13 May, 2007

E. Michael Jones Book Review: Salvation and the Jews

Posted by Socrates in Christianity, jews in America, Socrates at 11:29 pm | Permanent Link

Converting: what exactly does it mean? Jews have been converting to other religions for centuries. Just consider St. Paul, who was previously a Jew named Saul. Anyway, whether Jews convert or not is, we say, not the issue that White people should focus on. Race, on the other hand, is the issue that we should always consider. Race is the most important matter on earth, because culture flows from race. So, with that in mind, consider this: was a Jew born a Jew? Does he/she have Jewish DNA? That’s the issue to ponder:


  • 19 Responses to “E. Michael Jones Book Review: Salvation and the Jews”

    1. -JC Says:

      Missouri hunters: $100,000.00 Reward for Indian SDA Jew

      Timothy Thomas Coombs at least tried to commit murder by lying in wait. He is likely hiding among so called patriots. He is a Lenne-Lenape (Delaware) Indian, claiming he is White, Christian Identity, and SDA—the most Judaized so called Christians you will ever encounter. Read about Coombs wearing fringe like the Pharisees, having The Torah wrapped around his forehead and his hand like the most extreme Hassidic Jews today, and you will understand what I mean. Google SDA pop theologian “Clifford Goldstein” or look at his books online. Coombs’ hosts are SDA Jews. Coombs reportedly did this shooting for Missouri Jew Robert Joos. Google him, too.

      Serious bounty hunters should simply watch the Mason home closely and make a carefully documented call to the Missouri State Police. This bunch cooperated with the prosecution in U.S. vs. Chevie O’Brian Kehoe and Danny Lee Graham and there was speculation that Coombs is in BATF witness protection. We all think he is living and working at the Mason home.

      Missouri’s Most Wanted: http://www.mshp.dps.mo.gov/MSHPWeb/MostWanted/TimothyThomasCoombs.html

      Serious hunters read these posts to the end and then Google for others:
      Let me start over and “Set the stage” so to speak about what has
      my simple quest for a cordless phone for a customer of
      mine who wanted
      extended range.

      On May 13th, Sunday afternoon I was cruising the internet
      for long range
      cordless phones. I checked into ebay and sure enough,
      there was one!
      Here is exactly what they claimed:

      Range (City) 28 miles Range: (up to) Open area:
      518 miles Air
      95 miles
      New for the year 2002 the CE 6150CIDM Extreme Long Range
      Cordless Phone
      Mobile Kit Phone and standard handset. Available for
      use with any
      system around the world so be sure to let us know which
      power source
      (110VAC, 220VAC, or 12VDC) this phone will be used with
      in your winning
      reply. Extra added new features, such as FSK/DTMF caller
      IDs, automatic
      phone on/off, power indicator, saving mode, and
      extended range makes
      a gem in any users hand. Those in the mission field have
      demanded this
      and we have heard their pleas. So simple a child can use
      this cordless
      at home or office . Other features include noise
      reduction, a frequency
      which will not interfere with HAM or military equipment,
      handset keypad
      lock, call waiting and talk time indicator.
      The FSK/DTMF autocompatible caller ID on handsets
      are also nice
      when the phone is in another location out of range. Yes,
      even when you
      not reach the base, you will still know who is calling you.
      This small yet powerful phone works better than any
      other in our 61xx
      line. Our work shop and offices are somewhat secluded
      and a drive to
      post office or retail outlet is 5 miles away. No problem
      for cordless
      which is included with this sale.

      This is an EXCLUSIVE to us for perpublic sales. We have
      tested this
      to 95 miles. Developed because the public demanded a phone with a
      range for everything from Missionaries to pizza and taxi
      drivers. Even
      of our law enforcement units are now using these in place
      of their Cell

      I’d heard through various sources that they were putting
      these things on
      meters of all places! So, I thought I’d just ask some
      simple questions.
      Here is my first email contact with Custom Electronics.

      (first email question to Custom Electronics on 051301)

      If these phones do not use 800900 MHz….what exactly are the
      What is the power output of the base unit and handset.
      What license do
      have to get to operate these phones?

      Thanks for your time.

      (Custom Electronics Reply)

      “Custom Electronics Marla Harmer (CEO)”

    2. NSN Says:

      Roy Schoeman is always a Jew. What is this? An attempt to sever the Christian from his White history? If there is any greatness in Christianity, if it is salvific, it is because the White race made it so. Now this Jew wants to claim it for his race.

