16 May, 2007

Naked Neo-Con

Posted by Socrates in Iraq, Neocons, Socrates at 1:42 pm | Permanent Link

More about Wolfowitz here: [Article]

and here: [Article]

  • 4 Responses to “Naked Neo-Con”

    1. Kievsky Says:

      Invade your country, murder half a million of your people, hang your leader who kept the country together, AND MAKE YOU PAY FOR IT!

      That’s how Wolfowitzes think. I call the Iraq war “Genocide in furtherance of Armed Robbery.” Of course it was also a personal vendetta against Saddam for compensating the families of Palestinian suicide bombers (as a politician admitted).

    2. sgruber Says:

      The biggest war criminals in the world at the present time, are sitting in Washington DC. And these crimes are stamped “MADE IN ISRAEL.” Of, by, and for jews.

      About “time for us to bug out” i.e. leave the United States for Europe. This country is a piece of jewish shit from end to end.

    3. Lutjens Says:

      And you think Europe isn’t the same smelly Jewish piece of shit from end to end?

      I agree on the first part. These pukes can no longer call Hitler or any Arab or other dictator a war criminal anymore. The crimes of the Jew York, Tel Aviv, and Moscow (Judeo-Bolsheviks) crime ring have far exceeded anything anyone else has ever done.

    4. Jake Says:

      even if it is a “piece of jewish shit from end to end” their aint nothing u can do about it faggots