24 May, 2007

Low Western Birth Rates, or, the Consequences of Feminism

Posted by Socrates in feminism, New World Order, Socrates at 7:45 pm | Permanent Link
Cathy CareerChick doesn’t want kids – after all, raising children is so 1950s. Instead, she wants to work in a fancy office, just like those gals on her favorite TV show:


  • 9 Responses to “Low Western Birth Rates, or, the Consequences of Feminism”

    1. honkey tonk man Says:

      Having large Ayran families makes the economy go boom. Bringing in non-white savages and their children makes the economy turn to shit!

      For every white couple that has a healthy white baby they should be given:
      $30,000 for the first child
      $40,000 for the second
      $50,000 for the third
      $60,000 for the fourth
      $75,000 for the fifth
      $100,000 for the sixth and beyond

      Healthy white babies are very hard to get if you are trying to adopt. On the open market you can pay 1000,000 euro if you can find a white enfant for adoption. White babies are worth their weight in gold.
      We should spoil our women and treat each ayran mother as an Ayran Goodess.

    2. honkey tonk man Says:

      (I meant 100,000 euro ) sorry.

    3. honkey tonk man Says:

      infant( not enfant)…..Godess(not Goodess)

      Sorry about the spelling mistakes……”honkey tonk man” is having a few drinks tonite… shooting pool at home with some good aryan freinds. Steaks and lobster on the barbie , FTL on the speakers, cold beer and rum in the cooler and some fine local herb.
      Have a great ayran weekend!!!

    4. Celtic Warrior Says:

      It amazes me that large numbers of intelligent White women want to be lawyers and accountants. They think these jobs are sooo glamorous and powerful. What a con! The most powerful thing a White woman can do is raise the next generation of world-masterers. Now that’s REAL power!

    5. Anti Says:

      shooting pool at home with some good aryan freinds. Steaks and lobster on the barbie , FTL on the speakers, cold beer and rum in the cooler and some fine local herb.
      Have a great ayran weekend!!!

      And that, my friends, is why we are a doomed species.

    6. honkey tonk man Says:

      RE: Anti
      Yes any Aryans that dare have a barbaque over the long weekend and have a few drinks with some good freinds is destroying the white race. My freindS and I work all fucking week and if we want to have a few drinks and shoot some pool how does that destroy our race. Are we supposed to never have any fun with freinds. Lighten up….you need a drink.
      I’am going fishing on Sunday with some aryan freinds and was wondering if that would be okay or might that also be destroying the race?
      ATTENTION ALL AYRANS:The race is doomed because “honkey tonk man” likes to enjoy his weekends. He likes to have a few drinks and smoke a little herb on the weekends. My God the race is doomed…..where all going to die……

    7. bz Says:

      Interestingly enough, the birthrates in Turkey and Iran are now lower than in the USA…Couldn’t believe it, when I first saw it on cia.gov!!

      Although we can say that the modern, western lifestyle does something, is is definately not the whole explanation.

    8. leucocyte Says:

      We better all atleast have 3 children. The muzzies and the blacks are out-breeding us pretty fast. Especialy the muzzies. There women are perfect breeding vessels. They have about 6 kids while our brainwashed idiots only have one.

    9. Anoy Says:

      “Interestingly enough, the birthrates in Turkey and Iran are now lower than in the USA…Couldn’t believe it, when I first saw it on cia.gov!!”

      Feminism is spreading and Turkey and Iran are being gradually made more secularist/consumerist, with subsequent falls in population.

      So with those nations falling prey to feminism too, where is there left that has not been poisoned?