    3. saltriver Says:

      The jew wears many disguises. He is very adept at misdirection and outright lying.If he is born a jew,his first allegiance will always be to the hive.

    4. Briseis Says:

      Strange how our critics make it seem like our “fascination” with race is “only” skin deep. There’s just certain things that make up a “culture” that are incompatible with other “cultures”- even that word ‘culture’ has been co-opted by the PC gangsters. I once got into a ‘fight’ that blacks not only have any culture here in the US, they don’t really have any history (yet) either, that there is no such thing as “black history”, as far as the standards of what should be documented and standards of achievement, they are fresh out of the jungle and haven’t achieved jack sprat on their own. What is next, will they say banana slugs have ‘civilization’ and “commun-i-tay’?

      “It is always easier to believe than to deny. Our minds are naturally affirmative.” — John Burroughs (1837-1921)

      and hence we have the “Rainbow Problem”… one of many caused by the
      Big Problem.

      Look at this bizarre Orwellian warning on the answers.com site..ask yourselves WHY it is this way. Are other groups treated wtih such paranoia? To call a person a Swede , a Japanese, Greek, or Dane? That does not incite such paranoia.. so why this particular group, and why must we be so careful?

      They are in a catch 22 with this, even stating so, in that they don’t want to inadvertently imply a
      “negative connotation”..But there it is., and forevermore will be. Why? Because it is TRUE. Is there a “negative conotation” when I say “broken limb” “fatal accident” “virus” or “pain”? The thing itself
      IS negative in its essence.

      There is no way around it. There is no way to smooth it over, sugar-coat it, or make it look harmless and friendly.

      “USAGE NOTE It is widely recognized that the attributive use of the noun Jew, in phrases such as Jew lawyer or Jew ethics, is both vulgar and highly offensive. In such contexts Jewish is the only acceptable possibility. Some people, however, have become so wary of this construction that they have extended the stigma to any use of Jew as a noun, a practice that carries risks of its own. In a sentence such as There are now several Jews on the council, which is unobjectionable, the substitution of a circumlocution like Jewish people or persons of Jewish background may in itself cause offense for seeming to imply that Jew has a negative connotation when used as a noun.”

    5. Anti Says:

      they don’t really have any history (yet) either, that there is no such thing as “black history”,

      There’s more history, and not a little of it what one could call “glorious”, in Africa than behind the sorry, miserable history of the Scots-Irish in this country and before, to name just one overrated American racial stock.

    6. Eumaeus Says:

      I see a lot of White people with White DNA that are totally Jewy and totally opposed to White Nationalism. So I guess ideas matter a little bit too. If you had somebody born a Jew, who looked White, and was born and raised a Russian Orthodox, let’s say, would they really be a problem person in the slightest bit compared to a socalled Gentile White like Morris S Dees?

    7. Eumaeus Says:

      Anyhow the book is by some fake convert, a Jew who is still pulling for Jews.

      Fake converts, and that is probably most of them, they should be burned at the stake.

    8. sgruber Says:

      Compare the record of the Scots-Irish as indicated in the book “Born Fighting” to the history of the jigaboons here. Remember that Marchin Lootin Coon and Malcom (Man Whore) X are not examples of civilization, and that nigs accomplished nothing here except filling servant roles in a half-assed, just-barely-tolerable way, playing games, and moaning Motown. They did, however, do a good job of destroying every area they lived in, like Motown.

      There is no such thing as “black achievement”:

      Not to mention the Industrial Revolution.

      Which began in the coal fields of Scotland.

      Started by Scots.

      White people.

      Not niggers.

      As Alex Linder has said: Niggers didn’t even invent fire for themselves. WE TAUGHT THEM PANTS.

    9. Anti Says:

      Compare the record of the Scots-Irish as indicated in the book “Born Fighting”

      I wouldn’t mind looking through it, and have read a predictably nauseating review, but the title is just the kind of melodramatic self-congratulation the Scots-Irish specialize in to convince themselves that their racial qualities, easily recognizable as so much conceited barbarism, are virtues. The fact is they’re verifiable white trash, and always have been. Go to the Isles today, you’ll see what I mean; they didn’t become hillbillies and hicks in the South, but in the chilly gray North whence they came.

