed in human beings: language and lying. Reality can’t be false: you can’t pour two pints of liquid into a one-pint container or drink cyanide and live. If you try, reality will stop you: you’ll spill some liquid or drop dead. But language, a model of reality, can be false:

Yesterday I poured two pints of cyanide into a one-pint container without spilling a drop and drank it without turning a hair.

Nothing stopped me writing that, but it contains its own contradiction: you know I’m lying because you know what I say violates reality. Sometimes language doesn’t contain its own contradiction:

Yesterday at six o’clock I poured some wine into a glass and drank it.

Am I lying or speaking the truth? Nothing in the language tells you: unlike reality, which depends on itself, language, a model of reality, can lie or play tricks. When the creator of the model has prestige and authority, those lies or tricks can affect huge numbers of people. In the nineteenth century the New York Sun claimed that the British astronomer Sir John Herschel had discovered a flourishing advanced civilization on the moon. The descriptions were so detailed and the prestige of the newspaper so great that readers accepted the story. In 1938, the actor Orson Welles created an adaptation of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds that was broadcast over the radio as though a real program were being interrupted by news of an invasion from Mars.

The result was mass panic. Those false linguistic models of reality had influenced the beliefs and behavior of many thousands of people as though they were reality itself. Maybe we could call false language like that an unreality, but we should remember that language isn’t the only or the most powerful unreality used by human beings. We also create images, and images, as models of reality, can be false too. We can draw or make movies of fifty-foot ants and fire-breathing dragons, even though those things are impossible in reality.

But the fifty-foot ants and fire-breathing dragons seen on TV or in movies aren’t truly lies. They’re not created in a conscious attempt to deceive and manipulate, and no intelligent, well-informed adult believes they really exist. That isn’t true of certain other unrealities created by human beings. Here’s an example of a linguistic unreality:

Race does not exist and we’re all the same under the skin.

That’s a lie, and like my cyanide example it does in fact contain its own contradiction. But it’s a much subtler lie and much harder to refute. Many intelligent but ill-informed adults still accept it, partly because it’s backed up by much more powerful visual lies carrying the same message. Watch television for any length of time and you’ll see blacks, for example, doing things that in reality they don’t do, like make scientific and technological advances or exercise power wisely and compassionately over Whites.

And in fact television does not carry the message “Race does not exist and we are all the same under the skin.” No, it carries the message “Non-whites are better than whites”. It also carries the messages “Women are better than men” and “Sodomites are better than straight men”. Those messages are pumped into millions of homes right around the world every second of the day, and though they’re all lies, that doesn’t matter. Television isn’t reality, it’s only a model of reality. In a model of reality, you can make non-whites and women and sodomites better than Whites and men, and you can fool people into thinking that the real world is like that or should be like that.

Seeing is believing. Images are very powerful and people will believe images where they reject or ignore words. Liars are quick to recognize and exploit this fact of human psychology. When the Western media was clamoring for South Africa to be taken away from brutal racist Whites and given to gentle civilized blacks, Winnie Mandela, then the wife of Saint Nelson, was often shown on TV campaigning bravely for her oppressed people. In one broadcast, a White policeman launched an unprovoked attack on her in the street. Only he hadn’t. Even then some journalists were getting suspicious of Winnie – later unmasked as a very vicious and greedy crook – and this time the truth came out. Film taken from a different angle showed that she had jumped at the policeman, dragged him against herself and screamed that she was being attacked.

But how many times does something fraudulent like that get shown without the truth coming out? And how many times does something true not get shown because it doesn’t fit the agenda followed by television? The prestige of broadcasting stations and the unsurpassed power of images mean that television’s false, lying model of reality becomes the false, lying model of reality carried inside the brains of countless millions of Whites, guiding and controlling their beliefs and behavior.

Television, in short, is the most powerful tool of deceit and manipulation ever created. That’s why the world’s greatest liars and manipulators – those Masters of Unreality known as Jews – were so eager to get their hands on it once it had been invented by Whites. They already had firm control of those two other great tools of deceit and manipulation, newspapers and the movies, so they weren’t going to let TV slip through their greasy fingers.

And they didn’t: today the alphabet soup of TV is as kosher as gefilte fish. ABC, BBC, CBS, CBC, CNN, NBC and the rest – they’re all staffed and controlled by Jews, and they all pump out Jewish lies on race and sex, deceiving and manipulating Whites into accepting their own destruction. But YTV – Yid TV – doesn’t do that just by creating a false reality. No, suppressing reality is very important too. The reality of life in White nations today is that non-whites are constantly committing brutal and vicious crimes against Whites. YTV doesn’t model that reality, because Whites would be warned of the worse horrors lying ahead as non-whites grow in numbers and gain more and more power over Whites.

Instead, YTV creates a false model of the future, the multi-racial, pan-sexual paradise that awaits us once the Evil White Male is put where he belongs: on the rubbish-heap of history. This leaves us Evil White Males with a simple choice: to lie down or fight back.


