21 May, 2007

Free Talk Live Monday with Yankee Jim & Stan Sikorski

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 4:19 pm | Permanent Link


It was an excellent show! Over 130 listeners on VNN’s server – 90 even up into the weeee hours! Thanks to Hal Turner for simulcasting on his network as well, allowing us to reach even more ears.

Special thanks as well to Alex Linder for joining us and updating us all about the Knoxville Rally.

Archive coming soon. Watch this space.

  • 6 Responses to “Free Talk Live Monday with Yankee Jim & Stan Sikorski”

    1. Chris Says:

      Where is the info on the Rally? It’s now four days away and nobody knows shit

    2. Stan Says:

      As announced lastnight on Free Talk Live, Alex Linder will be posting a starting location for Knoxville later today on the front page.

    3. honkey tonk man Says:

      Alex was on fire with passion and anger last night. Great job!
      This is how Hitler would get in his speeches before he was elected. This burning hatred of what had happened to Germany because of the JEW is what drove him. The hatred of what the JEW has done to white America is what drives Alex ..I’m sure!
      Compare how todays limp dick politicians speak with that of a pissed-off Hal Turner or Alex Linder. There is no comparison!
      Great leaders who can stirr the passions of other man do so because they believe in their heart and guts that what they say is the truth! They are like a male lion that roars with rage and killer instint….When the lion roars the whole jungle listens.
      …..The white nationalist movement at this time is like a young male lion cub who’s roar is too feeble to scare anybody or anything. What happens when he becomes fully mature?

      Thank-you Stan and Yankee Jim for hosting another great show!

    4. Briseis Says:

      honkey tonk man>> I’ll co-sign that! Not everyone has that gift- usually it is only one, a person can write but it doesn’t carry over to the speaking (I hesitate to call it “speaking” as that sounds rather tame). This isn’t the hummingbird feeder type of nationalism, where you put out something sweet and syrupy hoping to attract something delicate and tame-

      No, like Honkey Tonk Man says, a white man unafraid to pour out his soul and roar is going to affect people- and it ain’t the tiny birds who are going to lift up their heads and take notice and go on alert- it’s the other carnivores who will either want to join, or feel their own predation threatened.
      Veni, Vidi, VICI!
      Knoxville- MMVII

    5. Cormac Says:

      Oy Vey where’s the archive already !!! :-)

    6. New America Says:

      Sam Francis looked at Burnham’s “Suicide of the West” as a foundational document in that it diagnosed, accurately, the symptoms of something having gone horribly wrong in “the West,” in general, and America, in particular.

      This was defined as “liberalism,” a term Burnham used often, but never defined exhaustively; essentially, by “liberalism” he meant (government) mandated equality, first of opportunity, and then of outcomes, always, inexorably, as the Levelers.

      One example of this is “No Child Left Behind,” which insures the best and the brightest – members of our RACE, incidentally – are deliberately dumbed down, to insure the mandated “equality of outcomes.” Of course, the goddamn JEWS exempt themselves by creating their own schools…

      Thus, the principle has gone from “all men are created equal”(before the law) to all men SHALL be equal. Of course, this does not apply to the goddamn JEWS.

      I have been thinking about suicide in Burnham’s context, and think I have a grasp of the situation.

      Simply stated, suicide is the release of the tension formed – the cognitive dissonance, if you will – from accepting two contradictory statements equally, and being unable to resolve the Conflict. This, in terms, comes from accepting the statements uncritically. This Conflict is all the stronger if neither statement is true, but you must accept them as being true. The artificial duality creates a false duality, and this, ABSENT THE POWER TO RECOGNIZE, ACCEPT, AND ACT ON THE TRUTH, is the road to Madness, and despair.

      An example is what you see on television before you can even develop prefrontal lobe processing, the ability to THINK concretely, much less deal with abstractions.

      So, your Mind – from, literally, birth – has seen one view of the world on television – black men are superior to white men, and white women prefer the superior black man, for example – with the Reality that black people are white supremacists, as they follow White people wherever they go.

      This fabricated false Duality creates a double-bind situation, where you are damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. An example of the double bind we can learn from is the usually unmentioned Pavlovian experiment, where, in effect, the dogs received punishment if they heard a bell, and did not go left, and received punishment if they heard a buzzer, and did not go right.

      When the bell and the buzzer went off simultaneously, the dog fell to floor, shivering in helpless fear, unable to move left or right…

      That, to a remarkable degree, is where we find ourselves, because we have accepted the false duality implicit in the definitions put before us.

      Burnham saw proof of the suicide of the West in the failure of the West to expand; students of Spengler and Yockey understand his logic, and the spiritual foundation of his analysis, all too well.

      The failure to expand is due to the lack of confidence in the rightness of Our Cause, which was the inherent right of Western Man to rule the world before, and much more.

      This came from (demonic) JEWISH control of our media, and our educational system. Suddenly, we were falling into the Hegelian salami slicer, and our RACIAL IDENTITY AND HERITAGE went first.

      Without realizing it, the cuckoo’s egg of goddamn JUDAISM perverted Christianity, and all of our institutions, remaking us into subhumans – goyim – as the demonic JEWS wished.

      And now, we softly commit the functional equivalent of suicide by STOPPING – like Pavlov’s dogs – unable to find the power, the will to power, and the damn basic self-confidence we needed to overcome the false duality placed before us. That HALF of the (nominally) Adult population in America are on prescription tranquilizers says volumes; we literally are using chemistry to tell the Mind, our tool of survival, to shut the Hell up…

      The difference between what our persona accepts, and what the clear evidence of our senses contradicts, manifests as the Mind literally shouting at us that it is all a lie, and we must CHANGE, dramatically, and reject the blind acceptance of our RACIAL ENEMY’S definitions of who, and what, we are.

      This requires the ability to see the Truth, accept the Truth, and then cast off the shackles that we allowed the demonic JEWS to place on us.

      I have discovered this requires a willingness to accept the Anger we are denied even being Aware of, the force of denial being so strong that we are reduced to being treated as cattle in a feed lot, being tranquilized “for our own good,” beginning as Children.

      Psychologically, there is no growth without pain, the pain of having your preciously held illusions shattered, and as much of your Persona as relied on them, with them.

      There are many ways to become Aware of the Anger Within; some exercise to music that arouses the Savage Beast, others use physical exercise and practice of the martial arts; the only limits are the onces we accept…

      Anger is the key to burning the cloud of fog the demonic JEWS have placed over our Minds, and the false spiritual values that intentionally mislead our Souls.

      Their only power is our power; as Peter Shank so astutely noted, “WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US.”

      We can take our Power back, one day at a time, one minute at a time, one act at a time.

      Incidentally, I suspect this is why getting our RACIAL Brethren to join us is so difficult.

      The process of accepting the White RACE, and from that, White NATIONALISM, is not unlike a religious conversion.

      Alex Linder never spoke with such anger as he has in the recent few months, and I suspect there is an excellent reason for that.

      He is a father, and now sees, all too clearly, what plans the demonic JEWS have for his posterity…

      I’d be madder than Hell, too.

      And I wouldn’t take it any more.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!