      Remember that Marchin Lootin Coon and Malcom (Man Whore) X are not examples of civilization,

      And Appalachia is? I don’t see the point in calling MX “Man Whore”; it seems a very pointless and juvenile bit of mockery. Beginning the sentence with “remember” is senseless. Have you actually read his book? You might find that that little bit of “white rapist’s blood” in him conferred above nigger-average intelligence.

      nd that nigs accomplished nothing here except filling servant roles in a half-assed, just-barely-tolerable way,

      Much like the Bo-ern Fahtin’ pseudo-Irish settled away from the Puritan/Anglo-Saxon coast to raise taters n make moonshaaahn? Sounds civilized to me.

      They did, however, do a good job of destroying every area they lived in, like Motown.

      Ditto for the Proddies.

      Not to mention the Industrial Revolution. Which began in the coal fields of Scotland.

      Yeeuh. When the British started whipping their asses to pull it out of the fields. Don’t mistake a natural resource for creativity or ingenuity among your pugnacious little people (for I take it you claim them as such; one can smell that blowhard pseudo-Irish mentality a mile away).

      Started by Scots. White people.

      White niggers, is what we of blood from Europe prefer.

      I suspect a few WNs of decent Germanic and European heritage, if they go to Knoxville, will have a negative impression of Boone. Knoxville and the Tri-Cities area in particular are full of white racial crud. Western TN has some decent specimens and the folks, including the cops, are genuinely polite. But eastern TN…..yeesh.

    10. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Although written from a purely religious point of view, it is quite an interesting article. There is no evidence of jews seeking ‘conversion’, quite the opposite, their hostility to European culture and hatred for the race that created it knows no bounds.

    11. D. Kerr O'Farrell Says:


      James Simpson, an Edinburgh physician, was the first doctor to use anaesthetics to relieve the pain of surgery in the mid 19th Century. His main objective at the beginning was to alleviate the pain that women felt in childbirth. There was strong opposition to this idea from the Church, because the Old Testament claims that God’s punishment to women for the sins of Eve was that they should bring forth children in pain. Fortunately for women everywhere, Simpson won this argument. I despise the recent trend in the USA for impressionable pregnant women to refuse any painkillers during delivery. Their fear of harming the baby with the drugs often means a longer birth and more trauma to the baby than a quick painless birth.

      Joseph Lister, Professor of surgery at Glasgow University, was the first to realize that the high post-operative mortality of his patients was due to the onset of bloodpoisoning (sepsis) caused by micro-organisms. Operating theatres were not the pristine places they are today. In the early 19th century, they were awash with blood and amputated body parts. In 1865 Lister found that carbolic acid was an effective antiseptic.

      Artificial Diamonds
      In the mid 19th Century, a Scottish scientist managed to produce some tiny artificial diamonds by a secret process that has never been duplicated.

      Agricultural Reaping Machine
      Patrick Bell won the prize from the Highland and Agricultural Society in 1790 for a reaping machine – long before the better known machine of Cyrus McCormick patented in 1834.

      The inventor and electrical engineer, Sir James Swinburne, patented many ideas and inventions including improvements to electric lamps and dynamos. He was beaten to the patent office by only one day by Baekeland for Bakelite the thermosetting resin that founded the modern plastics industry. Swinburne had discovered this material independently but did not profit from his discovery. He did patent another synthetic lacquer, Damard.

      Latent Heat
      Joseph Black (1728 – 1799) Chemist. Professor of Anatomy and Chemistry in Glasgow University (1756) and then Professor of Medicine and Chemistry in Edinburgh (1766). Developed the concept of “Latent Heat” and discovered Carbon Dioxide (“Fixed Air”). Regarded as the Father of Quantitative Chemistry.

      Brownian Movement
      Botanist Robert Brown observed small specks of pollen suspended in a liquid were continually dancing around in a haphazard way. He correctly surmised that they were being pushed around by the molecules of the liquid which were themselves too tiny to see. In time his discovery contributed to the development of the Quantum Theory.

      Buick is the brand name stamped on over 25 million cars in the USA. This car is the named after David Dunbar Buick, a Scot who immigrated to the U.S. in 1856. Buick started out as a plumber at age 15, and is credited with developing a method for bonding enamel to cast iron; a process responsible for our blue bathtubs and pink sinks. But David’s passion was the internal combustion engine. In 1899, in the city of Detroit, he formed the Buick Auto-Vim and Power Company, manufacturer of gasoline engines. David also patented a carburetor and designed an automobile, but business debts and failed investments prevented him from realizing profits from his inventions. He died, impoverished, in 1929. But General Motors saluted his inventiveness in 1937 when it adopted the Buick name and family crest for its new line of cars.

