1 May, 2007

From the Kitchen to Congress

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, Congress, Socrates at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

Women used to be sex objects who swapped chicken recipes. Now they occupy the highest levels of our government. How far America has progressed! Say, how long will Mom be absent from Congress on maternity leave?


  • 5 Responses to “From the Kitchen to Congress”

    1. -JC Says:

      And the U.S. sends a Black female Secretary of State to nations that had such values as American in saner times threatening “intervention” (Read “precision bombing and house-to-house fighting”), if they don’t internationalize their natural resources, tolerate Jews policing them, and grant what she considers “human rights” to women.

    2. Kalki Says:

      How Jews use little wimins:



    3. Mason Says:

      Why is the forum diabled? I have been listening to the broadcasts and I’m interested in joining.

    4. aherne Says:

      Why do women have a few more brain cells than cows?

      So they dont shit on the floor when you pull their titties!

    5. brutus Says:

      Quote from article:

      “She chose not to reveal the pregnancy until after the election, which she won easily.”

      As a member of congress, that august body of flaming douche bags, this White congresswoman with the man-hater-hyphenated-name certainly was well aware of the jew’s position on live White births. This will not bode well for her in future elections.

      Look for someone to “accidentally” pull the plug on the kid’s incubator.