  • One Response to “O’FARRELL: Masters of Unreality: Don’t Believe the Kike”

    1. New America Says:

      O’Farrell has hit the tip of a much larger iceberg than he realizes.

      Television is the First Virtual Reality.

      The generation that was born after, say, 1964, had fallen prey to the incredible power offered by the newly available (and affordable) color television.

      The generation that refused to raise their children used the fascinating bright, moving colors as a babysitter; a babysitter that overrides prefrontal processing, AND induces the hypnotic alpha rhythms to the brain.

      This was done on infants, and continued, with ever-increasing skill, until today. Anyone who has sat in a dark room with a real HDTV, viewing material shot by skilled photographers with an HD camera, know how the Real World literally pales in comparison…

      The problem is, people accept what they are told by the television, and what they see on the television, AS MORE VALID THAN THEIR OWN SENSES.

      Reread that last line, and think of “Brave New World.”

      The goddamn demon JEWS don’t need a large, expensive standing army to control the vast majority of you.

      All they need is a simple plurality, and the power of social proof, to convince you that jungle savages are really those nice Dr. and Mrs. Huxtable from The Cosby Show.

      And then you go slowly insane, as your Mind battles what your Senses are trying desperately to tell you.

      THAT’S WHY more than HALF of the “Adult” population in America uses prescription tranquilizers; have to keep the cattle docile, after all, as they are led to slaughter…

      That’s where VNN comes in.

      WE tell you to TRUST your Senses, turn off the JEW TUBE, the electronic Rabbi, and DO SOMETHING to better yourself, your family, and your RACE.

      I worked with many people who were on prescription tranquilizers; more than I would have dared thought, and more of them are using them now, since the recent “restructuring” at what was work.

      Fortunately, when I hit a rough patch lo these many years ago, I learned a valuable lesson.

      Most tranquilizers are designed to keep you Asleep, as in the movie, “They Live.”

      And, the purpose of these drugs is to keep you functioning, while making sure you Stay In Line.

      In short, the Soul responds to this tremendous deception – television, and tranquilizers – by screaming at you that you are in a horrible situation, and must DO SOMETHING WHILE YOU CAN.

      The tool the Soul uses to punch through the chemical haze that is overwhelming the Mind is – read the next line closely, Children…



      That’s why my advice to one and all is to join a martial arts studio – and have your CHILDREN take Judo classes starting in elementary school – so you have a positive outlet for this anger, and a place where you can learn to transform it constructively. Yes, Children, properly harnessed, “Violence SOLVES Everything.”

      Along these lines, a quick commentary on some recent observations by Tom Metzger.

      Metzger made an amazing point a few weeks back.

      He realized that all of the problems he had faced came from his nominal RACIAL Brethren…White People.

      (Of course, the structural SOURCE of all of this are the goddamn JEWS, and their Jungle Savage Lackeys, but stay with Terrible Tommy and I for the moment.)

      Linder was right – the goddamn niggers, without the goddamn JEWS doing all of their thinking for them, would be headless monsters, easily neutralized in almost any situation.

      They could not do anything if the vast majority of our nominally RACIAL Brethren (and Sisters) didn’t play along – remember, the goddamn JEWS are parasites, and require a willing and subservient host.

      And, the vast majority of our nominally RACIAL kindred are pretty much worthless, at best, and actual liabilities, at worst.

      Think of how many “women” watch Oprah, AND buy her magazine, AND listen to her “guests,” and take them all so damn seriously…and in doing so, declare war on all that we have worked for, the sustaining of Western Civilization and the Institutions of Western Civilization…

      Literally, I have written off NINETY PERCENT of our nominal RACIAL kindred, and have strong reservations about nine of the ten per cent that remain.

      In effect, nine out of ten are our RACIAL Enemies, and nine out of ten of those who remain are highly suspect, until proven to be of value to the RACE, starting with their Family.

      They are all trying to map the First Virtual Reality onto the Real World, and DAMN if they won’t throw us under the train to make the Dreams become the Real.

      This is actually quite good, I think.

      We KNOW the dimensions of what we are facing, and we know that what will remain after The Culling will make sure that our RACE has been reduced to comparatively few people, but all of them will actively carry forward the Spark of Greatness that is in our Soul.

      You can criticize Covington’s Northwest Republic all you may; the Idea – the IDEAL – of a White Homeland, based along RACIAL lines, is an Idea that we can all work towards, with the same slow, sure certainty the First Mormons did when they followed Brigham Young to the middle of a damn desert.

      The subsequent success of the Mormon RACE – for that is how they saw themselves – speaks for itself, and is a quiet example of what WE could accomplish, once we begin to think solely in terms of RACE, writ larger, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

      And, if you can’t find it in your heart to send some money – even a dollar – EACH AND EVERY MONTH (the frequency is more important than the amount) to Alex Linder (address at the bottom of the page), Tom Metzger, whoever is Building The Fire for US, then look at what ELSE you spend money on, instead…

      For THAT is more important to you than your RACE – your Extended FAMILY.

      And, I can assure you, one day, one way or another, your RACE will return the favor.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!