      Pneumatic Tyres
      John Boyd Dunlop patented his pneumatic tyre in 1888. He was a vetinary surgeon, but his interest in inventions led him to develop the tyres for his son’s bicycle. He lived long enough to see his invention become the foundation for a huge industry around the world.

      Chemical Bonds
      Alexander Crum Brown (1838 – 1922) was born in Edinburgh. After studying in London and Leipzig, he returned to the University of Edinburgh in 1863. He held the chair of Chemistry, which now bears his name, until his death. He devised the system of representing chemical compounds in diagrammatic form, with connecting lines representing bonds.
      Decimal Point
      The notation we use today first appeared in a book called “Descriptio” by the Edinburgh mathematician, John Napier, Laird of Merchiston, in the 1616. He used a decimal point to separate the whole number part from the decimal number part. Known as ‘Marvellous Merchiston”, he published many other treatises including “Mirifici logarithmorum” (1614) and Rabdologia (1615) on systems of arithmetic using calculation aids known as Napiers Bones. Other achievements include his revolutionary methods for tilling and fertilising soil. To defend the country against Philip of Spain he came up with a number of “Secret Inventions” including the round chariot with firepower but offering protection (the tank); an underwater ship (the submarine); an artillery piece which would mow down a field of soldiers (the machine gun). Biographical details of John Napier
      Fax Machines
      Invented by a blacksmith in Dumfries in the early 19th Century. This was not the same electronic process used today, but was a functional technique. Some years later, Napoleon used a similar process to send messages to his commanders all over France.

      Flailing machines
      The first successful machine to replace the primitive hand flail for husking grain was invented by millwright Andrew Meikle in 1784. His machine consisted of a drum into which the grain was fed, which rotated inside a curved metal sheet with very small clearance. The husks were rubbed off the grain. the

      Iron Bridges
      Engineer Thomas Telford is famous for building more than 1200 bridges, many of them using cast iron. Other major achievements of his include the Caledonian Canal, the Menai suspension bridge, and the London to Holyhead road. As a road builder he ranked second only to McAdam. Telford founded the Institute of Civil Engineers.

      The Kelvin scale of temperature
      Named after the scientist, Lord Kelvin (William Thomson), professor at Glasgow University, who was a pioneer in the field of thermodynamics.

      Percussion Powder
      Presbyterian minister Alexander Forsyth invented this in 1809. Within a few years the flintlock, always susceptible to damp, was obsolete. It was replaced by a weather-proof hammer action, the cap resting on the crown of a nipple which contained the flash-hole.

      Natural logarithms were invented by the Edinburgh mathematician, John Napier, Laird of Merchiston, in the late 1500s. He published many treatises including “Mirifici logarithmorum” (1614) and Rabdologia (1615) on systems of arithmetic using calculation aids known as Napiers Bones.

      Maxwell’s Equations in Electromagnetism
      Nobel prize winning physicist Richard Feynnman said that a thousand years from now the 1860s will be remembered not for the American Civil War which will be a mere footnote in history, but for Maxwell’s mathematical description of electromagnetism. James Clerk Maxwell(1831 – 79), who was known as “daftie” Maxwell as a schoolboy at the Edinburgh Academy, became a professor of physics by the age of 21. He created the electromagnetic theory of light, and interpreted Faraday’s electromagnetic field mathematically. He correctly predicted the existence of radio waves later confirmed experimentally by Hertz. Maxwell made important contributions to the study of heat and the kinetic theory of gases.

      “As a creative and imaginative genius, he ranks with Newton and Einstein” …Trevor Williams wrote in his book The History of Invention.

      Mackintosh Raincoats
      Since the rainiest spot in Europe is found in the Scottish highlands, it is not surprising that this technique for waterproofing clothing was developed there.

      Macadamised roads
      John Loudon McAdam devised the macadamized road in which the underlying soil is protected by a light protective layer that is waterproof and cambered to divert rainwater to the sides. the

      Microwave Ovens
      Microwave ovens were a direct offshoot of the development of the magnetron in 1940. The magnetron is a device that produces electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of about 5 inches. Its first application was in radar. The American science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein, author of the novel “Starship Troopers” amongst many others, was the first civilian to use a microwave oven.

      Discovered in 1928 by the bacteriologist . Sir Alexander Fleming. This drug has saved more lives than the number lost in all the wars of history.

      James Young was a chemist who made his fortune as the first to market paraffin as a lighting and heating oil.

      Hollow-pipe drainage
      Sir Hugh Dalrymple (Lord Drummore) (1700 – 1753) Invented hollow-pipe drainage. This innovation allowed the drying of water-logged land, bringing large areas into agricultural production.
      Radar Defense System
      Physicist, Sir Robert Watson-Watt, was the mind behind the radar network on the coast of England that detected incoming German aircraft in World War II. He had worked on the radio detection of thunderstorms (hazardous to aviators) during World War I. In 1935 he proposed a method for locating aircraft by a radio-pulse technique. The radar system was invaluable to the defense of Britain during the Battle of Britain in 1940. It operated day and night over a range of 40 miles, giving the Royal Air Force information about the height and bearing of German planes.

      James Harrison, who emigrated to Australia from Scotland, invented a cooling system for a brewery in Bendigo, in 1851. He had noticed that ether had a cooling effect on metals, and so he pumped it through pipes. As the ether evaporated it took heat from its surroundings to provide the latent heat of evaporation. His idea was used in the first refrigerated ship, the SS Strathleven, which carried a cargo of meat from Australia to England, a voyage of several months, in 1876. Refrigeration was a major force in the economic development of both Australia and New Zealand.

      George Cleghorn (1716 – 1794) was the army surgeon who discovered that quinine bark acted as a cure for Malaria.

      The Steam Engine
      Invented by James Watt, instrumental in powering the Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century. His engine was not mobile, but was fixed in position. Soon it was being built and used in mining, to pull coal carts up to the pithead. Mine manager, John Blenkinsop, put one of these steam boilers on wheels so that it could carry the coal further. This came to the attention of George Stephenson who was also a mining engineer. Stephenson took the idea a stage further with his invention of the steam locomotive.

      The Steam-hammer
      Invented by the engineer and manufacturer of steam engines and machine tools, James Nasmyth, in 1839. The steam-hammer made it possible to forge much larger items than before.

      The Stereotype
      Until the invention of the stereotype in 1727 printing type had to be reset if a second printing was to be made. It was not economic to keep the type standing for prolonged periods of time. William Ged, a goldsmith in Edinburgh, took a plaster mould of the type and then cast the whole page in metal.

      Sulphuric Acid
      John Roebuck of Prestonpans, near Edinburgh, invented the lead chamber process for the distillation of sulphuric acid. Sulphuric acid is of central importance in the manufacture of many other chemicals and in metal refining.

      The telephone
      Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh and lived there until his family emigrated to Canada when he was 18. He patented the telephone in 1876 and now there are more than 500 million of them spanning the globe. He revolutionized world communications.

      Thermos bottles (Dewars)
      Sir James Dewar (1842 – 1923) invented the dewar flask to keep liquids cool in the laboratory. The idea became the domestic thermos flask, which keeps hot liquids hot as well as cold things cold by isolating them from their surroundings, thus reducing the flow of heat. His scientific career was noted for his pioneer work on low temperature physics and vacuum techniques. He was the first to liquify hydrogen.

      The telegraph
      The Scots Magazine first published the concept for the telegraph in 1753. An anonymous contributor suggested that words could be spelled out along a 26 wire system activated by static electricity. The receiver had twenty six pith balls, each with a different letter of the alphabet. The pith balls would be attracted to their corresponding charged wires when the wires were activated with static electricity. The state of technology was not up to the task until Volta invented the electric battery in 1800, however.

      A photo-mechanical device invented by John Logie Baird in 1922. He set up the first practical television system in the world in 1929, in Britain. In 1935 Baird worked with the German company, Fernseh, to start the world’s first 3-day per week television service.

      In 1908, another Scot, Alan Campbell-Swinton, outlined the use of the cathode-ray tube for transmission and reception that is used in modern television. This method replaced Baird’s in the 1930’s.

      Tubular steel
      Sir William Fairbairn (1789 – 1874) was born in Kelso, in southern Scotland. An engineer, he developed the idea of using tubular steel, which was much stronger than solid steel, as a construction material.

      Breech-loading rifle
      Patrick Ferguson (1744 – 1780) Born in Pitfour, Aberdeenshire, Ferguson invented the breech-loading rifle, which was capable of firing seven shots per minute. With the help of this weapon, the Americans were defeated at the Battle of Brandywine (1777). He was killed at the Battle of King’s Mountain in South Carolina, USA.

      Around 1815 William Nicol (lecturer of natural philosophy at the University of Edinburgh) had used Canada balsam to cement pieces of fossil wood or minerals onto a glass plate and then ground the sample down to slices so fine you could see through them with a microscope and discover all kinds of good stuff–like bubbles in crystals, which told you something of the way the minerals had been formed, or the cell patterns that showed what kind of plant the sample had come from. Prior to this, paleobotany (… the morphology of fossil plants) was a subject virtually untouched, except for some earlier research by another Scotsman.”
      Polarization of Light
      In 1828, William Nicol discovered polarization of light (the effect that makes polarized sunglasses useful). He stuck two bits of an Iceland spar crystal together and invented the Nicol prism. Iceland spar splits a beam of light into two polarized rays, with the transverse electromagnetic waves vibrating in orthogonal directions in the two beams. If two Nicol prisms were used, when the second one was rotated, one of the polarized light rays coming through would dim and then cut off once it had rotated through 90 degrees.
      The Cloud Chamber
      was invented by Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (1869 – 1959) an eminent Edinburgh scientist. After observing optical atmospheric phenomena in the Highlands, he realized that condensation trails could be used to track and detect atomic and subatomic particles. The cloud chamber became an indispensible detection device in nuclear physics, and therefore he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1927. In addition to his research on atomic physics, Wilson studied atmospheric phenomena all his life and his work on the electrical behaviour of the atmosphere is the basis of our understanding of what is involved in thunderstorms.

      This website is Copyright © 1999 & 2004 Electrick Publications. The bird logo and name Solar Navigator are trademarks. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are hereby acknowledged. http://www.maxenergy.org is an environmental educational charity.

      see the book How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe’s Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything In It by Arthur Herman


    12. Campbell Crawford Clan Says:

      A Scots-Irish lassie must have rebuffed Anti’s advances… did she tell you to “Go away little boy, you bother me? Methinks this is merely sour grapes from an envious prig.

      Thank you D. Kerr O’Farrell for your interesting and informative post on Scottish inventions.

      Scotland forever!

    13. Celtic Warrior Says:

      There are 4 racial sub groups within the territory of Scotland; Scots, Picts, Norse, and Angles/Jutes.

    14. Anti Says:

      CW with his impressive ability to appear to say much, but invariably very little.

      The Scottish are the master race. Everyone knows that. They invented everything — like the Irish, the Italians, the Chinese, the Jews, and the Africans.

    15. Aquinas Says:

      Jones MP3 Podcast: • Sam Francis, Race, and Religion, an interview with E. Michael Jones (May 2007):


      From this Page:


    16. Aquinas Says:

      In ‘Who Paid the Piper?: CIA and the Cultural Cold War’ Frances Stonor Saunders tells some of the story of how the CIA invented, financed and publicised such moderate-progressive American cultural phenomena as ‘Abstract Expressionism’ (splashes of near-meaningless colour hailed as genius). This was supposed to be a thrust in the cultural war against communism. It is perhaps more correct to think that the threat of ‘Communism’ was being used to sell progressive tropes to conservative Americans.

      Where does the CIA end and judaism begin? Perhaps finance or the market decides that one. I do recall, however, a BBC interviewee describe how she passed the test to be one of Churchill’s WW2 secretaries by correctly answering 3 questions about yiddishkeit! There’s hope for us yet.

    17. Victoria Says:

      Who said Morris Dees is a White gentile as one of the posters state? Morris Dees is a bonafide Jew! Can’t you tell by just looking at him? I have come to know Jews just by their appearance. Some have cosmetic surgery and change their names, but they cannot get rid of that “look”. Start by observing those who you know are Jews and it becomes second nature after awhile. Especially those with “white skin”.

    18. Victoria Says:

      Jews do not convert to Christianity. They pretend to so as to deceive the flock. Look at Hal Lindsey (Jew), Jack Van Impe(Jew) Jim Baker(jew) and many many more. Many of the Gay Pedophile Catholic Priests that got caught were Jews. How else to deceive the WHITE Christians into their own apathy and eventual genocide??? Saul was not a Jew. Neither was any of those in the Bible that Jews claim as their own…… Especially Jesus.

    19. sgruber Says:

      Read “The Birth of the Modern” by kike-a-like court historian Paul Johnson. Even he is aware of the facts of the Industrial Revolution, and reports them. Unlike anti with his silly posts.

      Always trying to stir up trouble among Whites, the jew iz!